As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As I was looking over my herd of apples this morning, I noticed in one container this humungous root in there, and in talking to myself asked what in the world that thing was.
It turned out that somehow in planting the sprouts which had leaves that there must have been 7 apple seeds in the bed, as that is what this was. It must have done nothing but grow roots and washed out with the rain last night.
Thing is, I have noticed in some of these sprouts that the roots do not behave....well in most of them. Roots are supposed to grow out, and not around the seed, or form corkscrews of as in this one, the root was growing up in a St. Louis Arch, then went horizontal.
This makes trying to plant such things impossible as the little leaf sport is growing horizontal and a half inch under the arch.
I tried seeing if it would give, very carefully, but this is like bean sprouts and they snap and do not by Holy Angel help, I somehow got it laying on it's side, somehow buried, and somehow the little leaves are sort of above the least I can see green.
I watered it in, but that was like burying fossils in the deluge as somehow all the dirt wanted to bury the leaves 6 feet under. I kept washing it out, poking the dirt away, and finally got it settled so it looks like a massive rainstorm put a ton of water on this wee bit of leaves and one does not know if it will live or die as it seems the whole world is against it.
I do not think that roots growing in arches are anything durable, but I do conclude like Stonewall Jackson that all things work together for them that love the Lord and God does not do anything without purpose.
So I jammed a spoon into the ground and did not break this root off. I pressed it in and did not break it off. It has been hot, and I have been watering and the roots on top of the soil did not burn off too bad....and it grew leaves.
It reminds me of a story my Grandpa told me of some man in Europe who was sentenced to death and he told them, "I am innocent, so bury a tree upside down on my grave and it will grow as proof you executed an innocent man."
Grandpa said he saw that tree, and it was creepy as it was growing.
God must have some purpose in this tree in being number 10 that I have not discovered a way to kill in this learning process. So I wonder what He is up to. I will have to mark it or something, like the Pink Lady and the first one, as even now I am forgetting what is what with this brood I have to tend.
Usually it is 5 to 10 years before people know what an apple is, and another 5 before you figure out if it produces every year, how it handles heat and cold...disease....etc...
In past experience I found that sickly things are best left to die. Perhaps this is the lesson in this, but I will not know, as there is no information on these things, except of course here. I wonder why I am always stuck doing the dirty work, only to have one person stumble upon this and be pleased that they were having the same problem and what the results were.
I think there is like a dozen seeds which have not sprouted. If I started with 50, got peroxide to sprout twenty more or so, that is better than normal. Some of these are sure hard in birthing as they appear dead in the soil with roots, but batch #2 suddenly all just became seedlings in a day. I certainly have good weather today in it is light showers now to snuggle the seeds in, and transfer from a 40 degree fridge to hopefully a new life.
I just need God to get land to put them in now as trees are not pot plants.
I see that in naming this article I mistyped it as Apole #10. If things do not get lost, perhaps this will be known as the Apole variety. I will just have to see what God has in purpose for this in His Will being accomplished.
As it is the Sabbath, time to read, pray and see if God will be even more Merciful to me, as I do need more Mercy than a nation it seems. Then again I have a St. Louis Arch tree root. I wonder if the tens of thousands of seedlings the University of Minnesota meddles with has a percentage of special things like seedling trying to become a tree.
Not wondering too hard on that one.
*Note as I did not have internet to post this, time has indeed proven a proverbial Wisdom, as #10 due to "maintenance" notices had to be brought indoors for 24 hours, at which time it died. Another plant singed too, so I am contemplating the thought indeed was from the Holy Ghost that oddities like chickens which do not come out of eggs, should be left there in being weak as they die anyway if helped.
Odd things in this, that the 15 seeds in the fridge which did not sprout, will not sprout, and the batch of slow sprouting seeds when planted, none of them appeared, but due to the cool and plentiful rains, the last batch has 10 wee baby apple trees shooting up.......and they too were inside for protection that killed the others.
I do not like things dying, but if this is the reason in being nature's culls, then it is better than to invest 10 years in a tree only to have it break off or die of some disease speading to other trees.
Honeycrisp is such a tree that winter killed and was saved. All those inferior genetics are now infusing across the globe.
I can increase sprout rate, but it seems with inferior trees. It just may be like in dog litters that there are only maybe two good apple trees in each apple, and the rest of the seeds are culls.
I know from my store Roma tomatoes that while all the seeds planted sprouted, two later ones are more sickly looking, one other broke off in the wind, the first sprout is not progressing and has been caught by two others which have thick stems and are growing robustly.
Even a dead apple produces an important crop.
But a dead tree produces nothing........Apple # 10 is long returned to dust........and now a crop of a dozen other little ones has risen, sprouted in a Pink Lady Apple........waiting on the Bun Apples......that is another story.