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The Gigantic Tragedy of Woodrow Wilson


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"With thirty-nine years of contacts with world affairs since that Treaty, and the aid of the mass of subsequent information and disclosures, I can possibly contribute to an understanding the gigantic tragedy which enveloped Woodrow Wilson and the whole world."

- Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was one of the most successful Americans to ever live. Before World War I, he had 18 years experience as an administrative engineer, managing large industry in Russia, China, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Britain, Belgium, Mexico and these United States.

He oversaw the feeding of 10 million Belgiums and northern French by German occupation, and was the only person moving freely inside and outside the lines of battle in relief work in contact with all parties.
He had constant contact not with just the governments nor the financial networks, but from the working force up. His understanding an industrialist and as world leader, gives full insight into the ordeal of Woodrow Wilson and the disaster which that internationalism set of which is still consuming America in the 21st century.
Herbert Hoover is a voice to be listened to.

This quote in the forward of President Hoover's writings explains exactly who Woodrow Wilson was as an American who was very proud of his Presbyterians roots in the 1600's. You will find he was neither socialist nor liberal, which is of interest in having high morals, as the punchline in this follows in the second assessment of Herbert Hoover of Wilson.

"His philosophy of American living was based upon free enterprise, both in social and in economic systems. He held that the economic system must be regulated to prevent monopoly and unfair practices. He believed that Federal intervention in the economic or social life of our people was justified only when the task was greater than the states or individuals could perform for themselves.

He yielded with great reluctance to the partial and temporary abandonment of our principles of life during the war, because of the multitude of tasks with which the citizen or the states could not cope. But he often expressed to me the hope that our methods of doing so were such that they could be quickly reversed and free enterprise restored."

In the above, we find the slippery slope in which Wilson yielded in abandoning American principles, and with that comes the punchline in this quote:

"The trouble into which he fell with these principles and ideals lay in their conflict with the age-old concepts and aims of nations in Europe. In these conflicts he was at times compelled to choose the lesser of evils. But he was slow to budge. He was not a snob but he had little patience with small minds,"

The Wilson idealism of grand internationalism was caught in the prejudices of Europeans doing biased things as nations do for their own good, and in that Wilson was not leading, but chosing between the lesser of two evils.

According to Herbert Hoover, Woodrow Wilson was a born crusader. He was an intellectual whose ideas for the world would be inflicted on others "for their own good" by the edge of blade and the strike of firing pin.
Wilson was the first leader since the Crusades to bleed his nation for an idea, instead of for a national security. You will hear echos in this of Barack Hussein Obama and Franklin Delano Roosevelt in both entered the world with the idea of "morals" of world peace, but both instantly chose warfare to smash the world into a peace of their own making.

The world did not gain peace from Woodrow Wilson's great European War. In fact, all it accomplished was sowing a second world war under Franklin Roosevelt, and re ignited Cold War under Birther Hussein Obama, all for the price of western peoples dead, impoverished, while Slavics are traded as vassal states and German Genocide.

Woodrow Wilson embarked upon the end's justifying the means and robbing Peter to pay satan, as his intellectualism among his pagan Crusaders of Franklin Roosevelt refusing to leave government as dictator and as Barack Obama a messiah complex foreigner bent on overseeing a feudal world, has sown his legacy of ideas into the world.

Assess the world in has Wilson's League of Nations which destroyed Empire, become better under Roosevelt's United Nations destroying national sovereignty, to devolve in Obama's community organization of the world.

Has war ceased? Has poverty ceased? Have people become more free?

In each case, the world is told, "We just need more of the same tyranny to recitfy the failures and then you can have your rights back.", but the situation only becomes worse and the citizen's rights never return.

America in the 21st century is a nation of enslaved debtors, the elite rich few ruling the the poor mob, and the reality that the federal and state regimes are exactly that in police state thugs terrifying their own people in advocating one more immorality from todays sodomite destruction of marriage to tomorrows legalized pedophilia.

"The story of this period is the story of the leader of this Crusade. It unfolds a tragedy to the world against which he fought—and it becomes the tragedy of Woodrow Wilson."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

The tragedy of Woodrow Wilson has become the tribulation of Obama awaiting the spawning the anti Christ and Armageddon.

"The road to hell was graded by Woodrow Wilson's good intentions, and has been paved by Franklin Roosevelt and turned into an Autobon of satan by Barack Hussein Obama."

- Lame Cherry

On May 7th, 1915, Herbert Hoover as part of the Commission for the Relief of Belgium, set sail to America to meet with Woodrow Wilson, over Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge conducting hearings on "foreign entanglements" and accusing Hoover of violating the Logan Act, which does not allow any citizen to engage in diplomacy with foreign powers.

The final quote explains how the brilliant mind that was Woodrow Wilson had engaged the Great European War.

My business with the President was over in less than fifteen minutes. But he detained me for some time, discussing the war and the possibilities of American intervention to make peace. I advised him that the emotional situation among the peoples of the belligerents, if nothing else, made such an effort hopeless at this time."

Woodrow Wilson had made his deal with the devil. Wilson's ideals could not bring peace, so therefore, Wilson would make war in Europe to bring about that peace.
Yes it is insane, but it is no different than Franklin Roosevelt's insanity or Birther Obama's insanity in making war to have their ideas of peace.

nuff said.


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