As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children, I have informed all of you, that when I was moved at the start of all of this, I had no instruction, simply a yearning to speak like a fountain gushing forth. I have been blessed to reveal some definitive Prophecies, such as George W. Bush was America's last chance to avert Judgment from God.
God has been good to His Name in allowing me to break a number of stories to prove what I am. God has also undertaken an education to reveal how Prophecy, the matrix, Prophets, Seers and those from the satanic deception work.
I do not make it a practice of keeping things back from you in some secret as a conduit, I am moved to fill in the silent places of Scripture before the End Times, Last Days, Jacob's Trouble or the Revelation begins to unfold and no one should after this require a Prophet to explain things to them, as the vision will be viewed literally in fire, blood, smoke and ashes.
What I am moved to relate to you on this September 29th in the Year of Our Lord, and presume this will be published in the first part of October, when I get internet access again, is a reality which I have been made aware of and it is this.
The Prophets were Inspired and moved by the Holy Ghost to compose Scripture in the Prophecies which will be. Nothing God speaks returns to Him without it being accomplished. If you have noticed in the past month, I have been posting some daily Bible readings which TL and I have been receiving from the Holy Ghost. The ones which I typically receive are dealing with Judgment. I have not posted my personal time with the Holy Ghost in Bible study as personal conversations are that, but the Spirit in me is moving me ahead, and I will by God's Grace explain what is happening.
What has begun through me is the Holy Ghost breathing Life into the Words again for the End Times. Prophecy is a matter in the Bible of being a duality, or your ancestors in Israel in the Lost 10 Tribes had these Words spoken against them, and Judgment came. These Prophecies will be fulfilled again specifically for Americans, the Western Europeans, and the Commonwealth peoples of Britain, just as the Prophecies dealing with Babylon will deal with the last resurrection of the Roman Empire which is forming.
The line in the Lost 10 Tribes runs from Finland down the German border in the Lowland countries and into Normandy France. To the west are the Israelite Lost 10. I state this as in the east are the Sons of Japheth in the Slavic peoples in Poland, the Czechs and down into the Balkans.
In the center are the old peoples of Empire of Assyria in Germany and Babylon in southern Italy with Greece.
I make this demarcation line for reason, as the wars have always split along those fractures.
Our Bible reading which is having Life breathed into it are the Prophecies of Judgment. The commission I have been involved with in speaking of the Silent Places has evolved to preparation of that which is in Prophecy in warning what is to come.
The reading is Zehcariah chapter 13, beginning at verse 8. This is important as verse 7 starts with striking the leader of the last day Israelite Americans, and that was not included in this, so the sheep or the people would be scattered for slaughter.
If you recall, I was moved to share a Feed the Flock of the Slaughter in that being breathed to Life in how wicked the rich are in America in the west and how they are robbing the masses to their deaths.
Verses 8 and 9.
"It will come about in all the land," declares the Lord, "That two parts in it will be cut off and perish; but a third part will be left in it, and I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested.
They will call on My Name, and I will answer them; I will say, "They are My people", and they will say, "The Lord is my God."
For those who need explanation of this, this is mirroring the Revelation of Jesus the Christ as all Prophecy does, as Jesus simply put things to John in a time sequence and ordered the first Prophecies.
In the End Times Judgement on America and the other 12 Israelite Tribes, including Judah, 2/3rds of the people will die from famine, disease and conflict. If you notice voting type cycles, about 1/3rd of the Americans are moral, 1/3rd do not care and the final 1/3rd are equalz sodomite evil.
About 200 million evil Americans will die, leaving 100 million to be "tried in the fires" of what awaits.
For those who think this sound harsh, the reality is when your parents in the Lost 10 Tribes were vanquished by the Assyrians, it was 9 in 10 who were slaughtered in the war in fields and cities.
Do not think that the 100 million are safe, for the reality God is going to try that group, and in refining the dross or that which is not pure is burned off or destroyed from the original lump of silver or gold.
The reason I made it clear about the demarcation lines is as bad as this sounds for the immoral western peoples, the other peoples are going to have laid on them a far worse death rate and that means Germans, Italians, Asians, Africans, Latins etc... There is going to be a reckoning for all this evil immorality and amorality as it is required in Justice and Righteousness.
I do realize how hard this is to hear, and people resist it, but God is resistless. My existence has always been hard, so I know of no other situation. My reaction upon this reading was to tell TL, "That ought to free up some land for us."
TL laughed at that as with a nation having that many people obliterated, things will become available as the rich will have canines wild and tame prying their cold dead fingers from the deeds, as God does reserve the heaps of the evil rich for His children.
I do not fear any of this, so as a conduit of God, these realities are breathed into Life and will not return to God without His fulfilling them in the End Times.
The reasons it is defined as the Great Tribulation as it is the worst time in all history on a global scale. Of course, there will be enclaves like the Prophet and the widow, as God keeps His own. If you are a child of God, expect to live as your ancestors lived through it all. Your Faith will be tried, but Jesus keep each of you Amen and Amen.
With this now accomplished in reaching your eyes and ears, I pray God's Will be finished for the Christ's return to set all things right, where lambs will lie down with lions and implements of war will be hammered into hoes.
My children, you will be removed from the diseased and dying womb of this world. There will be travail as in birth, and on the other side, there will be the Lord of Peace and Life there. In 1000 years, even the memories will pass away of all that was evil and hurtful, and you will be brought into eternity by Faith in Christ.
Fear not for Christ is with you, even to the end of this age. Be of good cheer for Christ is Faithful and True. He is the Good Shepherd and you are His sheep. He is the True Vine and you have been grafted in and of Him. Amen and Amen
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