As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the study of the German Genocide as instigated by Great Britain, France and agreed to by the United States, often the catch phrase in America had to do with the threat of "Prussian Militarism", as Theodore Roosevelt would rant about, this war was a protection against militarism for the civilized world.
From Washington, October 30th, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson, cabled privately his war representative in Europe, Colonel House, the following, as the British were against Wilson's provision of freedom of the seas, and the Italians were against Wilsons entire 14 points, with the French questioning various parts too.
In this, it should be known that Colonel House was going to blackmail the allies, by having Wilson cut off finance, food etc... and remove American Troops under the guise of "influenza evacuation" if these allies did not submit to all of Wilson's 14 Points of a new world order, coming from the American New World.
The quote from Wilson is telling:
"because we are pledged to fight not only to do away with Prussian militarism but with militarism everywhere."
Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson
The definition of MILITARISM is as follows: A political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force and to be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
I focus on the hipocracy of this all in the Americans in this, for Theodore Roosevelt was advocating a massive standing army after the war, and Woodrow Wilson had created a massive standing army of 3 million to defend and promote his international interests.
Franklin Roosevelt created another massive army as Herbert Hoover literally implemented the spirit of the League of Nations, and since 1941, America has been nothing but a political organization of militantism in the Military Industrial Complex, as it degraded into the Clinton Obama Socio Conglomerate Complex.
What has the Obama regime been in the 21st century but the very definition of militarism in creating a system of mass murder and trading nations as pawns for political ends.
These are the things which Woodrow Wilson idealized, and they sound a more perfect order, but when Germany was destroyed from it's Christian status in two world wars, deliberately started and inflicted upon her for militarism, then why is it that America in direct violation of these leftist ideologies, had leftists literally building a massive military to inflict on other nations.
If one reviews the militantism of these United States in direct violation of George Washington doctrines of no foreign entanglements, who was it that started World War I but new world order, Woodrow Wilson.
Who started World War II for America? New world order Franklin Dopelord Roosevelt.
Who started Korea? Harry Truman.
Who started Vietnam? John Kennedy in his leftist new world order.
Who started Iraq I? New world order spokesman George H.W. Bush.
Who started Iraq II? New world order child George W. Bush.
Who started the Muslim par dux wars? New world order agent Barack Hussein Obama.
It is pure heinous for history or those using Germany as a point of all evil, when the United States whose talking points was being against miltarism, has been nothing but militarism in violating George Washington's mandates.
If German militarism, without a Navy to invade or project power to transport troops, was such a threat to civilization, which one contemplates that Germany had more advanced protection of workers in their rights than America or the allies, and colonial conditions for German holdings was far better than England, France, Italy or America, as proof the Germans never had any uprisings against them, as the allies did, then where was this threat to "civilization"?
Was Goethe, Wagner, Martin Luther a group of savages or were the Germans in their Guttenberg Press, an enlightened people enlightening the world?
I am not going to be drawn into this propaganda by a debate as it is plain that Germany was destroyed, because she was a competitor to Italy, France, England and America financially, and the Fatherland was so industrious, it would have risen to a power displacing England, contending with America, and gaining control over central Europe, and the vast Russian resources which the cartel intended to exploit and which they did in murdering the Czar.
I place this here to absolutely prove the innocense of Germany, and the hipocracy of Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt, as they were the very definition of militancy.
So you comprehend this, it was Republicans who assisted Wilson in his war, as Democrats of that era were against it. And so you comprehend this, there were Republicans led by Henry Cabot Lodge who wanted no foreign entanglements, but were betrayed by Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover progressing this action for "Americanism" and for the financiers.
Do not be bogged down in this in blaming Republicans or Democrats. This was an issue of these intellectuals who in their visions of godhood accused Germans of the very thing these American patricians were lusting to build.
Just so you comprehend how heinous this was. German territory was Alsace Lorraine. Wilson took that from them as the French has stolen it. As Wilson lectured on this, he literally for Poland, carved off half of Germany in Prussia and gave that to the Poles.
The Poles in turn changed all the German names to Polish. It would be as if China carved off Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona and gave it to Mexico and the Mexicans changed all the names.
*No need for China to do this as the intellectuals through the Ford Foundation are invading America now for the same genocide as the Germans experienced in a new American Genocide.
Prussian Militarism was no threat to civilization. It was a rightful contender to the Rothschild financiers and these American patricians who were intent on global domination, which is an absolute evil.
The problem has been this bastardized American Militarism by these patrician militants serving the cartel aristocracy and financiers as it has ruined America politically, militarily, medically, financially and emotionally by design, and the 21st manifestation of Designer Negro in the image of Barack Hussein Obama is the most militant types of cancer upon the body politic.
Yes Germany was accused of militarism, when she only started building up her military when being starved to death after the Gentleman's Agreement of 1897 between England, France and America to destroy Lutheran Germany.
The threat to America is from the inside, as the insiders have taken control of a Republic and made it an assassin feudal regime. That is the problem.