As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This really does not matter, but it does to me..........
I was people trapping this past week. Near as I can tell, it is the one thing which the regime has not made a license for to extort money from sportspeople, who enjoy trapping.
This probably has to be explained as most people only know about mouse trapping and that is not exactly animal behavior and the interesting things, as you need bait, the proper set location, studying the sign and then seeing what you caught.
OK, so the bait we had was Fern. No not a woman, as that would probably be viewed as prostitution no matter Fern's age, and certainly would get one into problems if one left Fern alone and she was a child.
Fern was a plant dumped upon us, which I refused to care for. So God in goodness sort of rained on it, blew it around, and kept it alive for a few months on the porch, as I said I refused to water it........after I had tried to re dump it off on a neighbor who had enough to take care of and knew of no one else who would want this plant.
TL is sympathetic to plants and Tupperware in it should have good homes, and no plant or Tupperware should just be tossed Fern was there having God take care of it as I would have tossed it with all the evil in the world.
So I mentioned to TL that Fern might make a nice trapping project......well I did not phrase it that way, but said something like, "Maybe we can dump it into the public mail room here, with a note, and see what bites?"
This took about a month, but one Sunday, not a month of Sundays, but one Sunday, I said, "TL how about writing a note for that Fern and I will get rid of it."
TL did this and away I went.........and sure as hell, there was the maintenance guy following me, and there I was wondering if I was going to catch hell for dumping that fern in the mail room.
Sure enough, there was a car on Sunday sitting there with females in it gawking at me, and females never miss a thing......and sure as hell there was a guy in the mail room, looking at the fern and me explaining it was free to a good home, and him sounding off, "That sounds like a deal."
So I sit it there as people put things on the bulletin board to get rid of, and as I could not drive a tack into the fern, I sat it there as this is now past tense.
As TL and I took a walk about 4 hours later, I said to TL, "Say what about I check about that fern and see if it is still there?"
TL lets me go off and I go in there and there is no fern. I wonder if someone threw it in the trash, and no Fern in the trash...........that is really good trapping partner. Make the set fast, and have a catch that quick.
Fern was not that great looking. Was sort of ratty or sticky looking, but it had alot of green ,but still some brown sticks in it, and it seemed to be just the free thing to be picked up.
I know if I saw Fern I would have picked it up, but then as I put Fern there, I was not going to pick that thing back up.
Now I do not know who nabbed Fern...........she had a hanging basket and all, but it could have been anybody, except TL or me.....and I doubt it showed up here in this area here again, and I have not seen it on the neighbor's decks. All the same, that is part of the interest in wondering where Fern hid herself away to. If I had more time to waste, I would see if I could find Fern.......the way it is, I am just glad that thing is out of here.
This might be good sport in getting rid of crap you do not want. I could see using TL's trail cam to snap pictures of lurkers to see who ran off with the thing, and that would solve all the mystery of where Fern or some crap went to. Probably illegal in Obama cities, unless of course it is snapping pictures of Tea Party people.
It was a nice experiment though and I was pleased to take part in it, as the Trapper again. Animals are hard when it comes to like the big canines, but people are alot like coons in they just can not help but be caught.
I guess I have to get dinner now, and catch maybe some elusive Nutella or cinnamon toast,.....I am wondering though if plants catch things easier, as food people are leary of.