As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In 1918, Woodrow Wilson had blackmailed allies who were engaged in the Genocide of Germany, and Wilson had held down German to be drawn and quartered by lies Wilson told Germany as he literally destroyed the legitimate German monarchy.
In that same year on November 4th, days before the above was a coup de tat, Woodrow Wilson addressed Congress concerning the Russian communists.
"They (the Russians / communists) face with their initial test. We must hold the light steady until they find themselves. And in the meantime, if it be possible, we must establish a peace that will justly define their place among the nations, remove all fear of their neighbors and of their former masters, and enable them to live in security and contentment when they have set their own affairs in order. I, for one, do not doubt their purpose or their capacity.
There are some happy signs that they know and will choose the way of self-control and peaceful accommodation. If they do, we shall put our aid at their disposal in every way that we can. If they do not, we must await with patience and sympathy the awakening and recovery that will assuredly come at last."
Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson.
Every person with understanding knew what an absolute threat communism was, but the Wilson regime while taking food from Americans in that period was contemplating feeding Russian communists. In the above speech Wilson in the fool he is, thought the communists would live peacefully and he was going to assist them fully.
These are the same communists who murdered thee entire Russian monarchy.
Wilson would react to this in not attempting to solve this immense threat, but instead sending in a few Americans under foreign control, to fight the Bolsheviks, and it made no difference to Wilson that Bolshevicks were machinegunning their own people to make them fight.
Wilson had with his Gentlemen's Agreement brought on German Genocide, and then abandoned Russia to their genocide.
When one contemplates that Wilson treacherous child, Franklin Roosevelt, was best friends with Joe Stalin in laughing at Stalin's comment over needing 10 million German's slaughtered in war booty, with Stalin slaughtering 40 million Ukrainians and not one word was said about that, because Roosevelt and Wilson were fellow traveler communists, but the evil people were the Germans in Wilhelm II and Adolf Hitler, and those Americans like Henry Cabot Lodge and Charles Lindbergh who were against communists and against American involvement in wars in Europe.
That is the reality in Wilson, Roosevelt and Obama have cost America trillions in debt, over their communist cuddling.
Europe 1918:
"The representatives of the five enemy countries were later allowed to sit on a hard bench outside in the halls while their fate was discussed. And the Communists, from their stronghold in Moscow, were lurking in the shadows, creating trouble for all the new nations and their elders."
Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson
and finally, although Wilson stated he was against communism, it is of interest that when Winston Churchill appeared, demanding an immediatel allied attack on the communists, Wilson and his pet General , Tasker Bliss, suddenly did not want any involvement to "save civilization".
"Winston Churchill, representing the British Cabinet, appeared before the Big Four on February 14, 1919, and demanded a united invasion of Russia. The President's attitude toward Churchill's proposal is indicated by a telegram from the George Washington during the first journey home. It is given in the Swem Papers as follows: January 19, 1919 AMERICAN MISSION, PAEIS: Am greatly surprised by Churchill's recent suggestion. I distinctly understood Lloyd George to say that there could be no thought of military action and what I said at the hurried meeting Friday afternoon was meant only to convey the idea that I would not take any hasty separate action myself but would not be in favor of any course which would not mean the earliest practicable withdrawal of military forces. It would be fatal to be led further into the Russian chaos*"
Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson
This would degrade to a war which would bankrupt the British to be rid of communists, to America would have to come in, and in this, the reality returned that Woodrow Wilson on Herbert Hoover's affirmation that a victory would mean American policing of Russian so instead Hoover wanted to feed the communists in exchange for assurances they would not spread.
The same people who could not join in fast enough to annihilate Germany, would not wipe out the communists, but instead feed them.