As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well my children and brats, it is time to divulge all the hidden secrets of being the best blogger in the matter anti matter and to produce thee best blog anywhere, so that all of you can be famous and if you sell your skirt to Mockingbird like Michelle Malkin and Matt Drudge, you can be el richo too.
It all starts with a friend of mine from secondary school, who writting a report, quipped on day with, "Two pages is nothing to write. You just have two good sentences, and the rest is filler."
"Ask not what your Obama can do for you, but ask how you can bend over for Obama!"
Great speeches and great movies have one great line you delight in, and the rest is, "I'll be back", in Arnold Schwartzenegger Austria accent.
Next my children and brats, you have to mould yourself into the immortal genius creators of those creators of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota in the Rocky and Bullwinkel Show.
A cartoon?
Why yes Mam a cartoon, as the original good cartoons, were built to make ignorant children laugh, and had humor in them that went over kids heads, to the adults to make them laugh at the stupidity, so they would let the children watch them. Great manipulation and Go Go Gophers, Dudley Doo Right, Fairy Tales, Commander McBragg all provided multiple levels of humor.
Now we come to the hard part. The human mind is insane. Yes you are unbalanced and that is what bothers those who do not get this blog, as the human brain has about a 30 second attention span, and then it is off thinking about porn or knitting. The mind wanders and people do not retain a thing really. It is why St. Paul repeated things constantly to drill it into wandering minds.
If you watch successful music videos, commercials etc...., you can literally chart them by saying about 1 second timing, and the images change. The human mind likes also likes what you could call Rush Limbaugh fondling in the mind conditioning that is performed there.
It is nothing knew as the best stage acts like Red Skelton did the Frostbite Falls combination, in you soothe people along, make them feel emotional about things, and then make them laugh, so like a good song, you get them up and down on that roller coaster of emotion.
Never though bitch slap them as Sir Alfred Hitchcock warned, which is what movies do all the time now in alienating and frustrating audiences all the time. Hitchcock stated you put a bomb in the drawer, and then talk about all other things to build audience suspense, but you never let the bomb go off, or you alineate the audience.
You hate The Shootist and the The Cowboys by John Wayne, because he dies, and no one likes that shit. You like Rio Lobo and McClintock, because he lives and things are all happy ending.
Liberals are all f*cked up in their minds though, and that is why Mark Levin is around, as they like getting the Ray Lewis treatment to punish them for being such sinful asses.
One of the feeders of this blog is some old crumudgeon in which no one reads his posts or cares, unless it is about Dr. Kate, me or someone interesting. The best these Obamites can do is the same old Limbaugh is a fat ass stuff........the charges of LSD as they are too dopey to figure out what goes on here.
Old folks produces nothing original and TL showed me a post where he earned like enough for a tofu dinner or something with whatever zombie stepford is stuck with him. That is the deal with the left in they never pay out. Soros gets the big bucks, and unless you are like Ulsterman bending over for pocket change, there is not money in it for them.
So you should be like Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Greta or that new blonde tartie at FOX in pretending you are right wing, and then Peggy Noonan going hard for Obama when the chips are crucial to make the money. Always remember to be a fag lover.......yeah be like Limbaugh and Levin with that "god bless you" stuff like Obama does, but spew all that right wing stuff, and then stick one up the ass once in awhile to make the audience uneasy and condition know be pro marriage and then say you got married 4 times to show your Viagra suitcase of how you really are.
That is the reason I do not make money at this in the mansion figures, but I do get a donation for a steak dinner at times, but I save that money as Almanzo Wilder's dad told him in Wisconsin back in the 1800's that he could buy a glass of lemonade for 5 bucks or buy a pig and raise it up for more money. Almanzo was bright and bought the piglet as the old folks all were in horror of a parent giving a child that kind of money to decide on.
See I will save money, and in time I will get a Scottish Highlander moo cow, and then I will have the beef to eat and the cow too, and not just the steak with nothing but one meal.
Got to get this, I was listening when my teacher was reading the Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and not mind wandering......I got the lesson on economics by paying attention, and being frugal is part of it.
It pleased me greatly in some friends from Texas were saving plastic containers for planting seeds next season for the garden. To read that children I care about benefitting from my existential experience is the reward in making life better in the little ways which mean big results.
A penny saved is a penny earned. Franklin economics will make people secure and wealthy in the long run, instead of long shot lottery tickets.
As you are not aware, I just taught you something again which will stick, because you linked Little House on the Prairie in good emotions, with learning to invest in non breakables, and using junk in secondary ways, so you do not have to drop 20 bucks on specially made, but inferior, sprouting containers. That is how you make and keep money.
People like personal stuff too. That will bite you as too personal and the pervs want sex or too familiar and they prey on things they think are weaknesses. If you growl at people like a cat or dog, that keeps most of them on the other side of the fence.
Growling is things like TL has a big pistol sitting by the bed or evil people tend to drop dead when they bother me.
If you are unInspired, then you got a bit of a problem in being me or a popular girl. You can read Drudge like Limbaugh does daily and then steal ideas from blogs like mine.......or you can be a tartie like Michelle Malkin in running that Czar scam to distract people from the real Birther issue which will never go away, and having that staged fodder from Mockingbird, you then get the attention from FOX and all chatter about it, but content is what makes the blog or program generate buzz.
There is only so many times you can look up Meghan Kelley's skirt, before you want brunette. Sex only goes so far, like molotov commentary. You still have to do the work, and that involves using what most idiots do not, in a search engine, or doing that mysterious thing in actually reading material that is not Mockingbird generated.
I had to resort to history for the intelligent to re expose people on thought patterns and situations of conduct which were productive, as what is being conditioned now has turned people into jello brains on a leash.
A great deal of this should be easier now, as by God's Grace, I have reset the borders of thought and removed the barricades. By this, by overtly doing all the things which are tabboo from the Nigger word to profanity to dealing with the Birther issue to writing about God, suddenly all those thought police fences are torn down, and you can scamper around the playground without the NSA and police state paying that much attention as I get to be the popular girl running them as rats in the maze.
That last part is something one should not do. Always say how much you love the NSA and hope they had more power to rule.
I have taught you again now a few of the basics in refreshing your memories, so that when you see, hear or read something, you will now see how it all works. If there were 50 of me, all of this would change for a bit more least in that, the moneychangers would buy me out, and not just utilize the blog as a crash test dummy to monitor how brain dead the public is to reality.
You will notice that I am the only one left now. No one has been doing this as long as I have. Those who appear or are set up, will burn out in a short time too, as this is really impossible without finances. Life just gets in the way of it all. I will be pleased if I have in the coming months some time to not be living in two places at once, but Mom's place has gone trampled under since I was gone, and all of that has to be fixed.......and before winter.
As I write this, I am on the second week of packing up all of the things here into boxes and TL and learned to get heavy boxes down stairs..............I now see why God moved me to buy that 250 dollar outboard motor at an estate sale for 50 bucks, as it had a dolly with it that is heavy duty and that is what is banging down the steps or will be done hopefully by the time you read this.........thankfully my back is healing up from a few days ago, and I am looking at taping things shut for the garage, where we can then load, unload, reload, unload, reload and unload........yes when moving on the poverty scale it requires a bit more than just the 2000 dollar pissed to the wind cost.
I will try and let you know what we did, so that others will gain by the experience, when it is done, but if things seem lagging.......that is why as this is a major operation that I never want to repeat again.
There once as a dog named Bowser
Who pissed on the General's Howser
But one day he dry humped
And the cannon ker thumped
And that was the end of 12 Marxists with 1 captured German Schnauser.
I hope God does not hold me accountable for the crossed T's in that ditty.