As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I thought I would share with you a stunning observation by Herbert Hoover, over a man which Hoover admired in Woodrow Wilson.
The first photo is perfect in exhibiting the arrogant intellectual who smugly in his genius and acadamia had all the answers to mould the world according to his leftist mandates, as the world would of course in 1914 accept peace so save themselves.
The second photo is three years later in 1917, just as Woodrow Wilson was asking Congress to declare war on Germany with an expression of benevolent executioner uncertain of his task. It is a grave Woodrow Wilson, who stated he did not desire war, but had in his university degrees and brilliance, been maneuvered into progressing to the idea that if the world did not desire his mental peace, then Woodrow Wilson would make the world under American military might be made to accept his physical peace....and then of course after violating every George Washington and American Doctrine, Wilson then could return back to his ideals as all would be a league of peace.
The third photo was take in 1921 at the end of his regime. The smugness is gone. The arrogance is gone. The resolve is gone. What remains is the expression of grim fear in a man who started out with such lofty ideals, prostituted himself to snatch his ideals, and after all of that found himself in a reality that he no longer had any basis to recognize himself.
Literally in 7 years, you are looking at Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. It is disturbing to see this arrogant man transform into some Peter Lorie ghoul looking creature chanting "Master".
The only thing more disturbing is witnessing that the image of Obama has only smiled more smugly in enacting global rapine and murder from his intellectual crimes.
"He was the most extraordinary compound I have ever encountered of the noble visionary, the implacable and unscrupulous partisan, the exalted idealist and the man of rather petty personal rancours."
-Prime Minister Lloyd George of Great Britain on Woodrow Wilson
"If Mr. Wilson had been either simply an idealist or a caucus politician, he might have succeeded. His attempt to run the two in double harness was the cause of his undoing. The spacious philanthropy which he exhaled upon Europe stopped quite sharply at the coasts of his own country.
In the Peace Conference—to European eyes— President Wilson sought to play a part out of all proportion to any stake which his country had contributed or intended to contribute to European affairs He sought to bend the world-no doubt for its own good—to his personal views.
He consumed his own strength and theirs in conflicts in which he was always worsted."
-Winston Churchill
"President Wilson, by his League of Nations, has been the most responsible factor in setting up barriers between nations."
Prime Minister Francesco Nitti, Italy on Woodrow Wilson
"President Wilson, the inspired prophet of a noble ideological venture,... had insufficient knowledge of... Europe."
French Prime Minister Clemanceau on Woodrow Wilson.