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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The new statistics of the Obama years have been published and they are quite startling. At the same time, I have proof it is not just me, as one starts to wonder if your skirts are too high, when the rich people with all the pleading which goes on here for just one 350,000 dollar donation .......to prove they are not all heartless Scrooges in just one of them having a heart......as I we do need the money...........have not just left Lame Cherry to fend with the Mexicans for crumbs, but have cut back 4% to Lazarus and the dogs.
(That would be a Biblical reference for the rich who are ignorant of such things in Jesus stating you are all going to burn in hell for not helping the poor.)

The statistics are that the people who earn from 1 dollar to 100,000 dollars have upped their donation to charity by 4% the past Obama years, while those earning more than 100,000 dollars a year, have cut off from giving by 4%.

How much more damning evidence needs to be proven, beyond what God records in the book of the rich person's life to send them to hell, than the reality that when an Obama Super Depression hits, the rich instead of giving, cut back in helping others.

I can base a Sherlock Holmes deduction on this, as every person reading this has found out the past years, as Obama taxes hit all the poor people, in the rich people are getting hit too, but instead of cutting back in trips for kiddies around the globe or cement ponds to swim in......they just become Scrooge and claim they are poor.
Oh you do not get this, even though Charles Dickens explained it in the Christmas Carol? See when the rich people are having their stock prices skyrocketed by Obama Geithner money dumps.......their eyes gleam, but they are still poor, because they are being hit with taxes in other areas in cash earning. Yes rich in assets, but they claim poor in money, as getting a tax bill of another 50 grande to a million does make the rich sit up and take notice.

The rich then looks around like they have been robbed, and instead of blaming the Obama regime........no they blame all those poor people getting government entitlements, so in revenge the rich conclude, "You got my money in Obama spending, so I am not donating any more to poor orphans."

Problem is the poor orphans, poor Lame Cherry's, poor unemployed, and the poor cutting their damn lawns or waiting on their tables serving them food, are not getting the entitlements, so the very people in need, are the ones told to let a dog lick their sores for their Obamacare medical coverage.

You look at the rich in the favorite Mockingbird mic head in Rush Limbaugh, and he has like hundreds of millions of dollars.......and he is still selling books to poor right wing kids mind raping them.
Just look at the National Enquirer........I did because the democrat neighbor throws it away in the trash when she gets it from her daughter who subscribes..........but it is like you see just millions of dollars in the back of all of these people's names in divorce settlements.

The big faves at the Enquirer are sodomite backers like Joan Rivers. Only people they really hate are Muchelle  Obama and Jon Voight. Joanie had a massive estate, and you can bet that even though she knew what poor was, that she never gave until it hurt......none of them ever do. They just keep on voting Obama and then blame poor people for daring to eat, the way Rush Limbaugh was always bitching about.

My personal experience on donations is what the reality is in that 4%, in people who are in that 100,000 dollars and way under, which most are, are the ones who are donating when it should be going to their baby girls as they are working themselves into sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.
I am like the Viking in the rich in his neighborhood, in I just can not figure out what the devil they are doing with all that money. It is like, "Oh if I give 50 grande........well I will only have 9 million, 9 hundred, 9 hundred 50 thousand."
Yeah until it comes to dropping a million on some tax deduction thing, which will get them a plaque on the wall saying how great they are, then they find money for that.

The statistics had no hard data, but figure if someone had 100,000 and was giving away 4000 dollars to charity and then upped that to 8000 dollars. That is a big chunk of cash, even with tax deductions for it, in people who are not any richer now than someone with 30,000 dollars a year giving 1200 dollars a year.

I do not get it, any of this, in how if a rich person gave away a million dollars a year........say they had 50 million......and in that, they would die before the 50 year were up, in how they would consider themselves poor in only having 30 million and not 50.

I mean Lord God, literally, a rich person could start and Olive Garden for a million dollars with some hard working poor people as lesser partners......get a nice place to eat for free and be waited on........make that money back probably in not that long of time, and make so many people's lives better, but the rich will not even do that. They just sit there and haul in the cash and money dumps, get nailed on Obama taxes after voting for him or being suckered for some fraud like McCain or Romney, and then not give to people who need it, because taxes went up. Only to a rich mind would that make any sense at all.

I though at least know this popular girl is not alone, in the millions of other poor people having our crumb rations cut back as dogs lick our sores, as the rich have shown themselves for the Scrooges they are in cutting back 4% and nothing will get them to open that purse.

Maybe they are waiting for the dead rotting corpse of the person they cheated money out of, to show up with 3 ghosts at Christmas, but with ebola and other things being ramped up, I doubt I would wait around for a fairy tale to show me what a damned Scrooge I was.
Don't know why a rich person would want to visit their miserable youth, as they are going to do that when Jesus opens the book of their doom, and all of those horrid things come spilling out like a movie for all to see.

Just would think a rich person would like having at least a few moments of them being humane in all that selfishness and sin........at least to point to it and say, "See Jesus I was not such a bitch 4% of the time."


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