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150 million dollar loan


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I have been tracking how these United States were manipulated into war, I found that there was money to be made in humanitarian aid, as the Belgian Relief Commission under Herbert Hoover, had been granted a 150 million dollar loan from New York Bankers. This loan would be guaranteed by the English, French and Exiled Belgian Governments.

You have to catch this as it was American bankers who were thrown the enticement of this enormous sum to make profits over people's misery. In other words, the most powerful men in America, had just put up money on January 21st, 1917 AD in the year of our Lord, which meant that when a few Americans had died in the Lucitania stated event to draw America into war, that now America has a fortune invested to protect, and as bankers do not have armies, that meant pressure would be brought to bear on the Woodrow Wilson regime.

Herbert Hoover noted at this time, that the English and French were unleashing intense propaganda to get America involved in this world war. Wilson though did not believe the American people would go for this war, and he was still not in favor of it.
Hoover though stated that if America was not willing to pull it's share of the burden, would the allies be expected to pull their share? Wilson winced at this.

By February 2nd, both the military adviser to Wilson in Colonel House and Ambassador Page were pressuring Wilson for war, along with that British and French propaganda.

At this venture the Germans sank the Belgian Relief vessels, which prompted Wilson to recall the US Ambassador on February 3rd.

At this point, Colonel House asked Herbert Hoover what steps the United States should prepare for, in going to war. Hoover is not even an elected official, but instead is running this relief organization, and he replies with the following 8 points:

1. No political alliance with the Allies, but America confined to naval and military cooperation.

2. The bringing to bear all of the United States shipping to supply the allies with munitions and food. (This is the key part of the Gentleman's Agreement.)

3. Open all facilities to the Allies, to enable financing of purchases.

4. To reinforce starving out Germany in the blockade.

5. Join allied shipping and by extortion of withholding coal refueling to have neutral nations only ship goods for the Allies.

6. Employ the French Government to recruit more American mercenaries into the French military.

7. The creation of an immense "defensive force" to protect America and to enforce an American peace upon the Europeans when the war is ended.

8. In order to deal with a global food shortage, rationing should be enforced on Americans.

The above should really give pause in how well this was thought out. The connect the dots in this are the smoking guns. We know that it was the Ashkenaz finance cartel which ran the money exchange, and due to Jekyl Island, it was JP Morgan and others who were tied into this, as who was rewarded, but New York finance with that high stakes loan to the allies.

We see in Herbert Hoover's writings to President Wilson, an almost exact replica of the Gentleman's Agreement from encirclement, the provision of food and munitions, and the direct involvement of US citizenry into the French Army.
Herbert Hoover did not dream this up, but he has been privy to the counsels of all the European and American regimes, along with a direct tie in to New York finance.

You are seeing the floodgates of profits being opened, and the way to force America into this global war by entangling her. I seriously in starting this research never contemplated that Republican Herbert Hoover would be advising Democrat Woodrow Wilson, with his internationalist ideas, and how step by step America was walked deliberately into this war, appealing to the "protect our democracy" idea from Theodore Roosevelt from German militantism, and the "peace in our time" idea from Woodrow Wilson.

I never would have believed that a relief organization led by Herbert Hoover for humanitarian reasons, would be the tool used to drive America into this war, while Henry Cabot Lodge was doing his utmost to keep America out of the war in the United States Senate.

Oddly into this Ambassador Page had cabled Sec of State Lansing stating that the Belgium Relief Commission should be terminated, but Hoover objected to this, as he had already made progress after his ships were sunk to have England and Germany, both observe the neutrality of these ships.

In a third meeting with Wilson, Herbert Hoover, floats an idea, that since the loans to the Commission had necessarily failed, that perhaps Congress could grant an appropriation of expenditures in America for this operation as the Europeans would meet this organizations currency outlays in Europe.
Woodrow Wilson agreed to approach the subject.

Hoover believed the Germans did not desire America in the war, but stated in their "madness" anything could happen and indeed it did, as if by design.

The relief ships again started, and the relief ships were again torpedoed by the Germans. By March 12th, Hoover recorded that the British intelligence with the cartel Marxists had overthrown the Russian Monarchy for a "republic".

By April 6th, America declared war on Germany.

Wilson then requested that Hoover oversee the food organization in America, and Hoover agreed providing he could still oversee the Belgian and French relief.

Let us now focus upon the Belgian Relief Commission which was the tool in starting this international war.

Herbert Hoover was approached by the urgent request, as Mr. Hoover relates, of the people in Belgium and the government in exile at Le Havre in October 1914 in order to feed 10 million people in Belgium and Northern France.
Hoover makes absolutely no mention of these Belgians by name, and as they were a tool of the English and French, it is obvious by what Mr. Hoover records that when he was underwritten at 90 million dollars annually, and this jumped to 300 million dollars annually by 1917, that someone was making fortune in this food market. After America entered the war, the sum was 360 million dollars annually with America funding the relief in part.
As it makes absolutely no sense for England to be feeding people who were not their own, this Commission was the chosen wedge to get the Americans involved in this war as a first step.

Deducing in this an obvious source, it was America which was being gleaned of her crops, as it was Americans who were facing rationing.

Herbert Hoover then reveals something which sound rather disturbing in stating that the Belgian Relief Commission was the precursor to the World War Food Administration, which literally was a fascist department as it imported food, controlled food processing and stimulated food production.
It literally was Head Start in providing for 2.5 million children, and it gave to families, food, medical supplies, clothing, fuel and housing.

The very thing that Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson unleashed on America, was literally a lab experiment in a Haliburton type entity of nation management.

Hoover lists the international body, sanctioned by the American Department of State which he was managing.

"With the approval of our State Department I secured as "patrons" of the Commission Ambassador Walter Hines Page in London, Ambassador James W. Gerard in Berlin, and American Minister Brand Whitlock in Brussels.
We also secured as "patrons" the Spanish Ambassador in London, Merry del Val; the Spanish Ambassador in Berlin, Luis Polo de Bernabe; the Spanish Minister in Brussels, the Marquis de Villalobar; the Netherlands Minister in Brussels, and the cooperation of the Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, J. Loudon."

On May 19th, Hoover was appointed United States Food Administrator, reporting directly to the President. All of this will sound most familiar to agrarians until Ronald Reagan removed all the facist controls of what farmers were allowed to plant, as this minute control over food supply was instigated in World War I before the United Nations was even created.

What Hoover next reveals in this is the genesis of the transformation of America to a fascist state. By this I explain in government enforces the decrees, it is managed by departments to increase production and retard citizens from using their own resources, the financiers make money by an organized inflating of prices due to "limited supply", but to stop profiteering and speculation, which would compete with those who have the monopoly control.
Mr. Hoover does not put this all in these terms, and has a more patriotic note to this, but while Americans and Congress resisted this fascism, Wilson was busy hiding this in commissions so it was not an absolute dictatorship. They were by Hoover's direction to be called "Administrators" and he states all of this was based on the trials and failures of European models.

This is the list Hoover provides of all the President's fascists.

"The President made appointments irrespective of political faiths. No more splendid men could have been found than Bernard M. Baruch, who directed the War Industries Board; Secretary of the Treasury W. G. McAdoo, who was also Railway Administrator; Harry A. Garfield, who directed the Fuel Administration; Charles M. Schwab, who directed ship construction; Edward N. Hurley, who managed the overseas shipping; and Vance M. McCormick, who directed the controls over imports, exports and blockade matters. Mr. Wilson was fortunate in having David F. Houston as Secretary of Agriculture and Franklin K. Lane as Secretary of the Interior.
divisions, Arch W. Shaw, Alexander Legge, Judge Robert S. Lovett, and Robert S. Brookings. In the Coal Administration were heads of divisions, Mark L. Requa, Walter Hope and Henry Taylor, Sr. On the War Trade Board were John Beaver White, Alonzo E, Taylor and Clarence M, Woolley. In the Food Administration there were heads of divisions, Joseph P. Cotton, Julius H. Barnes, Judge Curtis H. Lindley, Edgar Rickard, Gertrude B. Lane, Ray Lyman Wilbur, George Rolph and Robert A. Taft.

I may add that after having served in the organizations which I directed, four became United States Senators, four governors, one an ambassador, one a minister, one a Federal judge, and two Assistant Secretaries of State, and many became leaders in the professions and industry.

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

Mr. Hoover was the food police. He immediately faced a crop failure in an Act of God upon declaring war, as one might conclude that perhaps God did not appreciate Americans joing in a German Genocide against His Lutherans, but Hoover overcame the drought in rationing food to Americans in such a stringent manner, that he was making huge exports from a statistical vaccuum as he noted.

From the above list, it appears if one served the beast that all sorts of grande things happened, including becoming a future President.

This went so far that Colonel House, wanted Herbert Hoover to FEED THE COMMUNISTS IN RUSSIA in order to calm the waters.
Yes German Genocide was not enough, but feeding the Soviet Empire while depriving Americans was a grande thought from Wilson's closest adviser.

As a most interesting point of the time line in this, the cartel led overthrow of the Czar in Russia was in 1917. The Russians were the eastern front fodder for the Germans. It was 1917 that America then entered the war, replacing the spent Russians.

It was an immense boon as America was exporting 3 times the amount of food as before the war, which  George Washington would approve of, but what he would not approve of was the violation of the Monroe Doctrine as America was exporting 3 million US Soldiers.

The friction came in this in the Congressional elections when Wilson released a letter demanding the Republicans be turned out of office. This shocked Hoover and it was not approved of by four Cabinet Secretaries in Lansing, Houston, Lane and Attorney General Gregory.
The culprits in this were his personal secretary, Joseph Tumulty and Postmaster Albert Burleson.

Hoover actually desired a pro Wilson Congress, believing it would strengthen Wilson's hand in treaty negotiations, and, when Hoover's letter was made pubic, he was excoriated by the Republicans.

Wilson though was handed a defeat in Congress and embarked upon his 14 points in dictating peace to Germany.

"Mr. Wilson began the enumeration of the principles which should form the basis of the peace which must follow the inevitable victory over Germany and her allies. These were defined in four*major addresses from January to December 1918. The President subsequently, for negotiation purposes, unified them as the "Fourteen Points and subsequent addresses/* They were Woodrow Wilson's proclamation to all mankind of the New World ideals of peace."

Yes this was the first time the New World Order was spoken of. For those who did not comprehend it when this blog stated George H. W. Bush speaking of the New World Order was speaking the New World as in American, that this is what Wilson was enveloping from the start, from the old world order.
It was the delusion of the Americans that they were in control when were but pawns.

Thus in lying to Germany which does not seem to be noted by Herbert Hoover, Woodrow Wilson released his new world order order.

"We believe , . . in a new international order under which reason and justice and the common interests of mankind shall prevail ... [25] Without that new order the world will be without peace and human life will lack tolerable conditions of existence and development."

The mechanism was  built and put into place, making American power a fascist state to be exploited in being impoverished, killed and looted.

This is the hidden wedge in this which steered all of this forward as it was as deeply plotted as the Patriot Act after 9 11, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the coming dollar reset plotted under Birther Hussein Obama.

nuff said


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