As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After the battle of the Washita, General Custer had Indian women and children as his captives which he was bringing in. I find it necessary in dispelling the propaganda to show exactly what was the difference between white Christian culture and the Indian savage culture, and yes the place that the Negroid had in America to set these records straight in people's minds.
The following story is perfect as it involves Eliza, the former slave who was employed by the Custers, George Custer and the Indian squaws in treatment of two Indian babies just born.
"Tell Eliza, I have just the thing for her.
One of the squaws among the prisoners had a little pappoose a few nights since, and I intend to bring it home to add to the orphan asylum she always keeps. The baby referred to was the child of an Indian princess described in a subsequent chapter. Owing to its lineage, the new-corner was treated with every attention by the prisoners, but it was not so with a poor little infant who was not the descendant of royalty.
The mother of the little "forlornity" was killed while fighting in the Washita battle, and the captive women were given charge of the baby. They took advantage of every opportunity to drop it in the snow on the march, and our officers had to watch vigilantly to see that the squaws did not accomplish their purpose of leaving it to perish on the way."
Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon
For those who think the killed squaw was some accident, the reality is the squaws and children, were blasting away at the Cavalry as much as the bucks were. In one incident, a squaw with a broken leg was in a stream, shooting at an officer, while holding her child.
She would not surrender, and finally threw her revolver in the stream and took up the fight again, before the Troopers subdued her.
In returning to the baby dropped in the snow, this was nothing out of the ordinary for Indians, in there was no human compassion in them. They valued children and that is a difference between caring for children.
They desired white children as status symbols, but in this same battle, a pretty white mother was found murdered as was her child, and a 10 year old boy was gutted by a squaw, as these were possessions and not people.
The idea of dropping a baby is in the snow, is not any different than those who said Trig Palin should have been aborted by Sarah Palin as the same crowd coos over Chelsea Clinton's baby.
You can see by the above that Eliza kept an Indian orphanage in collecting children like feral cats. It was part of the black caste in being Mammy's as that was taught to them by white people, in being one of the highest situations a black woman could obtain was working in the big house and caring for children.
No normal person would drop an baby into a snow bank to die. Yet it would be certain that if the Indians could have gotten away with it, they would have bashed this child's brains in as they did a white child in the same camp.
No mention is made if the forlornity was brought to Eliza or if the child was just left with the Indians where they abused the baby to death. It is a cruel world, and every time I see these pompous Indians acting like they are such noble creatures of yore or the Ted Nugent types speaking of red brothers, I remember the real history in the gang rapes, the tortures and how these savages would drop a baby in the snow like they would a broken arrow.
There would be far less of this modern communist state of Indians voting for Obama types, if they were castigated for the sins of their peoples as savages and made in rudicule to state that if not for white Christian peoples, they would not be anything but brutes today, as they hide as political thugs for the American left.
The Indian had no idea of good or evil. They only understood something was bad if their chief or a white man punished them. They relished like the wolf the tearing out the guts of a living animal and eating them alive. That was good to them as it thrilled them.
After witnessing the Afroid returning in 98% voting reality to the Obama plantation in that treacherous fraud after 150 years of emancipation, it is evident the Indian is just one birth from returning to the same savagery which appeals to their nature.
Christianity can only do so much for white people and history reveals that it did elevate the Indian and the black to a degree, coupled with their primitive lusts.
Just remember the Indians dropped babies in snow to be rid of them in post birth aborticides. There is no getting away from any of that as much as Afroids aborting themselves with the Obama regime out of existence.
nuff said