As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There was some reporterette who was platforming or flatbacking for Jimmy Carter over "Carter really could have beaten Ronald Reagan if he just had some balls and listened to his testosterone wife, Roselyn."
Jimmy naturally agreed that he could have beaten Ronald Reagan, if he had just blow up Iran. The strange brew in this, is Carter then sort of wafted into, "Yes we could have obliterated Iran if we had used everything in our arsenal."
Re examination of that, if Carter had said WE, instead of I, then it shows that Carter was squeamish about killing enemies of America and wanted to share the sin in his eyes, and it makes one wonder, what kind of sociopath Jimmy Carter is, when he phrases this as, "If I had been more manley and blown up Iran, I could have won re election."
I wonder now if that manly thing came from Roselyn's own mouth, in "Jimmy don't you get froggy on me as no one gets the dew on my lily who is not a real man who blows up Muslims."
Carter heard this from somewhere in he was girly for not using force.
The oddity of this grew then as Jimmy Carter then took credit for the hostages being released by the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1980, by stating "His prayers were answered", as otherwise innocent people would have been killed.......uh by him.
This does need a reality check after Mr. Jennifer Garner created that fiction about the Irania Hostage Crisis and won some academy award for that fairytale which depicted Carter as some hero.
To revisit this period of time, as Ben Affleck was still wet cum on his daddy's dick and unaware of reality, 1979 AD in the year of our Lord, saw the Soviet Union invading Afgahnistan and the advent of dropping exploding toys for children to pick up and have body parts blow off.
Teddy Kennedy did his best to unseat the listless brilliant Jimmy Carter, but failed, and Jimmy ended up chasing Teddy around the podium trying to get Teddy to shake his hand, but Kennedy would not.
Into this was the reality, that Jimmy Carter, exactly like Barack Hussein Obama did, asked for Kremlin help in promising to be a better comrade across the negotiating table, if the Soviet's helped Carter beat Reagan with some good publicity.
That is on his knees Jimmy Carter, while America was engulfed in the first Obama Super Depression, and Americans were being robbed at the gas pump, grocery store and by inflation.
Enter into this Ronald Reagan, who Jimmy says that he could have beaten if he had bombed Iran to oblivion. For the ignornant, there was a little Presidential debate, in which Ronald "there he goes again" Reagan so flustered Carter, that Carter blurted out, "We don't need the B 1 Bomber as we have Stealth Technology".
That little aiding of the Soviet Union really was something Carter could not overcome, like his Camp David Summit with himself, where he summoned the world, listened to all, and then came down from the mount, and promptly went on television and told Conservatives and liberals alike, "None of this is my fault. It is all your fault for being stupid Americans."
The 1979 press of liberals sort of woke up intelligently after that, unlike the Obama puppy press of the Jake Tapper fag lot, and kicked Carter to the curb.
I am going to review this again, as too many Mr. Jennifer Garner's were too cum wet to understand and were too suffering from cock concussion in daddy humping mummy in the womb hard, that when birthered, they were too stupid to read real history.
In any event, it was not Jimmy Carter's prayers that did anything for the hostages, but keep them hostages. What it was, was one of America's best intelligence operatives ever in William Casey, who was part of the Reagan Campaign, who negotiated a quid pro quo with the Iranian Islamocommunits, that if they released the hostages, they would have the good will of President Ronald Reagan.
The Iranians loathing Jimmy Carter immensely, gladly held onto the hostages in a real piss on you contest, in freeing them, the moment Ronald Reagan took the oath of office.
Casey doing this for America was a far sight better than Birther Hussein turning over drug routes to terrorists to buy them off in 2008.
That was the reality in Ronald Reagan with Bill Casey was saving America from the Jimmy Carter doom and stagflation and it had nothing to do with Jimmy Carter held hostage in the Rose Garden, not doing anything for the hostages.
Oh and my children one more thing, which is important in this reporterette and Jimmy Carter illusionary history..........
JIMMY CARTER DID when he was losing before the election, attempted a hostage rescue of thee most inept and deadly scenario. Now you must get this to fully appreciate it all.
Carter's idea of saving his presidential ass, was to launch helicopters off of United States carriers in the Indian Ocean, where they had to fly to the moon almost to get to Iran.
It gets better though my children, as those helicopters in the operations, were to rendevous inside Iran, in the desert, with a refueling tanker for the helicopters, and then they were to make the attack in downtown Tehran, with all of those terrorists armed, holding the American hostages which were all split up.
As it appears God was interested in America and the hostages, this had to be stopped, and it was, as the military aircraft crashed on the ground. If you remember Blackhawk Down in Somalia under Bill Clinton, well what followed was an immense fireball, the leaving of United States KIA's on the ground, and the mission aborted.
Jimmy Carter then, phoned up the Iranians and informed them of his invasion of their country, and that infamous now censored photo of the Supreme Council leadership arriving over our charred US Soldiers and one of them pissing on that corpse.
That was hideous and ghastly, but if the US military under Jimmy Carter had entered Tehran with those helo's, the odds are, they might have snatched a few hostages, before that entire bee's hive blew up and pinned them all down, right after a US made Tomcat fighter which Iran had from the Shah's government, blew up the whole works at ground zero.
That was Jimmy Carter flashing his dick in being manly in a military operation, which was a disaster, and would have been a worse disaster if the accident had not taken place just south of Tehran.
Now you are not going to get any of this information in the real history from Ben Affleck or Rush Limbaugh, but you do receive it here in the factual way it took place.
The idea from the American people of that day in the hostage rescue blunder was, "Of course it was a disaster, what else would you expect from anything associated with Jimmy Carter."
So Jimmy Carter can be delusional. Young twatzikas can propagandize history for Carter, but the reality in all of this was, Ronald Reagan was the heroic person in this, and in all humbleness, sent Jimmy Carter to receive the hostages, while President Reagan stayed in the background.
The fact is in psychological trauma, Jimmy Carter has never recovered from being exposed as the absolute failure he was. Carter took cheap shots at Ronald Reagan, and he simply would not stop meddling in other Presidential matters. Bill Clinton absolutely loahted Jimmy Carter, as Carter was interfering in matters like the Mideast and North Korea, which created more disasters. If you need to be reminded, it was Jimmy Carter's regime which allowed the Soviet's into Afghanistan in the first place to be "their Vietnam" as Zbigniew Brzezinski claimed and it was Jimmy Carter who removed the Shah for the communist Khomeini.
Every horrid event of the past 35 years, including Birther Hussein Obama, all have their roots in Jimmy Carter's bungling for human rights in Iran and Afghanistan.
When one has George W. Bush, thanking Bill Clinton for respecting his 43rd Presidency in not meddling and Mr. Clinton stating that he knew what it was like to have someone meddling in your administration, that meddler being focused upon was the obsession of Jimmy Carter who never got over being an absolute failure and Americans giving his ass the boot, before he started a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.
So what would have taken place if Jimmy Carter had blown up Iran? My assessment was that there would have been a war with the Soviet Union. People forget that Russian and Iran have a defense compact, and in KGB machinations, the Kremlin would have moved in that void, as only Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel remained, as did all US oil supply.
Jimmy Carter is an unbalanced mind, and those cum heads which flush to him in ignorance might attempt to rewrite history, but history shows that America did not have parts to fix aircraft and Carter was disarming America, and as he could not even mount a rescue mission, he certainly could not have prosecuted a successful obliteration of Iran, as Jimmy Carter's ignorance shows...........
He could have been manly in blowing up Iran, but the real man is intelligent to know what you do with Iran afterwards for US strategic interests, and that never comes out of Carter's brain as he never thought of it.
Ronald Reagan got the US hostages out of Iran on his good word. That is the reality. It was not prayers from Jimmy Carter, as if God was answering Jimmy's prayers, Jimmy would have won that election over Ronald Reagan.
History has proven that Ronald Reagan was the guy on God's side.
nuff said