As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In history, there is only mention of George Washington's Mammoth Jack, which produced a race of huge mules throughout America. That might not sound like anything, until it is your 40 acres and one mule your life depends upon.
My Grandfather was a horse trader. He taught lessons in it, in things like, "A small horse will do the same work as a big horse, but eat less".
He also was in an area which had a great Percheron stud held by some immigrant Scottish pricks, but he detested the thing because you couldn't do a damn thing with the horses that stud produced in they were all high strung and wild.
His best friend in Fred, the one who never changed his union suit in his life, had a horrid looking bay stud, that Grandpa did use, because the horse produced tame animals, easily trained.
In understanding that, George Washington's mammoth Jack was interesting as he was the offspring of a unique combination of heritate.
The best jacks were from Malta in size, and in that was the foundation of the American herd supposedly.
" A superior Maltese Jack was presented to Gen. Washington, in 1787, by La Fayette, and is believed to be the first ever sent to this country. Mr. Custis describes him as of moderate size, clean-limbed, possessing great activity, the fire and ferocity of a tiger, of a dark brown and nearly black, with white belly and muzzle, and manageable only by one groom, nor then safely. He lived to a great age. His mules were all active, spirited, and serviceable, and when from stout mares, attained considerable size."
Richard L. Allen. Domestic Animals
The real fact though is much more complicated as this was the case:
"A Spanish Jack and Jennet were also presented to Washington about the same time, by the King of Spain. The first is characterized by the same authority, as a huge, ill-shapen animal, nearly 16 hands high, very large head, clumsy limbs, and to all appearance little calculated for active service; he was of a gray color, and not much valued for his mules, which were unwieldy and dull. From the Maltese Jack and Spanish Jennet, which approach the size of the large Spanish Jack, was bred a valuable animal, Compound, which partook of all the good qualities of the sire, with the weight of the dam. From him descended many of the best mules of Mount Vernon."
Richard L. Allen. Domestic Animals
This is the true foundation of the white mules which arrived from the George Washington breeding program at Mt. Vernon.
Thomas Jefferson in his propaganda is always noted as such an inventor and breeder, but the fact is it was George Washington who was the astute importer of technology which worked and Mr. Washington made the real difference in American lives, in he bred his Arlington sheep, his white mules and had the finest pack of hounds in America.
I have always wondered of this mammoth Jack, and now the mystery is solved in it was named Compound in a wild Maltese jack and a tame, but large Spanish jenny.
Such things are so vital to know.