As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When I first became aware of the effects of energy transfer, the subject fascinated me greatly as it seemed to be such a very odd thing in causing death.
The question is, in a car crash is it the body receiving the force by impact or is it the concussion which kills?
It is at times both, but I have witnessed strange events such as people from artillery fire, having their lives blown out of them, and there sitting in chairs as if nothing had taken place.
When I was 18, my best friend from Confirmation class, was drunk, driving a motorcycle and he hit a car. The impact knocked the life out of him literally.
I recall making a very long shot at a pheasant one autumn, which was a scratch shot. Upon cleaning the bird, there was not a shot in the bird. The bird died from concussion at a very long distance.
I once shot a fox on the ground, and was stunned to see a robin fall out of a branch six feet above, absolutely dead.
The story of the machinist on the CSS Tennessee in the Civil War in the Battle of Mobile is another one of those interesting events.
"Buchanan, who was superintending in person the working of the battery, sent for a machinist to back out the pin of a jammed port shutter; while the man was at work a shot struck just outside where he was sitting, the concussion crushing him so that the remains had to be shovelled into buckets."
A. T. Mahan. The Gulf and Inland Waters / The Navy in the Civil War. Volume 3
To explain this, this shot was probably from an 11 inch cannon from one of the Monitors, the Chicksaw, which was heavy loaded, producing several tens of thousands of pounds of pressure in a sold ball.
The Tennessee was iron plated, had oak planking, and yet the vibration from that one ball, transferred through the hull, and turned the human body into putty, apparently exploding bone and making tissue jelly.
Those who have witnessed the effects of high velocity gun shots, have seen these effects in small ways in "jellied meat", but this case was one of the most remarkable recordings of energy transfer. Most have gotten too close to a hammer pounding on a sheet of metal, to experience the pain of that vibrational pitch, but it is a most fascinating study to compare the high explosive artillery shell of World War II just knocking the life out of a body, or my friend on a motorcycle, leaving the body intact, to that of a rather low velocity cannon ball, by vibrational frequency pulverizing a human body without direct contact, but by energy transfer impact.
That is the question of the auto wreck in what kills. It has been noted that drunk people often emerge from crashes unharmed, while sober people die. Rigidity of the human frame plays a part, but again it did no save my friend, as the impact no doubt was not an energy transfer but one that was direct.
If one understands the principles of energy through a fluid atmosphere and like crack the whip, ending in the human form where that energy is released and contained for destruction, then one can create a weapon without bullet or bomb.
All one needs is the proper frequency to create a concussion, and have it end in the person or structure, which could be plane or ship, and it will either shatter in too high of pitch or it will become liquid in longer wave movement.
I can not remember the exact cartridge, but the legendary gun writer, Jack O'Connor, who was an advocate of the 270 Winchester, as it was thee epitome of energy transfer ratio, mentioned one experience where I believe he was loading as old 35 caliber bullet into a higher velocity shell.
He mentioned that when fired at a deer, the bullet entered the near side, and blew off the far side shoulder. This O'Connor noted was the most complete energy transfer he had ever witnessed.
That was the problem in the 9 mm loadings in handguns, in terrorists were shooting people in the head, and the bullet was blowing up on the skulls. Too high of velocity and too fragable bullets did not allow energy transfer, where a nail to the head with a hammer would have done more damage.
The science of all of this, if effectively reproduced would be something worse than nuclear warfare, as without radiation, this type of weaponry would turn people, aircraft carriers and cities into piles of pudding in seconds in moments, if the right frequency were induced.
Sonic, photon, microwave or chemical would produce such an energy wave transfer. If one moved into gravitational and centrifugal forces, in manipulations of space occupied.......IR/ by electromagnetism fooling the environment to reacting that a grain of sand was a moon sized meteor, all sorts of wave transfers of immense energy could be manipulated.
That though is future time dynamics, and this is about a poor mechanic turned into pudding when a cannon ball never touched him, all in energy transfer.