As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I began pondering about Americans in how they have been financially raped under the Obama 21st century regime, in how no one makes note of this in a constant way in saying that it is enough of this robbery by inflation, taxation, price fixing and debt markets.
I was reminded of this in a story by Nash Buckingham, in which I will share a quote to start this off:
"JUST the other evening my sweet lady and I were rather dubiously trying for a doubtful tally on our "meat points" for the week-end. Fortunately her businesslike administration of wartime household denials won through and there was red meat enough in sight to sustain her old man's Sunday afternoon off at golf and his efforts to keep up with a younger generation off the tee.
After the ration books were put away, I got to thinking about several periods in a somewhat hectic career afield when it became necessary not only to outstalk one's quarry but to place a bullet just right in order to make connection with camp meat conspicuous by its absence for some days. Then I recalled three January duck shoots and the parts they played in providing meat-in-the-pot for important social shindigs.
Federal duck gunning season ended in our southern zone January 31, and I had been delegated by the directors of our newly organized University club to get ducks enough for a twenty-couple banquet."
-Nash Buckingham
The ration books which are featured here, were Franklin Delano Roosevelt ration books, in which FDR and his cronies rationed food....yes food to Americans, as sick as gasoline, tires and whatever else he was gleaning America to the bone to for his World War II, which he instigated in embargoing all supplies to Japan which would have finished her, so Japan's only alternative was to make a desperate attack on America, to try and survive.
Most of you children know absolutely nothing of history. You have no comprehension that the Founders gave all the had, including homes, families and fortunes for America, and the speculators bought up the frontier land from Soldiers which ruined the economy.
In Andrew Jackson's day, the same money speculators caused the first American Depression. In the Civil War, the money men in league with the Rothschild cartel ruined Abraham Lincoln'd 'greenbacks' money program, in making Americans pay gold, which the cartel flipped for a profit and ended Treasury money for the "sold to Americans money".
World War I was absolutely no different, in Woodrow Wilson had Herber Hoover, with party operatives in the banking industry, force American farmers and workers to produce for that war to sell goods to Europe. The speculators drove up prices, and in the end the inflation robbed Americans, caused the Roaring 20's and what followed was the Great Depression, which as it is noted Franklin Roosevelr blood sucked along to the most heinous despotry.
What followed was Great Britain was bankrupted and that wealth drained into America, with Nazi wealth brought in, in Operation Paper Clip. For this buying of the American soul, Americans were once again in the Marshall Plan forced to rebuild Europe, which is now a 70 year old geezer who refuses to stop sucking the American nipple, while Europeans work 30 hours a week, have as much vacation as Equalz Obama, and it is America who still has nuclear missiles pointed at her.
For those who are confounded by Birther Hussein Obama in his never working, what the image of Obama was doing is what he said he would do, and that is he was drenched in European society. That is how the ruling elite live there on the American expense.
The Military Industrial Complex which robbed Americans has been replaced by the Socio Conglomerate Complex robbing Americans for the cartel in a societal order and police state that Hitler never dared to impose on Germans.
American have been robbed in every generation, and still there comes the propaganda from the media serving the cartel of, "Oh you must give some more".
Yes give your jobs to Mexicans and Chinese. Give your lives for propping up the Obama terrorists. Accept rationed death to yourselves in Obamcare. Go in debt for a worthless diploma which you have to pay off the rest of your life as wage slave. Yes give by tax confiscation in you can not breathe without a tax now. Give in these illegal monopoly price fixing on gasoline, wheat and homes, as the money trolls are protected by the police state which will kill you legally to protect this racket.
The Lame Cherry says, ENOUGH!!!!!!! I speak of revolution here, for the reality of at least bringing the word to the public's mind, as the reality is, that King George of England did not do 1/10th of what Barack Hussein Obama's regime has done to Americans to spark a revolt.
For the ignorant who has been too busy sucking suds and smoke to numb them as they get jacked on fagsexual sports, King George did two things.
Thing One, King George put on a Tea Tax which caused the Boston Tea Party.
In reality, there has not been anything which the Barack Hussein Obama regime has not stealth taxed or driven up prices robbing Americans for Obama's spending sprees to reward the money cartel.
Thing two, King George forced Americans to house British Soldiers, numbering a few thousand.
In reality, Birther Hussein Obama is pouring into America, millions of foreigners and demanding that Americans be turned out of their homes to house this slave labor force.
That is the reality of this, and the reality of how you, this means you, have been so mind conditioned that you are accepting being enslaved to your extermination, as you are being robbed and intimidated by this police state.
All of this has been well planned and diabolical. The slight of hand on ending gun ownership, was making you think you still have rights to have guns, but Karl Rove oversaw the ending of small gun dealers by massive license operator fees, and this continued to driving out of business American gunmakers and making guns too expensive for the masses and that Janet Napolitano plan in the Obama regime of ordering billions of rounds of ammunition, so ammo manufacturers had no room for making consumer cartridges.......but you never noticed that, as all of your federal and state wildlife KGB have made licenses so high that you can not afford to hunt your own fish, fur and game, and have turned management over to wolves, mountain lions, wolverines and coyotes to kill off bambi and your pet cat.
The Lame Cherry states that Americans have done enough. This ridiculous green movement of shortages and climate change has one purpose and that is so the monopolies can charge you your right ovaries in the things you require from gasoline, food, water and to throw away garbage.
It is about speculators in the rich having the money, exploiting the masses, and having this entire scheme protected by uniformed military and police trained to not serve and protect you, but to assail and murder you.
As you require being told this, you have done enough. You have the God ordained right to more than just breathing for a price. You have a right to a life, to a liberty responsible in your moral actions, and the pursuit of any prospect you choose as long as it is not criminal against the Laws of God, as this cartel has made the laws of man into the only criminals are the poor in this world for daring to love and live.
You will notice in this that the Mark Levin's and Rush Limbaugh's steer the right from revolution, while the Equalz and Clinton types steer the Afroid to be shot in the street attacking armed folks. It is by cartel design that people with arms are never told to use them and people without guns are never armed.
The only types armed are terrorists to fill in the low spots which the armed police state can not gravely produce enough cadavers which would start a revolution.
Americans are robbed and that money does not disappear any more than the land you had in being forced out of your homes. It is all in the confiscatory coffers of the cartel and their stooges.
Americans pay too much in taxes, prices, blood and their rights, so that there is nothing left for them.
Americans have two choices in this, as this type of rapine can not stand. Americans will either stand up in a revolution to take back all that is theirs or a foreign enemy will stand up and take what was taken from Americans. They face the same alternative that George Washington did in 1776 of death and death, in either being branded a terrorist or having all they have confiscated from them as inmates of the empire.
Americans in the Obama 21st century are inmates of the gulag and what was their property has been confiscated and handed over to Mexican and Chicom replacements. The American's lives are over and they delude themselves that they have nation and rights still.
Americans have done enough and all that is left for them which will be required is to suffer mass genocide of themselves.
That is the reality.