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American Creed


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have a fondness for survival books, and one of the better volumes was written by Daniel Beard who will make a few appearances here. Mr. Beard is the founder of the Boy Scouts which founded the Girl Scouts.
He was from a historical family in Kentucky and his life's work supported by President Theodore Roosevelt and the United States Government was teaching children Patriotism, Christianity and Survival in the Wilds.

Mr. Beard mandated that the American Creed be recited at all Council Meetings of the Scouts, along with the American flag honored and the name "American" cherished.
As the Boy Scouts are nothing what they were founded as in being under attack like all America, I post the following America Creed in total.

It will no doubt shock you in how conditioned you are to recoil from things Americans, but this is how Americans in 1930 wrote, spoke like, gave oaths to and taught their children to behave. This is what America is supposed to be and those who have changed it are traitors, heinously and criminally.

I place this here to perplex, puzzle and startle each of you

The Pledge and Creed of All Americans

"I believe in the people of the United States, I believe in the United States form of government, I believe in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, I believe that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

"I believe in our Government of the People, by the People and for the People, a government whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed , a Sovereign Nation of many Sovereign States, a Democracy in a Republic , a perfect Union, one and inseparable.

"A Union which will live because of the vital principles of Freedom, Equality, Justice , Humanity and Kindness which it contains , and for which American Patriots have willingly sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

"I therefore believe that in order to respect my own manhood I must love my country, support its Constitution and obey its Laws; also that I must respect its Flag, and defend it against all enemies."

Daniel Carter Beard. The Book of Camp-Lore and Woodcraft

This is what the Boy and Girl Scouts used to be. This is what Americans used to be taught and recite. This is what Americans and America used to be and Americans were militant against anyone who spoke otherwise or attempted to change that American Virtue.

....a Democracy in a Republic....", that is the whole people's rule tempered by representatives adhering to the majority govern, but with minority rights.

It is a reality that every person in the District of Columbia and the 50 state regimes now has never recited the American Creed and lightning would probably strike these political infidels if they did.

This is something which should be printed up and shared, to educate people who are no longer informed.


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