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Owning the Nig


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I need to sort out this CBS moral sports James Brown (Afroid) condemning Ray Rice of the Ravens (Afroid man who haymakers his spitting fiance to knock out in elevators) and how bad Roger Goodell (Caukizoid) *Yes I mean Caukizoid as liberal pastey white penis wearers who are smaller than Muchelle Obama's protrusion in her undies are Caukizoids.

I do not sort this as I wonder why in Maryland, the white owner of the Ravens is not being castrated like Ray Rice....or for that matter the white coach, and why Roger Goodell as overseer of the plantation is the one being lynched, because the Nigs were hauling ass on each other in foreplay.

I have no assessment of Ray Rice or the Mrs. Ray, as they have in their millions not donated to this blog which champions blacks against the Obama regime, so I suppose this is an unbiased assessment of all of this spit and fist exchanges in an elevator.

So Roger Goodell who saw the tape and sat on it, like Eric Holder who saw the tape of Giant Brown going postal on a white cop and sat on it, which caused riot, robbery and assault, is now being made the problem as this triple jeopardy against Ray Rice.............I mean Ray got lynched, then dragged around and lynched again and then got castrated and lynched a third time in punishment which really violated all his rights in the NFL and outside the NFL.

Why is Roger Goodell being blamed for blacks wailing on each other, and Eric Holder is not being blamed for burning down their community organized village where a non convicted murderer was put down.

I wonder why James Brown, the Afroid, not the soul singer, who challenged men to stop beating on women, why is it that Randy Moss was not a problem when he was beating on women all through the NFL?

I happened to feature on here, that most American Indian women are going to be raped, beat up or abused by Indian men, but for some reason that did not issue a plea from James Brown.
If one cares to examine ALL OF THIS, I do not recall James Brown of CBS donating to the Lame Cherry, when this blog was the only media standing up for women from Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin  etc... who were being politically gang raped by males and females from the right and left patrician mob.

It requires repeating that the now dead Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters sent me a thug rape letter attacking me, for exposing on Newsbusters the reality that Noel Sheppard joined with lesbian extremist Camile Paglia stating that Sarah Palin enjoyed political rape or she would not be in politics.

It was only the Lame Cherry which warned that all of this "lipstick on a pig" rape coming out of Barack Obama's mouth and out of Karl Rove's machinations to destroy Conservatives, would spread to increased physical assaults upon women, yes men, and children.

Where was James Brown then? Why is it James Brown like Huffington Post and Robert Morton were busy banning the commentary from this blog, and now after women, men and children have been murdered in all of this rapine as predicted, it is now suddenly a "problem" when it involves an end game of "Obama good terrorists over George Bush's bad terrorists" in stealing the NBA Clippers from a fag Jew billionaire and now attempting to seize control of the NFL in removing "bad liberal terrorist Roger Goodell from being commissioner from a new good liberal terrorist who is waiting in the wings".

Follow the money as that is what is behind this. It is about conditioning that American majority to leftism "as we all know from James Brown that those NASCAR types all go home and haul ass on women the way Bill Clinton was beating and raping women."

Yes calling a guy an Obama sissy because he wears mum jeans and throws like a girl is now an insult and reason why women are abused according to James Brown.
Why is it not when Obama was humiliating his Muchelle, by saying she would not get down on her knees and making her so miserable with his sexual perversions that she hated being First Negress, is not a problem in Obama doing it, only those who note he openly with manboob beach trotting exposes his gay side.

Personally, I judge Ray Rice a fool, as this blog foretold Kayne West was a fool in marrying that circus act. Marriage is hard enough, but when you have media and millions, with whoring and beating going on beforehand triggering you........that is just foolish to implement the tie that binds.

There was a time in the good olde South days, that as long as the Nigger beat his wife and the Negress retaliated, so as not to intefere with the next days work, no one much cared as what happened in the elevator stayed in the elevator, even if it was dragged out to the mansion's front porch.

You will notice that Eric Holder, unlike in Ferguson Missouri, unlike Philadelphia, has not called out the prosecutors like against Rod Blagojevich with Patrick Fitzgerald, against Ray Rice, nor has the DA in indictments.
There was nothing filed by the fiance, as she was not going to endanger her Rice is Right marriage........yeah she used that punch which she spit on Ray Rice to bring it about, to blackmail this black male to the wedding vows........and you know damn sick she used it in preying on Ray Rice's guilt and fears to get her showcase.

Is that blaming the woman? Not in the least. It is admiring how another female like Muchelle Obama and Hillary Clinton took a lemon and made a Little Debbie's empire.

So while James Brown does his racism in calling all white men wife beaters, because a black woman set off a black man and made hay out of that haymaker in the millions, and as white Roger Goodell the liberal terrorist is being auditioned to be replaced by the next Magic Johnson as commissioner, none of the reality  is being focused on in this Mockingbird operation.

The reality is that women kick, bite, slap, beat, pulls guns and knives on men more than men are wailing on women. James Brown knows this data, and that is part of the racial intimidation of this, to castrate males, so when the gulag gates slam shut, the males all bend over like Obama did for Charlie Gibson in the shower.

There is so much in this, that this blog will expound upon next week the nazionalization of the NFL.

Yes those stupid Sarah Palin football fans...........you know they are wearing Ray Rice jerseys as you know those white biotches like getting slapped around and raped.
Being raped and slapped around is what leftist women get in public by Willy Kennedy Smith, and he gets off in trial for raping a woman........like Kobe Bryant got off on raping a woman.

Yeah you have to stop calling Obama fags girly as that is what this is about too.......not about women being beat, but about Obama not being outed as a fag.

So in review, Ray Rice is about a black woman creating a situation where she gets the million dollar ring, fags not being called girly and the prize of what Afroid gets to set his butt cheeks in Roger Goodell's chair after Goodell is lynched.

Yes owning those Nigs is expensive as it proves, but do not overlook the big picture in this, as you recall that certain Designer Negro named Birther Hussein Obama, who beat on a woman in Hillary Clinton who suffered with serial abuser Bill Clinton, and therefore as this conditions the mind, no one gets to challenge the girl Hillary as she has been beat on enough, for another unquestioned regime for 2016 in the year of our Lord, as all will be called rapists who speak out against Hillary in the same brand that all were racists who challenged Birther Hussein.

This is the racists and rapists Tavistock and Stanford conditioning.......none of this happens by chance, but by design.

According to law-enforcement sources, Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson beat his 4-year-old son with a tree branch as a form of punishment this summer, an incident that allegedly resulted in multiple injuries to the child. According to reports, Peterson has been indicted in Montgomery County, Texas for injury to a child.

nuff said


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