As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am going to provide a quote to see if you could fathom who wrote these words.
"Most of thoze peeces, which hav appeered before in periodical papers and Magazeens, were published with fictitious signatures; for I very erly discuvered, that altho the name of an old and respectable karacter givs credit and consequence to hiz ritings, yet the name of a yung man iz often prejudicial to hiz performances."
The above would seem a work of an ignorant man, but yet this person is quoted every day by millions of people as he created modern English language. The above was written by Noah Webster in 1790 AD in the year of our Lord.
This was before his dictionary in full, but it gives glimpses to refute those who judge George Washington as "ignorant" in his style of writing. The fact is, the above was English language in Colonial America, and this is how the learned wrote. What people deem as "English" is read in Jefferson's writings which was not the defining English, until Noah Webster standardized American English.
The writings this was from was the Fugitive Pieces by Webster. In them, I bring to you my children and the brats a stunning revelation in work Number 5 by Noah Webster in examining Thomas Jefferson's position on the Constitution.
The reason it is the focus as the context of what Jefferson was basing all on in the following title.
No. V.
The Subject continued, with a Consideration of Mr. Jefferson's Arguments in Favor of an unalterable Constitution.
Noah Webster. A Collection of Essays and Fugitiv Writings
I sincerely hope you read that and it struck to the grey cells, as the title states that Thomas Jefferson, the liberal father of all radical democracy, did not advocate the "living breathing" Constitution of change, but a Constitution of Strict Construction.
"received no powers in their creation which were not given to every Legislature before and since. So far and no farther authorised, they organized the government by the ordinance entitled a Constitution or form of government. It pretends to no higher authority than the other ordinances of the same session; it does not say, that it shall be perpetual; that it shall be unalterable by other Legislatures; that it shall be transcendant above the powers of those, who they knew would have equal powers with themselves."
-Thomas Jefferson
The above translates in that Jefferson saw every group under the same power as the previous, that each session could enact a new Constitution every year, and therefore the Jeffersonian mindset advocated a fixed Constitution which could not be changed.
Noah Webster explains in the following:
"Mr. Jefferson, in answer to those who maintain that the form of government in Virginia is unalterable, because it is called a constitution, which, ex vi termini, means an act above the power of the ordinary Legislature, asserts that constitution, statute, law and ordinance, are synonymous terms, and convertible as they are used by writers on government."
Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant political theorist. He understood the evil workings of government and regime, because inside of him were the same machinations, which he employed as one of the most heinous politicians in history, from poison pen writing against George Washington, to the murderous pen against Alexander Hamilton and the political assassination of John Adams.
Yet in all of that in modern anarchial liberalism manifested in the feudalist Barack Hussein Obama ethnics, we find the turning of the two Jeffersonian Pillars melded into lies, which Thomas Jefferson never advocated.
The two ruinous lies in American leftist propaganda are the "Separation of Church and State" which occurs no where in the Constitution, but is in a private letter in which Jefferson is espousing that the Washington City government will not be allowed to order people to worship in some religious sect as Puritanism over other Christian religions.
The second is the "Living Breathing Constitution" which the Founder Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, Virginia Politician, Architect to this protege, James Madison, creator of the United States Constitution, and President under that Constitution, had as a mindset that the United States Constitution as much as the Virginia Constitution, should not just be Strict Construction, but written in stone in an unalterable Constitution.
Unalterable would mean no Amendments, no interpretation by the Supreme Court and never a Legislative recourse to altar that document which limits American Government.
Once again this is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, with the very words of Noah Webster in political writings, concerning the position of Thomas Jefferson on his political stands.
Jefferson the political theorists often did focus upon angels on pin heads as that is where his genius resided while his emotional undercurrents swept him to perpetual anarchy in the body politic. Yes the rights of men could not be altered by a fixed Constitution, but the overthrow of Government which altered men's rights by their blood, was the scorched earth that Thomas Jefferson his "cadavero mortus" of government.
There you have it from the Fugitive Writings of Noah Webster. Thomas Jefferson was absolutely against his 21st century Obama political bastards in a living breathing Constitution to overthrow America and Thomas Jefferson was against removing Christianity from the Republican form of Government in America.
nuff said