As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children this is not to be tried at home, as you do not comprehend doors and the frequencies opened, but the ephod of the Bible which God designed was a divination tool. I share the following quotes to explore the reality of why "this works" in crystal balls and ponder the use of mirrors, or Joseph's divining goblet.
"The Crystal itself is a clear pellucid piece of quartz or beryl, sometimes oval in shape, but more generally spheroidal. It is accredited by Reichenbach and other researchers with highly magnetic qualities capable of producing in a suitable subject a state analogous to the ordinary waking trance of the hypnotists. It is believed that all bodies convey, or are the vehicles of, a certain universal magnetic property, variously called Od, Odyle, etc., which is regarded as an inert and passive substance underlying the more active forces familiar to us in kinetic, calorific, and electrical phenomena. In this respect it bears a position analogous to the Argon of the atmosphere.
It is capable of taking up, sympathetically, the vibrations of those bodies or elements to which it is temporarily related. But of itself it has no activity, although in its still, well-like, and calm depths it holds the potentiality of all magnetic forces. This Odyle, then, is particularly potent in the quartz or beryl, when brought into activity by the intention of the seer. It produces and retains more readily in that form the various images communicated to it from the soul of man."
Not going to give you the source in this, as you have no business in this, and Ed Cayce has proven how vanishing point does indeed arrive in the disturbances as time progresses.
What is of interest in the science is the linking of like matters, and those things excited, which produce then structures, with human interaction by amplication and direction.
Some people have natural gifts in this, and some have to work at it greatly. Elisha could view easily, Joseph required focusing and some would not know an Angel if they were in front of them.
There are those who are naturals, literally prone to have the correct "ether" or physical make up in crystaline or gaseous design that they require little to no "amplification" of their abilities.
One must understand that witchcraft and the satanic are amplification which equal and opposite, as deadly as the consumptive force to obtain that which is willed.
As a natural conduit, I have been assaulted too often in the psychic disturbances of others ill will toward me. This past weekend there was a din in the complex which woke TL up and myself, and I went on a search and found several books had fallen off a shelf which could not have fallen off a shelf. A sort of psychic bomb went off in energy from someone who was in a fury.
Things that go bump in the night are not amusing, but even with doors shut, a flier still gets through or in another case was peering through the window.
It requires great skill in dealing with all of this, and one can find the experts are always getting things wrong or into trouble, in thinking they have a handle on this when even Jesus had satan bothering Him.
There are two human types in this, the active and the passive. I will have you to comprehend though that I am NOT speaking mediums, as that is being a host for a spirit or spirtual effect. I specifically stated I am a conduit which God works through, as much as a Seer is someone who sees, hears or senses activities and is not accepting the senses of a "guide". Very large difference in this and what escapes the ignorant. That ignorance gets people influenced, possesed and broadcasting false things as the source is wrong.
I am going to give you this example. Say you are in a sports arena, and you see someone fall, and their arm is in the wrong position. Tens of thousands of people will form a collective adjective of "hurt", "broken arm" and "fall", and those who did not see it, will start repeating what they are hearing.
That is what the matrix is in many cases in an event is appearing and one picks up information on it. When an event takes place a certain lucidity will prevail, and if it is traumatic, it will spike to dead and living thought processes on both sides, which soon clutter the continuum. If this chatter sets upon a false premise like "broken arm" by conjecture or lie, then that will start appearing as fact.
Only the astute will pick up the irregularities and there are usually irregularities which will reveal themselves, and in touching the matrix, I always double blind, or ask known questions or opposite context questions which if they flow incorrectly, I know something is wrong.
I prefer inquiry early and quickly, as in a few days, the Mockingbird generates a false screen, which makes inquiry more difficult, but no impossible.
For those who know the context of June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, from the start of that period, and cross checks, that story has never changed one iota. The physical manifestations have proven something changed, and even if I would have more proof, all I can do is go forward. I hope for an easier time of it in the not distant future as the distractions have been a horrendous trial to work through.
I leave this as the ether of this in the matrix.
"A child might easily fire a cannon, but could not possibly withstand its recoil."
Do not fire the cannon my children.
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