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darkie propaganda


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Before Birther Hussein Obama, the Filipino born son of undocumented ancestry, I personally like most people were content to deal with the realities of the black was some attraction to stupid white children who saw them as exhibits outside the zoo in Jazz or foolishness that passed as comedy, as it was not bothering me some fiction of what blacks were.

This has all changed in the Designer Negro Obama who stole 2 elections the 98% voting of blacks. I use the term voting lightly, as one votes with the brain, and voting for Obama was nothing but a instinct like lemmings all squeaking after their own kind.

I have put up with this like most intelligent people for far too long. It is disgusting the Caucusoids and Mongoloids who get off on sex or associations with blacks to fulfill some perverted sexual manifestation or think keeping a black around is somehow something that has meaning, no more than a dog turd.

This might sound harsh, but it has all gone on too long, in we have blacks now that actually think that people want to hear their opinions on things, just because stupid liberals turned to them instead of their dogs after a hard day, to have a pat and a but of unwinding.
I do not take my dogs, cats or horses, advice, as that is not their purpose, and I have no intention of taking some Jemima or Oprah advice either on the same scale, as I am never down enough, drunk enough nor do I dope up enough, to ever have advice that has any merit to "Now now Miss Scarlet, you can make your panties out of the curtains for the big ball", and think that is something to build a nation on.

It is past time that blacks were humiliated for what they are, especially in this disaster of the foreign agent Obama and his Office Space Holder at Justice who is a terrorist in threatening United States Congressmen to "watch it buddy" when giving testimony.

I believe by the silence of Bill Cosby and Jesse Jackson, that they like most blacks now get it who have some modicum of intelligence, that Birther Hussein has destroyed the black label in America, exactly as this blog predicted Obama would do.
It is past time though that the Afroid be laughed at to scorn for the dumb asses they are in everything they do.

That si why I pop the propaganda cherry here with real history of blacks. We all are told by leftist Ken Burns of Civil War PBS how wonderful blacks are. I have featured the reality here that blacks were drunk in order to get them into battle, and that blacks were cowards as a group.
I simply do not know if the white Union officers tried to slaughter these idiots or they actually thought they had some ability and bought into the spin of how great blacks were.

I feature this quote of a battle in the South where blacks were supposed to fight in assisting the whites from Iowa. The author says "some blacks fought", but I would state that you get enough dogs or horses in a group and sure enough 3 will bite or kick at someone too.

The white people did not run in this fight, but the blacks did and hid under the banks of a river behind more white guns. These realities were the reality and are never featured in cinema as the world is led to believe that whites would have lost the wars if not for them coloreds.

The fact is most blacks are like Colin Powell, so damn stupid in Vietnam, he stuck his foot into a pointy stick hole as a paper pusher and that was his big Purple Heart ceremony. That is not bravery, that is stupidity.

"The latter were gradually forced back of the levee, the Iowa regiment fighting with great steadiness, and the negroes behaving well individually; but they lacked organization and knowledge of their weapons. Accordingly when the enemy, who were much superior in numbers, charged the levee and came hand to hand, the colored troops, after a few moments of desperate struggle, broke and fled under the bank of the river.

Nothing saved them from destruction but the presence of the Choctaw , which at 3.30 A.M. had opened her fire and was now able to maintain it without fear of injuring her friends. The Confederates could not, or would not face it, and withdrew at 8.30 A.M.

What the fate of these black troops would have been had the Confederates come upon them in the flush of a successful charge seems somewhat doubtful, in view of Taylor's suggestive remark that "unfortunately some fifty of them had been taken prisoners."

A. T. Mahan. The Gulf and Inland Waters / The Navy in the Civil War. Volume 3.

That is the reality of what blacks were and are. It is past time after 98% Obama that they be exposed past the fiction and be held accountable, so they perhaps with enough humiliation and castigation, crawl back to where Marxist Martin King brought them in the 1960's with Republican education and religion for 100 years, to be emancipated from Obama in this devolution they have stampeded toward in mass voting for him.

It is bothersome that Mahan, even had to quantify it by "the Negro behaved well individually". That sounds like some abolitionist trying to salvage something which has become the fiction of what the world is deluded by.
There are few offensive Chris Dorners ever, and they with assistance still do not complete mission, but the facts are that until the majority of blacks now pay retribution for the trillions Obama looted for them and apologize for their votes, none of this is going away, and it is better to place this all before the public so it becomes known and discussed.

nuff said



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