As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Eric Erikson from Red State was filling in for Rush Hudson Limbaugh III on September 4th, 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, and his flash point topic to get "buzz" was phrasing a debate point that all people who work minimum wage who are 30 to 40 years old, that they are failures at life.
His point was that people at fast food restaurants screw up orders and are earning 10 dollars an hour already, and that 15 dollars an hour is nothing these people should earn. In that, there does not need to be a minimum wage as if it were abolished, then industry would employ more people on start up jobs, as it would free up all that capital.
This is from the same Eric Erikson complaining about Junior Russert earning millions of dollars at NBC because old man Tim was there.
I assure my children and brats that I am not taking Eric the Red's bait, but instead invoke a bit of Wisdom into this Mic Heads of Fools which Erikson is a part of for Mockingbird.
Firstly without insult, Eric Erikson is an ass kisser for the establishment. It is how you get jobs like at Newsbusters where Bill Buckley who was a CIA stooge of Mockingbird, has a relative in Brent Bozell who employs other stooges to mind in directing information flow.
Erikson is where he is at, because the establishment is paying him to parrot issues in order to niche herd that group into not starting a revolution.
With that stated, secondly in a day when Erikson was complaining of Deb Wasserman Schultz of the liberals saying the GOP beats women again, it was Erikson who stated on air that his wife "tunes out of life" in she asked him about Ferguson Missouri. It left the impression that Mrs. Erikson is mentally retarded, which I would believe she was so pleased with in being outed as uninformed, as Howard Stern's former wife detested being made an example of on his radio program.
Secondly.........according to Eric Erikson's judgment on success and failure, it is successful if you are not working for minimum wage, but unsucessful if you are by the time you are 30 to 40.
Ok, so let us examine a doctor as they certainly do not work for minimum wage.
College bills would be around 350,000 dollars which the successful graduate would owe with interest. Then there is 500,000 dollars per year in malpractice insurance alone.
Then there is something like 30% income tax on what the successful doctor is going to have confiscated.
Granted the doc has the BMW, the cement pond, the big house, the second wife as the first spouse was like Michelle Obama in not doing knee service as that alimony and child success is according to Eric Erikson like Rush Limbaugh in being deaf from being an oxy addict, suitcases of viagra........a cat as your best spouse as the daughter never is heard from in the Lovely any more, and that is Ericson success.
Really no difference in the poverty level of someone in doctor class or Burger King class. They both eat, shit, sleep, have sexual unctions and will die with the same numbers of people not giving a damn digging through their things.
TL received a good doctor's report on a condition TL is recovering from. In that, TL said on the way home, let's stop and get a malt to share.......which we did. The gal at the drive through got into the conversation and gave TL an ap which would help with what TL was dealing with.
This is Eric Erikson's screw up and failure in life........yes he made sure he did not call people losers, but this gal in Christian virtue fulfilled the Commandment for all Christians in simply caring about other people.
Success is caring about other people and God does not Judge people if you were stupid enough to go into debt to work your whole life to pay off a college bill or were bright enough to earn minimum wage. Success in God is keeping His Commandments so you do not destroy yourself or others, having Faith in Jesus as your only Savior and being regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
That success has been addressed here and will be again, for rich people do not easily get into Heaven, in that camel through the eye of a needle thing. In reality, there are going to be more successful minimum wage workers in Heaven by Faith in Christ than rich people who trust in investment portfolios.
See I hear a great deal from these frauds on the right about God, family and country things, but in a nation where almost 100 million people have had their employment wiped out by the Obama cartel, as Rush Limbaugh's contingent of Big Koch protects Wall Street money dumps in their own portfolios Obama is enriching, I just do not see people on welfare nor working at Papa Murphy's as failures in the least.
But for the Grace of God go I.
My world is one where when I hopefully notice someone needs a kind word or a prayer, they get it. That is what is important to God. Some things money can not fix in satanic attacks. I get bit enough to regret trying to be kind to people, but often enough when a note from a celebrity arrives it uplifts people.
I honestly have never received such a note from any celebrity, but have been threatened by them, pissed on by them and censored by them.
I know Ronald Reagan was nice to people and I know it to be a good example to uphold.
So what we learned of Eric Erikson is he bases success on money, which the regime confiscates, and nothing at all about what is success, Christian or otherwise enters into the assessment, including making an example of your spouse on air, of how out of touch she is, and was asking about Ferguson Missouri as if it was her discovery.
That is unflattering to a wife, but then I wonder which is the worse offense to her reputation in a slap to her or a beat down on millions of Americans who had their Dream turned into an Obama Nightmare.
You do realize that Eric Erikson was herding the low wage workers from voting for the GOP to suppress that vote, in order to assist the democrats as part of the Mockingbird operation to keep the "status quo" in Washington City right?
Well now you do, as the right was keyholed as heartless and not Christian again in caring about the poor and that all right wing women are dim wits, especially in the South, as that is what the Red State boys like tied to the bed post.
Three hours of stereotypes from Eric Erikson to help the Obama regime in the coming elections.
Either you have annoying Mark Steyn of Canuckia sounding like he is suffering from the onset of dimentia crossed with a wailing cat.......or that Mark of Wisconsin who sounds like Phil Hartman of Saturday Night Live........or this Eric the Red driving more women and working people from the right wing.
"There are no failures at life. There are only those who fail to accept the Victory Jesus won for them."
- Lame Cherry
God owns everything so you can not impress Him with wealth. He is almighty so you can not impress Him with having a security staff. He is all knowing so degrees mean nothing to Him. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, so a mic on the radio is worthless unless employed for Glorifying Him.
nuff said