As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is not God Who condemns you, but it is you who condemn yourselves.
Matthew Chapter 19, beginning at verse 16;
A person came to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to receive eternal life", basing his future on actions and things, rather than on Faith which he could not conceive of as his was a material basis of all life.
Jesus answered, "Why do you ask me concerning what is good? There is only One Who is good. Keep His Commandments if you want to enter Life."
Seeking to quantify exactly how a person gained Eternal Life, the man asked in already knowing the Commandments required of him, "What Commandments?"
Jesus answered in a check list of Spiritual crimes, knowing the man would claim to have upheld them in the narrow sense and in self righteousness justify himself as having earned Eternal Life, "Don not commit murder; do not commit adultery; do no steal; do not accuse anyone falsely; respect your father and your mother; and love your neighbor as you love yourself."
The young man replied in his self righteousness, "I have obeyed all of these Commandments. What else do I need to do?", in order to earn himself greater esteem by his actions, and not allowing Eternal Life to be the Gift of God.
Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in Heaven; then come and follow me.", as the Lord knew that this man had not been treating others with money and possessions as he was living in luxury.
When the young man heard that it required the action of selling all he had, giving those riches to the poor in order to gain reward in Heaven, and then in humble poverty he had to serve the Lord for a lifetime, he withdrew, as he was a very rich man.
Jesus then focused on His disciples and told them, "I assure you: it will be very hard for rich people to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I repeat this fact: it is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle."
When the disciples heard this, they were stunned and exclaimed in being perplexed, "If the most prosperous in this world who have all the advantages have an impossible burden to be saved, then who in this world can be saved?"
Jesus looked straight at them and told them the fact, "The saving of yourselves is impossible for each of you, but for God in requiring only Faith in Him, and not trusting in yourselves, your money or anything you do, everything is possible."
The above is the Lame Cherry translation of the context of the teaching of Salvation as rich people miss it as much as poor. The lesson is one of Faith which can not be earned, but only proven by attempting to keep God's Commandments to prove that you Love Him and not your own lusts.
Rich people are the most phobic and self deluded of all, as they validate themselves and protect themselves with money as the crutch they rely on and not God. They delude themselves they are better than others, because God certainly must love them more than the poor as they have money, and after all, the rich always are smiled at and pampered, because they have money, so therefore they think wrongly they are in good standing with God.
Jesus though cut through the entire lie of this rich person, as if a person breaks one Commandment, all are broken, as one sin is enmity with God's Perfection and sentences eternal death or destruction.
Did this rich person murder any one? Not in the direct sense, but how many poor people, sick people, old people, children went to an earlier grave, because the person with money was basking in swimming pools and sending their child on around the world flights?
For anyone who knows there is a need, and that person dies of that need, that is murder as certainly as if that rich person slit that person's throat.
Looking at someone and desiring them as a spouse, requires you to run through the list if you are sexually attracted to them, and this young man could not know than any woman would know, if he person they cast their gaze on was married or not, so that shattered that Commandment.
Stealing? This rich person was stealing from God daily in placing themselves on the throne of worship in how wonderful they thought they were. False witness, this rich person was the lying witness against their own character as they claimed they were keeping every Commandment, when they kept none.
Is leaving the poor, sick, orphan, widow and old to die early, along with judging others as not measuring up to you for marriage in your being superior, to lying to God, honoring your dad and your mom? No it is not.
So Jesus uncovered the false religion of this rich person and exposed it all as death, eternal death and destruction. When Jesus uses the term translated , "If you want to be PERFECT, go and sell all you have", it is the same requirement of "Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is Perfect."
That is not speaking of perfection, but of whom the Father seeks is those who come to Him to worship in SPIRIT AND TRUTH.
Jesus was informing this rich person, "If you want to be Spiritual as the Father is Spirit, then you must be Spiritual and leave the physical attributes of this world behind, and the proof is to remove all those riches you trust in, have them provide a better life for the poor, sick and elderly who are in need, and then to follow God in growing in Spirit."
For every person, if you reflect your money, your stocks, your cars, your possessions as what is most important to you, those things do not leave this world........only the soul does or the Spirit in you, and if you are reflecting all the things which can not enter into Heaven and perish, you have condemned yourselves as you are not Spirit or a soul to be judged. You are exactly as Jesus spoke of you in "whitewashed seplechures" in pretty and rich on the outside and dead on the inside with a rotting corpse.
You rich people deceive yourselves as you are no different than this rich person Jesus recorded by the Holy Ghost as what each of you are. I watch you preening on Facebook, Twitter and in your lives, as you steal information from me, and then have absolutely no shame as you record all of your accomplishments.
All of your accomplishments? Every breath you take, every move you make is but by the Grace of God. Nothing is your doing, except the evil you are. Your having money and possessions only proves what you have invested all your care in, and it is not in God or caring about others.
.........and now you rich people will slink off like the rich brat. You will negotiate with satan how good you are in excuses to enable your selfishness again. You will negotiate that a few crumbs off your table for Lazarus and the dogs proves that you are caring.
Jesus did not say crumbs. Jesus ordered the banquet, the table, the chairs, the house and everything else to be sold and returned to service in God in providing for the poor, and then for you to serve Jesus 24 hours a day in denying every last will of you.
As Judgment then finds you, your evidence against yourself is your life. No Tiny Tim to hold up as someone you saved, but the Scrooge of you in bed with the ghoul pulling down your curtains as you lay stiff.
This was our Bible reading this morning and it is posted as a Testimony against the wickedness of the rich. So you rich know, there is a person who donates who is sick, who is without funds and without a home. I do not deny them how God moves them, even as I post for the poor not to donate, for their widow's mite is a record before God in Whose they are.
You rich though are not just robbing me. You rob every person who does donate, who could be putting that money to other uses. You rob widows, you rob orphans, you rob the sick, you rob the elderly, and you put people who can not afford to donate under stress as they anguish over not being able to donate.
And the monument to each of you rich people in the glow of your computer screen is the only halo you have in all the money you have which testifies against you as your god.
Camels through the eye of a needle. It requires a Spirit in you to get through that needle and all of you rich people are camels.
"The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?"
The Way, the Truth and the Life. Truth in first being honest what a self condemned to hell sinner you are.
The YOU means YOU the rich people, as that young man is already dead and imprisoned in hell awaiting the condemnation from the selfish existence he engaged in.
agtG 252, 401YY