As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The tragedy in this world is that the greatest of leaders are censored from history. Henry of Navarre is one such gentleman who is unknown as Henry IV or his title of Henry the Great of France.
His importance like Queen Margarite was for what was accomplished like Joan of Arc or King Louis, for Henry of Navarre just did not found the Bourbon Dynasty, but secured Freedom of Religion in France.
His reign from 1589 to 1610 was leader of the French Lutherans or the Huegonot Armies of the Protestants. He succeeded Henry III who was Catholic, but in Henri's victory there was laid the foundation which was turning the tide through much of the western world in small reproductions in Queen Elizabeth I reign in Great Britain for religious tolerance as led by the Protestants, and those Pilgrims from Holland, securing Freedom of Religion there and sailing to the New World to found Plymouth Colony in 1620.
Jamestown Colony in what would be Virginia, was founded in 1607, again another Protestant work of religious freedom.
It is easy now in the Protestant Peace which began to rule the world by Protestants in tolerance of Jews, Catholics and Muslims, which is now being obliterated, to overlook what the world was like then in Bloody Mary of England torturing and murdering Protestants.
The year 1429 AD in the year of our Lord would find a little French girl, commander of the Free French Armies, abandoned by her Catholic King and murdered by her Bourbon French captors for the English in burned at the stake in Joan of Arc.
Wholesale wars and scorched earth greated Germany in the late life and after the death of Martin Luther of Germany. From 1546 onward, the Catholics were persecuting and destroying every vestage of Martin Luther from the German world.
St. Bartholemew is a name which can not be even found in a thesarus, and yet there was a massacre on that day in France, in which the Huegonots were attacked by the Catholics with religicide.
It was in that time that the Catholic zealots rose up and murdered French royals who were Protestant and if not for Queen Margarite, the die would have been cast, as she saved the Huegonots and the French King.
Jesus the Christ, in Lord of the Battle acquired for His Christian children, a purse, a womb and a holster, by which they in victory could spread the message of Salvation to the world. Ignorant children have allowed themselves to be robbed, aborted and disarmed by the same adversaries of old in Ashkenaz financiers, Jesuit black robes and Muslim terrorists.
The Bible states this is going to bring about the martyrdom of hundreds of millions, when the anti Christ arises. If the world cheered a false Messiah in the image of Barack Hussein Obama, then what will they do in murder and mayhem for someone who actually can accomplish miracles.
There are too many Christian Protestants who have been wiped from history by the forces against Christians and for that Christians will pay with the lives God gave them. Henry of Navarre was great for establishing French Lutheranism, and later numbers of those Huegonot Israelites were forced to come to America due to more persecution by later political intrigue.
This requires memories, as there were wars fought over this Protestant freedom and the reason Protestants existed to build a world of prosperity is because Christ gave them the victory of His plan of Salvation for all who will repent.
Those satanic minions are already over your thresholds, have you on watch lists and will in the next years be offering you up to death.
Remember that for it is the future.