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chickens come home to roost


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wonder about things like the marketing of Rush Hudson Limbaugh's books on his program, in how the IRS taxes all this publicity.......as Matthew phoned up on Friday, who is said to be 9 years old.......and the wonder of Matthew is he sells eggs at 12 dollars a dozen from his chicken.

I will fill in that this is probably a hen as roosters do not lay eggs in most cases.

Matthew though mentioned that he had saved up 19 dollars, all without comment.

That is what I would like to comment on as when I was taught to count by FOURS, it was 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.......I will stop there as I do not want to show off my ancient counting ability.
In that, I find no 19 in this.

See you got to know chickens.......I know chickens too as well as counting by fours.

See chickens are not all Dutch Every Day layers, the Sex Links or the Highland 55's. Now I know someone has seized on that Sex Link and thinks I am all porn about this again, but it is nothing of the sort, as some breeds they have sex linked the hens, so you do not have to squeeze their little male and female part to get a good sorting, as you can not sort chickens by looks.....except looking at their rectums.
Got to squeeze the poop out.....all sorts of things. There is a little Asian guy at Murray McMurray Hatchery in Iowa who is a real pro at this......people owe chicken sexing to him there.

So any way, you got these laying breeds. The Dutch Every Day is the Hamburg.......I know it sounds German, but these are the prettiest little chickens in being Silver and Golden Spangled Hamburgs. Some like the Lakenvelder out of the Dutch, looking like a Leghorn, but a grayish head and tail on a white body, but all the same not all chickens are like Australorps.......which is an Australian chicken that set a record for laying eggs.
Main point is, not all chickens lay an egg every day. Some chickens only lay eggs in the spring like most birds for nesting purposes.

So back to Matthew and his 19 dollars. I do not know how you get 20 dollars from 19 dollars. Maybe Matthew's parents charge him for chicken feed and housing........heck maybe his parents charge him rent to live in their house.....or maybe in a cash business he is being forced to pay income tax or state sales tax.....that all gets into the estimation sphere of it would be 20 dollars, leaving 19 dollars.......so Matthew pays exactly 1 dollar in 20 out of taxes..........
That is like 5% sales tax........but I wonder why Matthew's half brain parents are not intelligent enough to have him sell in cash only, to avoid all of this confiscation of lemon aid stand wealth.

I suppose that Matthew could have spent a dollar while saving up for Rush Limbaugh's knew horse book, but making a kid buy a can of pop or his .......you just can not buy a whole lot for a dollar any more, and if the parents are that strict, it just seems they would not be charging him rent or board or for that matter  charging him chicken feed or telling a 9 year old he has to pay sales or income tax.
Not like there is a great deal of IRS prison cases against 9 year olds for ..............just a moment.

Maybe 6 eggs a week, makes a dozen every two weeks, providing no cold spells, hen trauma or dropping eggs, and in two months plus another two weeks, he gets his 20 dollars, minus the dollar for the 19 dollars.

Ok am back, in not like many IRS cases charging 9 year old boys with prison time for not paying........Matthew makes 104 dollars a year, at 15% income tax......of a bill of 15 dollars 60 cents.

I suppose that does not match Matthews missing dollar, but then maybe he is taking tax deductions like Rush Limbaugh to get that dollar up to the dollar. See those "free books" Rush Limbaugh gives away, are tax deductions in promotion and operating expenses......so some other poor person, perhaps like Matthew is paying for multi millionaire Rush Limbaugh's taxes.

I do not know the price which RHL III is charging for his horse books, but say it is 20 dollars.

In figuring this out, Matthew in paying $15.60 in income taxes, will in 1 year.........at 1.30 per month in taxes paid to the IRS.......that in 1 year, 3 months, 1 week and 5 days, little 9 year old Matthew on his chicken ranch, will have paid the taxes for Rush Limbaugh, for the one book which Rush Limbaugh just "gave" Matthew.

As Limbaugh was handing out talkie books and things.......well there is a matter that little Matthew might be paying Rush Limbaugh's tax debt for the next 3 years.

I think that is a much better economic lesson to learn about Limbaugh free things. Matthew is now a tax slave of Rush Limbaugh for the next three years in paying Limbaugh debt.

Matthew should know that nothing in life is free. By his losing that dollar out of 20, he is up to something already or it could be his time should be invested in arithmatic instead of reading horse books enriching rich guys who are not paying their taxes.

That should a depressing enough tale of little boys being taken advantage of, and the best business, tax and economics lesson of the day.

As I said, it would be much easier on poor little Matthew, if Limbaugh just put his books online free and let little chicken ranchers have them for free, as it is not like Limbaugh needs hundreds of millions of more in cash.
You know like Lame Cherry does in trusting that rich people would donate the big sums to make up for the poor little Matthews.....but then Limbaugh probably being rich knows how rich people never donate till it hurts, but instead gouge widows of their mites.

Poor little Matthew.......and there is Rush Hudson Limbaugh III bitching about movie companies getting tax breaks in California and not "you" in speaking to his half brains.
Yeah movie companies are bad for tax breaks, but not Rush Limbaugh in his tax breaks.

Well Matthew, another two and half years, when you celebrate your 12th birthday you will be free from the tax burden Rush Limbaugh dumped upon you for your free horse tea books.

This is what teaching looks like my children and brats so you comprehend how all of this works in the rich robbing you and the regime gouging you.


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