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Law of Success


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As America discovers in the Age of Obama the cause and effect of the destruction of these United States to utter ruin, it behooves this blog to bespeak from the ground zero ashes, how the cottage of America will be raised from Continental leadership again from this grave.

It is simple in the quotes concerning President George Washington as expressed by Henry Cabot Lodge.

"Washington knew that nations were raised up and made great and efficient, and that civilization was advanced, not by laissez aller and laissez faire, but by much patient human striving.

He had not done this by sitting still and letting each man go his way, but by strong brain and strong will, and by much organization and compulsion."

A nation is not built by a commerce out of control and a nation can not be built in directionless commerce. A nation is built only by constant effort.

It was only by constant stewardship of directed people, as in a well directed military

"Neither the study nor the outlook were vain, and both told Washington that political independence was only part of the work, and that national sentiment, independent thinking, and industrial independence also must be reached.

The first two, time alone could bring. The last, wise laws could help to produce."

These are the secrets to American prosperity. America must have a Government independent of debt and influence from financiers or other nations, combined with a national bias to only buying things American.
Time would only bring this into Americans to be an American mindset.

Independent or rugged individual thinking, combined with invention and then enacting upon with America producing it's own goods, which laws would help protect were the marriage of this.

America can only be rebuilt by every American putting in the effort and work, and with Americans loyally creating the best products at a competitive cost and profit to which Americans will loyally patronize those goods.

This has to be a common effort and steadfastness. Only by this can America ever be rebuilt again.


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