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Taras Bulba


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry broke the story that the Kremlin led by Vladimir Putin had mass assassinated the Polish National Government, at the same location where Russian troops had mass assassinated Poles in World War II, it sounded quite heinous on those merits, much as the press is now in propaganda producing a fiction of what is taking place in the Ukraine, in Russian Nationalists seeking to liberate Ukraine from the cartel of Europe and with Vladimir Putin placing these Russians under his protection.

The Lame Cherry is about to give you some information never before published in the west and is information which is going to make you consider if what Russians in World War II justified in the slaughter of Poles and if the Kremlin was justified in the Obama condoned mass assassination of the Polish Nationals in a plane crash in the very same theater.

This started with Taras Bulba as the title, and none of you will be knowledgeable if this is a person, place or thing. What Taras Bulba was, is a person. He is the national Hero of Cossack Russia.

He lived in the 17th century of our Lord AD. His home was in Ukraine away from the Cossack settlement of Seth. His two sons, were taught the "cloth" in Kiev from the monks, monks who were not Catholic but Protestant Russian Orthodox.

Taras Bulba sent his sons to the Cossack bastion, and even if there would not be war with the Muslims, he  declared he would ride with them. While there, the body of his dead wife appeared with a few survivors from Ukraine.
The invaders who had murdered Taras Bulba's family were Polish Catholics, and were busy ridding the Ukraine of Russian Orthodox Churches and installing Jews into power.

The Cossacks massed to arms and rode into southwest Poland where they made war on the Poles. They finally became checked at a castle where Bulba's youngest son joined the Poles who were starving in the castle, as he had fell in love with the Polish Governor's daughter in Kiev, named Elzbeth.

While this treachery was taking place, the Tartars, the Muslims attacked Seth and slaughtered and enslaved all the Cossacks. One half of the army returned to fight at home, and it was then the Poles attacked the Cossacks, and in a hard fought battle defeated the Cossacks.

Tuba Bulba had been elected their chief man, and in defeat he faced his youngest son in battle and killed him for being a traitor, while the elder son was captured with other Cossacks, and taken to Warsaw for execution.

No there was no milk of human kindness in these Catholics, no more than the Catholics in Germany against Martin Luther, or the Catholics in France against Joan of Arc.

To give you an essence of what the Poles at Warsaw did to the Cossacks, the Poles amassed the population in the city square, with the elite looking on. A giant of an executioner then bound down a Cossack on an X shaped cross.
In some cases, the axe would be laid cutting off the right arm of the warrior, before beheading them. In other cases, as in the son of Taras Bulba, a huge maul was put into play, which smashed each arm and leg, with the intention of making the warrior cry out.
A meat hook was then inserted under the chest cavity, and the man was then hoisted up, impaled for the crowd to look upon. The executioner would then pull on the man's legs to make certain the meat hook was sunk in deeply.

The story has it, that the younger son impregnated the Governor's daughter, and she died after a difficult child birth, but the child survived.

Taras Bulba was captured alone by the Poles after this, and burned at the stake.

The Poles ruled in this manner, until the Russian Czars rose, and by military force liberated Russia. Perhaps this might explain a little more in why the Nazis and the Soviets were intent on dividing Poland, why Stalin mass murdered Poles and why this took place again in 2009 AD in the year of our Lord.

After being murdered by Indian Terrorists, Americans retaliated at Chivington and other areas. In retaliation, the British retaliated on Nazi bombing of London in burning Dresden and Hamburg alive from the air. History is full of settling scores.

Now you comprehend a more complete picture of why Christian Russia, has in it's memory a hatred for Polish Catholics. Bloody Mary of England was not the only Catholic employing Christocide upon Protestants.

I return in this hidden reality of the Vatican in their maul of the Poles. These were supposedly a people who their leader was the vicar of Christ. These Catholics employed their own form of drawing and quartering before beheading the person, or they burned people at the stake.

It is all another matter when it is Obama's hordes slaughtering Khadaffi's followers in Libya, mass assaulting Lara Logan in Egypt, or employing chemical weapons in Syria.
The Obama regime's ISIS just blew up the sacred tomb of Jonah in Iraq. The Obama regime has overseen a great deal of score settling, like placing US Soldiers into slaughter pits in Afnamistan and ordering them not to defend themselves.

So the Russians desire their Ukraine back. The Russians settled some scores in mass slaughter, for historical slaughter they suffered from Poles.

If this was you, would you deem you had that right and accept being called a Hitler for settling scores and protecting your people?

The only criminal in this in this judgment is the image of Barack Hussein Obama, as it had no business involving Americans in turning over Slavic peoples as trade items to the Kremlin, condoning the slaughter of Polish Nationals, and the theft of the Ukraine from the Kremlin, because Vladimir Putin refused to allow the Obama genocide of Syrians.

The further story continues......


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