As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am moved to address a subject of "food disease" or the human body allergic to certain foods, dieting in passing, and human body types in what the individual body genus is.
This of course has never been addressed fully before on all levels explaining it, as the health and medical community is scientific and monetary ignorant and profiteering in only promoting that which makes them a fortune.
The human body types are three groups:
1. Meat in proteins
2. Vegetable and fruit in sugars
3. Fats in dairy, tallow, vegetable and animal oils
4. Starches in cereal grains and potatoes
The 13 Tribes of Israel had a diet placed upon them, as they had food allergies, and most Americans suffer from the same allergens being Israelite based in genetics in the Indo European type of language group, meaning they derive from this migratory people.
This also includes leavening agents as yeast. That is why God advocated types of fasting, why Daniel was away from sugars and meats for a time, why the breakfast or breaking of the fast involved what? Unleavened bread and lamb, both non allergenic foods.
On the microbial level, the human body is no different than gravy, pudding or grease. It is a matter that an above food in energy is united with amino acids in the body, with oxygen and a catalyst, to produce a chemical reaction in your cells, akin to a fire burning. The net product of this is energy for your body, heat which runs the chemical exchange at 98.6, carbon monoxide which you exhale along with water from you lungs just like a car engine, and feces.
The human body is a magnificient chemical reactor and if it joins at the amino acid level with 'foods' which are recognized as poisons, then auto immune disorders begin from joint swelling, intestinal swelling and bleeding, water retention, pancreatic swelling which brings on diabetes etc...
I will focus on Celiac Disease in explaining that part as while I manifest Celiac symptoms, I am not the least allergic to wheat, but what is in wheat. I will explain.
I almost died due a severe synsitivity built up to corn oil, and the yeast which is in all modern processed dairy in the cheese, yogurt and buttermilk. In France, their cheese products are all localized bacteria, while in America it is all one type of agent for all products.
I have already explained the food at molecular start, broken down in the intestine, joined to amino acids, which the body then processes as fuel for energy. I will now expound upon that.
"Food", and think of it as a freight train in wheat, is a carrier. An empty freight train of wheat, the body does not react to, but put Monstanto genetic altered wheat into it which has a algae gene which survives being sprayed with Monsanto Round Up for weed control in production agriculture, and the human body says, "Yes this is food."
The body then upon absorbing it, says, "This is algae, and algae is a poison to me," so the body begins rejecting it in defense in intestinal swelling, bleeding, joint pains, organ inflamation and refusal to absorb this poison.
Not all Celiac is this reaction. Some is natural aversion to grass seeds, which is what all cereal grains are from rice, corn, barley, rye etc... Wheat is special in it reacts in gluten, which with yeast makes bread rise into a product of mostly air which fools the human into thinking they are eating a great deal of food.
There are foods which are non gluten in the cereal grains in rye, barley, buckwheat, corn, rice, quinoa, millet, teff, amaranth, tapioca, poi, potatoes, yams, and the fringe alternative in Kamut or Egyptian wheat which came out of pyramid tomb and spelt.
Spelt is a sort of wheat without being wheat. If one is not hyper sensitive, spelt will be the bread substitute for wheat.
Let us return to the train now though as this is most important. The human body in all of this frankenfood is starving. It is in feast and famine many times a week. Think of it as one day to your stomach arrives a train of bread with barley malt mixed in, chemicals which you can not pronounce, parts per hundred of potassium nitrate and nitrites in meat, vegetables having been grown in parts per million Mexican human feces and crude oil fertilizers, Monsanto algae genetics and things like aspartame.
Your body says, "No way am I going to absorb that", and you have a large bowel movement.
Next day you are not feeling so good, so you eat a bland diet which comes in the same train. It might be sheep, rice and sweet potatoes. Your body says, "This is food", and being starved it absorbs it all, but you seem to become more ill.
The reason is, the residue in your intestines in the freight train still has a coating of the toxins, and they slip into your body absorption. You though do not have much of a bowel movement as all the food is absorbed as if you had not eaten for 2 days.
As an example in this, I once took colloidal silver, and I reacted to it. It was not the silver, but the silver was killing the toxic microbial bacteria which was not supposed to be in my intestines, which people have in greater flora count as toxic foods produce a toxic bacterial in the intestine. In this case, I received a mega dose of things making me sick, and I got the hives.
Hives, rashes, fevers, are the body at first stage attempting to burn these toxins out of the body, exactly like a viral infection. As a child, my body had two absolute warning reactions. If I ate red twist licorice which is concentrated corn starch with peaches, I would look like a tiger in having hive red streaks all over my body and I would itch horridly. If I ate taco flavored Doritos and chocolate Ho Ho's, I would get severe migraines.
From the earliest times at age 3 in learning to talk, I was forever telling my Mom that I had a headache. Some of it was nature in pollen, mildew and mold allergens, but the migraines were food based. To this day, the mites which feed on old book paper in that "dust" will give me a headache in a moment, as quickly as numbers of "women's perfumes".
I will touch on this also, as people never consider in Celiac that large stomach which covers their bodies, called skin, being the largest organ of the body. Consider this reality in, would you put on top of your Cheerios in the morning, a spray of your deodorant, make up and body wash and eat it? It would make you sick right?
Yet your skin is absorbing those very chemicals into your body in parts per hundred and not million over the years you are using those products. There is absolutely no difference between your stomach and your skin.
When I was a child, my body was attempting to rid itself of the toxins I was ingesting, and it came out through my pores. I can remember working as a child outside and simply scraping the skin, like scratching it, and I would get a welt on me as if I had catch scratch fever.
I have mentioned previously Biblical diet and lifestyles, and they are for a reason. God forbade putting different materials in clothing together in the same weave as flax and wool, as much as not crossbreeding asses and horses for mules. The human body requires cleansing times, or types of fasts. By this I mean, yes there are toxins in food, but if one eats only one type of food, the body begins to resist it and crave other things as a safety barrier.
By the same microbial response, if you are eating combination things at base, your body becomes confused as to what it is being exposed to. Think of it as Jazz. Jazz is something like rap which no one can figure out what the heaven it is, as it is blues gone wild. Play orchestra music and rock together and your ears rejects it as it does not harmonize. It is the same way in the base microbial structure in the human body, keep exposing it to, too many exotic compounds and the body naturally rejects it.
Look at "wheat flour" sometime on the label. You will find it is not wheat, but instead has barley malt flour included. Barley malt is a bi product of the beer industry, in a yeast broken down cereal. It is why Minneapolis uses it in part as much as Malt o Meal, as it does taste good, but it is filler, or a way of getting rid of something of no value for a price.
That and numbers of vitamins stoked into "wheat" and you have something the body says, "This is not wheat". This is not the staff of life.
Adding to this, the three staffs in water, flour and salt, look at your Morton's salt label sometime and you will see calcium silicate as an anti caking agent, dextrose and potassium iodide.
Salt is immensely necessary for human metabolism, and yet included in it are poisons and anti bacterial agents. Iodine is in salt to stop goiters which are an over stimulation of the thyroid gland in not having enough iodine in the diet. Iodine though just like chlorine in water is a base product which kills good bacteria in the body as well as bad bacterial in nature.
Salt is also a natural anti viral, fungal and bacterial agent, but in responsible quantities it does not harm the body's natural flora.
So you understand the point in this, everything being sold to you, has toxins or compounds in it which are not natural and what is in your body in the genetic weak link, reacts to these things manifesting as an illness.
My personal experience with food allergens and chemical sensitivity had me able to eat celery, which has no food value at all. Almost all vegetables or fruits are exposed or sprayed to some toxin. Fruits are gassed in methane to ripen them, vegetables are sprayed or irradiated, and the process is not all lab quality control.
My brother and I both are sensitive to things, and he has mentioned as is my experience how dumbfounded a person is, in we can find something to eat and have no reaction and in next purchase become sick on the same food products. What is taking place is industry has FDA standards, but employees dump too much chemical in, not mix it in correctly so it concentrates, or sometimes the corporation to save money does not add any toxins at all and they are not caught.
People who are sensitive though notice this each time.
The capitalist situation is, lobbyists appeared in Congress long ago for industry like DuPont, and DuPont having loads of potassium chloride for example, bought Congress to pass a law in the Food and Drug "safety" to dump this anti bacterial into foods.
Certainly in minute amounts it does not make anyone sick, but all of these corporations began pushing their chemicals, and soon it was iron sulfate in pasta, and it was accumulating in toxic levels, as people ate nothing but processed and prepared foods.
I give this example in Sarah Palin's Chic Fil A or McDonald's Chicken McNuggets.
1. The chicken is mass produced, in being fed Monsanto frankenfood grains, anti biotics, sometimes growth hormones (is why children mature faster and why children are growing to be giants) and are vaccinated for disease.
In processing, Mexican slave labor bathes them in more anti bacterial compounds, and as water is the profit, the meat is infused with a "water" which is chlorine and other anti microbials.
2. The breading, again is a combination based in wheat, but has frankenfood corn starch and other chemical toxins.
3. The oil which deep fries the chicken and is absorbed into the breading, is rape seed, AKA canola oil. It does not matter if it is peanut, sunflower, corn, soy etc... as each now is Monsanto genetic altered frankenfood which does not die when herbicide of Round Up is sprayed on it as it is algae based.
Again, if you put a quarter teaspoon of chemicals and covered a piece of bread with algae and ate it, you would not feel well immediately, but would you blame the bread or the chemicals?
Wheat is the staff of life, but it is a freight train loaded down with toxins and wheat is getting a bad name, especially by these fruit body types, which if you happen to look at Youtube or peronal sites of little blonde girls who are eating volumes of bananas and whatever a day and being "healthy", while if you attempt it, you would crap like a goose and get sick, as you are not a fruit and vegetable type body, you are experiencing the capitalist crap of niche marketing which is harming people.
Personally, if I eat nothing but fruits and vegetables, my body screams for "real food". My type functions best on protein and starch, with a side dressing of the flora sugars.
I do not discount those who have wheat allergies, as some human types can not process bovine milk, as the American Indians. The Vikings on arrival gave the Indians milk, and they puked it all up, which made the Indians believe they were poisoned and that kindness started all types of trouble.
What the point is though, is far too many people are being told this is making them sick, when a small group has that condition, and the larger group is manifesting symptoms the same if they were eating algae off a pond.
Algae is designed to break down poisons of nature in a swamp to cleanse the base resource for other small life forms to feed larger life forms.
For Celeriac diagnosis or those sensitized by toxins, I do recommend trying spelt flour as it is wheat, but it might fool a body. Non Monsanto rice is an alternative.
I dislike quinoa, pronounced KEEN WAH, as you have to wash the natural soap off the seed before boiling it. There is a flake though like oatmeal which is very good and cooked the same way.
Millet, amaranth and teff, are boiled like quinoa, but can be found in flours too. Teff is from Africa and is another grass seed as is sorghum which I do like. Millet is fine as a boiled grain, but as a flour it is horrid, as is rice flour.
Amaranth is Latin American pig weed. A leafy plant which makes a sticky grain which is good to eat when boiled.
As I mentioned Kamut wheat or Egyptian wheat, I happened to react to this grain worse than normal wheat.
In speaking of normal wheat, the old varieties are hard to find, but if you involve yourself in the old textbooks, you will find hard red spring wheats in original varieties, that is you care to go that route, can grind it up and make your own flour, if you are not Celiac.
I will expand this in wheat is two types. Annual wheat is termed red or spring wheat. Bi annual wheat which is durum or semolina, is planted in autumn and harvested after the following year. This is "Kansas" wheat, which is pasta wheat or Cream of Wheat farina. The bread wheat is "North Dakota" wheat.
To show the complexities of my sensitivities, so my children will not think I dismiss Celiac Disease. I have a real problem with American semolina wheat. I can eat some types of wheat. For example, at a market chain they have white bread in that market's brand name. That makes me ill, but their whole wheat I am fine with. Likewise at another chain I can eat their sourdough, but their white bread I react to.
That is not to state I can not eat white bread, as I have a recipe for Blessed Healing Bread as my brother calls it, that I concocted, and I have no problem with it..........but I have had problem with the yeast for rising which I have to change as that is what makes me ill if I have too much of it.
I can eat Italian semolina, and organics mixed with Jerusalem Artichoke I can digest. By the same opposite reaction, I once ate some organic coucous from Israel, which was slightly undercooked, and you could have put me into Fukishima reactor and not gotten me any more ill.
I ate this couscous at 4 pm, not in great quantity. By 5 I felt off. By 6, my neck was aching, as was my body. By 8, my intestines has begun shutting down. I tried going to bed as my head was aching and throbbing, my body was in pain and I was dizzy.
By 2 am, I was up trying not to die with Mom looking on. Around 3, I started vomiting until 4. Yes it was emergency ward stuff, but I do not have the money for hospital care.
In trying just about anything, I sipped some apple cider vinegar, baking soda (non aluminum) and a cup of cold water, and this at least settled my stomach down, and propped up, I passed out from allergic reaction fatigue, and was nauseated the entire next day.
I have no idea what that product was, but it was the worst reaction I have ever experienced, and I have had ciprofloxin reactions that almost killed me, and every year as a child when oat and wheat harvest took place, I would get malaria type chills in 100 degree weather, where I would dress up in long underwear, pile in the covers and go to bed to try and get warm.
So yes I have wheat allergies, but not Celiac as I can eat wheat in certain cases. I just can not breathe in grain dusts nor allow the toxic train to ride along on the wheat I do eat.
In England, there is almost no preservatives in food. It for the most part is absolutely unnecessary. You can now find uncured bacons in America, and the same could be implemented in hams.
Meat does not need to be covered in potassium nitrate, but it could be frozen to preserve it.
I will add to this, that meat in display cases runs through top market, is then resold to other outlets and ends up in bad restaurants as it will not rot, in having that much preservative on it. I watched a steak one time for 2 weeks in a low end grocery unpurchased and not rotting. Meat is supposed to break down after 3 days.
The same issue is "bread" on the store shelf. I marvel at my blessed healing bread, in I can leave it sit out on a counter for weeks without mold. I can keep it in the fridge for over a year without mold. Yet "bread" from the market will mold in a week, filled with preservatives and will mold in a fridge.
I conclude in order to sell bread, that manufacturers incorporate a reactive mold to destroy the bread and make you purchase more bread every week.
Yes perhaps it is not the wheat making you sick, but the same mold put into the bread to make it spoil, just as Ford in the 1990's were making vehicles to wear out in expensive fuel pumps to gouge consumers in that capitalistic rapine.
I have nothing against capitalism, but in the tycoon state, industry cheats consumers in endangering them, sickening them and robbing them in faulty products.
A generation ago, people were not ill from eating wheat. This changed in the 1980's as the food product and absorption of chemicals infused harmful toxins into people.
It takes time to flush the toxins out of the human body, as much as it does a city sewer. The point is to not get to the point of reactions.
All chemicals are not evil, from pesticides to herbicides, in responsible use. One can not though genetically alter foods as it makes people and bees deathly ill.
I am a firm believer in affluent people buying more expensive foods directly from farmers and ranchers as at least half their diet. I would advocate hunting, but "someone" dumped prions into Colorado elk herds to stop people from hunting, and now that has spread through big game populations.
A variety of diet is important as much as growing a non toxic or obtaining a farmers market heirloom type vegetables and fruits, for urban dwellers. People of the city can raise enough chard, lettuce, cabbage and potatoes to enjoy in keeping the work down. Just takes water and nutrients with weeding.
Each amount of toxins removed, makes your body less sensitive. All sorts of things make you react like eating dog and pet dander in your homes, as pets are becoming more sick all the time on the toxins pumped into them.
In closing, there are alternatives to wheat, but they are not going to taste like wheat. If you care to go Russian, there is rye, but know like the Finns, you have to allow rye which does not raise on it's own as it is not glutten predominant, to sit as "bread" for 24 hours to begin to convert it's base structure to sugar, otherwise it is sour rye, compared to sweet rye bread.
This is part of the million dollar knowledge which can only be gleaned by experience. The Finns have a Christmas delicacy of long fermented or raised rye bread which takes days to prepare.
What requires consideration is, it may not be the wheat, but what is put into the wheat, genetically altered in the wheat and what is leavened into the wheat which is making people sick at a higher rate. It does not discount Celiac, but it does require a consideration that when additives or algaes are toxic, then that is not helping the human nutrition with that type of poison.
nuff said