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matter of record


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There once was a nasty coup plotting revolutionary in America named Sec of State, Thomas Jefferson who was against George Washington and destroyed John Adams, and set about the murder of Alexander Hamilton.
He supped from the toe jam slipper of disgusting French intrigue.

I remind readers of the spawn of this in Paris sipping Sec of State John Kerry conducting anti Russian policy from France along with this image of Obama gayly courting European worship over American loyalty.

I place this quote from American statesman and historian, Henry Cabot Lodge in his American judgment with President Theodore Roosevelt who was his friend, and by the judgment of President George Washington, concerning those who were the European Jingo typified by the original Jefferson pantaloon and the current John Kerry loon.

"That American citizens should have so little self-respect as to borrow the political jargon and ape the political manners of Paris was sad enough. To put on red caps, drink confusion to tyrants, sing Ça ira, and call each other "citizen," was foolish to the verge of idiocy."

Yes idiocy, those Americans who ape after European courts are treacherous morons.

I have you recall now those treacherous Obama political minders of election theft ACORN and Obama for America in  their festering postule of French revolution anarchy in the Thomas Jefferson minded overthrow of America.


These societies, senseless imitations of French examples, and having no real cause to defend liberty, became simply party organizations, with a strong tendency to foster license and disorder. Washington regarded them with unmixed disgust, for he attributed to them the agitation and discontent of the settlers beyond the mountains, which threatened to embroil us with Spain, and he believed also that the much more serious matter of the whiskey rebellion was their doing.

Henry Cabot Lodge

That is a matter of record in this, in the same traitors in Jefferson are the same Sec of Treachery in John Kerry and the image of Birther Obama.

For every whiskey rebellion, there is a Trayvon Martin in black wilding and ever Spanish intrigue there is bowing to Peking in debt.

Thomas Jefferson is the sociopath who spawned all of this with purpose to change he believed in that left the world bloodied as much as Kerry and Obama have bloodied Africa, America and Asia.

President George Washington defined exactly what the threat was to America, in these funded organized groups and what murderous effect they had on America.

"I consider this insurrection as the first formidable fruit of the democratic societies, brought forth, I believe, too prematurely for their own views, which may contribute to the annihilation of them."

These are the modern George Soros societies, the Warren Buffett propaganda media of economic rape, the Bill Gates foundations of American overthrow. These are the scourges to America, and President George Washington defined them as such.

"And when in the calm moments of reflection they [the citizens of the United States] shall have traced the origin and progress of the insurrection, let them determine whether it has not been fomented by combinations of men, who, careless of consequences, and disregarding the unerring truth, that those who rouse cannot always appease a civil convulsion, have disseminated, from an ignorance or perversion of facts, suspicions, jealousies, and accusations of the whole government."

Under the Obama regime, America has been in insurrection, led by this illigetimate Designer Negro who stole two elections for the Presidency by electronic vote fraud.

Let it be said, noted and confirmed, President George Washington denounced everything that is Barack Obama and stood against all the foreign intrigue and political machinations of Thomas Jefferson, the traitor to the Revolution, and in the 21st century, President George Washington would denounce and be against everything that is the Obama regime.

Barack Obama is a tearer down of America. Barack Obama is with his regime an insurrectionist, anarchist, seditionist and foreign agent against America.

Let it be known clearly that President George Washington was against every vestage of this in 1790 under Thomas Jefferson treachery and President George Washington is against every fray of this in the Obama 21st century treachery.

Barack Hussein Obama, his image, his regime and every enabler of it are Constitutional Criminals at war with these United States.

If you do not think this has come full circle, then the following quote concerning the diatribes against President George Washington from this festering Jeffersonian ilk, should educate the thinking mind.

"As if he [George Washington] were the omnipotent director of a seraglio, and had thundered contempt upon the people with as much confidence as if he sat upon the throne of "Industan."

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington

For those who do not know what as seraglio is in which President Washington was slandered with by this Jefferson ilk, a  seraglio is the sex slave den of a Muslim and that is what Industan is mentioned in Muslim Pakistan before it broke away from India.

The Thomas Jefferson ilk were slandering President George Washington as a Muslim whoremonger and this same Obama ilk is the Islamic whoremonger now in the White House, as John Kerry threatens Christian Uganda over sodomite laws, while.................not saying a word to wealthy Muslim states with beheading laws.

This regime ilk is not just political currs and culls, but foreign agents and traitors to America. They are Constitutional Criminals at war with America and Americans, for the overthrow of America by coup.

"Beware of attacks, open or covert, upon the Constitution. Beware of the baneful effects of party spirit and of the ruin to which its extremes must lead. Do not encourage party spirit, but use every effort to mitigate and assuage it. Keep the departments of government separate, promote education, cherish the public credit, avoid debt. Observe justice and good faith toward all nations; have neither passionate hatreds nor passionate attachments to any; and be independent politically of all. In one word, be a nation, be Americans, and be true to yourselves."

President George Washington

The Obama regime has violated every last crossed T and dotted I of the Washington Farewell Wisdom to Americans.
Farewell Address to America

And how did the Jefferson ilk respond? This is from the Jeffersonian publication, the Aurora.

"Every heart in unison with the freedom and happiness of the people ought to beat high with exultation that the name of Washington ceases from this day to give currency to political insults, and to legalize corruption. A new era is now opening upon us, an era which promises much to the people, for public measures must now stand upon their own merits, and nefarious projects can no longer be supported by a name. When a retrospect has been taken of the Washingtonian administration for eight years, it is a subject of the greatest astonishment that a single individual should have cankered the principles of republicanism in an enlightened people just emerged from the gulf of despotism, and should have carried his designs against the public liberty so far as to have put in jeopardy its very existence. Such, however, are the facts, and with these staring us in the face, the day ought to be a JUBILEE in the United States."

Henry Cabot Lodge

Lodge writers frankly with the reality of this, in the democratic party and Thomas Jefferson viewed George Washington as their worst enemy.

"The party organized and led by Jefferson, regarded Washington as their worst enemy, and assailed him and slandered him to the utmost. They even went so far as to borrow materials from the enemies of the country with whom we had lately been at war, by publishing the forged letters attributed to Washington, and circulated by the British in 1777, in order to discredit the American general."

Henry Cabot Lodge

Yes Thomas Jefferson's worst enemy was President George Washington. It reminds one of the diatribes of Barack Hussein Obama Chin in George W. Bush was the worst enemy enemy to America. Obama would have open hands to Tehran, Pyonyang, bow to China and Riyadh and reset with Hugo Chavez in Boeing contracts to Assad of Syria.

The Paris sippers Thomas Jefferson and Barack Obama.

"A party exists [democrat] in the United States, formed by a combination of causes, which opposed the government in all its measures, and are determined, as all their conduct evinces, by clogging its wheels indirectly to change the nature of it, and to subvert the Constitution.

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington, Volume II

Under Jefferson it was treasonous, under Obama it was foreign usurpation.

nuff said.


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