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Ray Rice


Today in Kansas City, the image of Obama bragged of America is the greatest producer of crude oil in the world, and his Obama crowd cheered.
Yes Obama's image and Obamites proudly cheering carbon omissions increasing under the regime........as the image bragged green electricity has tripled in production......the problem is electric bills have tripled under the regime.

This though is not about Jinn which cries wolf in lies, it is about Ray Rice of the NFL, having slugged his finance in an elevator after she spit on him.

I do not pay any attention to sports of the circus, as I can not afford the sports I would enjoy in hunting, fishing and trapping, as what I would focus upon if some large donor would do the Christian or responsible thing..........the point is I guess Ray Rice is an Afroid and I have no idea what the spitter was he slugged, except she promised Roger Goodell of the NFL that it would never happen again, and if it did Ray Rice would be dragged out of the elevator and not her.
Sounds like some Muchelle Obama body type, and I do not care to think about ugly big boned women and the males who are attracted to this soft gay intercourse.

What I care to focus upon is what took place when I was in secondary school, in the Principal of Gestopo High, made it an issue of giving students detention for things which happened out of school.
I never could figure out what the hell it was any business of a school handing out detention for things not done in school. I was privy to an interview involving this.......I do not recall if I was sick at the time in the medical office adjacent or what happened in my being on detention for the great crime of wearing a hat for a moment in a gymnasium during a school cheer, but the conversation involved the Prin harping at a girl who had moved out to her own apartment, on her own money, being 18 years old........and it was none of the Prin's blessed business.

That is what I do not understand in how the NFL can suspend Ray Rice for slugging a spitter, when it had nothing to do with NFL events. I realize they have morality clauses, but you know what bullshit that is, in the Obama of the NFL in Randy Moss got away with beating women and the NFL is filled with rapists, fornicators and adulterers, and nothing is done about them.

I see no point in Roger Goodell having any right to suspend or fine any NFL player for things not done in the NFL. If Ray Rice, slugged a cheerleader who spit on him....then that is a matter of firing the cheerleader for initiating the event, as it is horse crap the idea that men, women or children have any right to do anything and not face retaliation. The idea that no one has the right to lay hands on others is a violation of English Law, in the right of self defense.

What I do not understand is why Ray Rice would marry this spitter. Yes it maybe was something about fall out control, but you got real problems if you are landing a haymaker on a woman for spitting on you.

Marriage and relationships are odd things, but the reality is if you are dragging your spouse around the house, slapping each other or your routine is treating each other like children, you are not in a marriage. You are in a psychotic episode.

I have made mistakes in life in trusting the wrong evil people. I had a rule though in watching my immature father in I was never going to be involved with an adult child. I was going to either be with an adult or not be with anyone. The idea of my having to be a parent to someone I was wed to, was something I refused to do. It is the other persons responsibility to be proper, and if they are not, then that is what the door and packed bags are for.
Those involved in that excrement and terming it a relationship are fools or worse yet some psychological sado masochist they are getting off on. Yes there are unbalanced people who enjoy ordering others around like dogs and there are people around who like being controlled......that is what Islamic weddings are all about in the sub controlling the Dom, but that is no more of a marriage than the shams sodomites are hooking up in.

The NFL and Roger Goodell have no business in disciplining Ray Rice. That is a matter for courts, and frankly on a jury, I would vote not guilty for Rice and convict the woman for assault in spitting on him.

I have no idea what is in the elevator video. I do not know if Rice called her a dirty Obama cunt to start this, or if she was just on the rag, having a bad PMS.......that is what the police are for if called, and not for Roger Goodell or the NFL.

The idiocy of this is the US military and sports teams are being subjected to civil laws when these are not civil occupations, while the Obama regime is inflicting genocide on American civilians, and the courts sanction all of it.

The world is a place that a husband can afflict on a wife, and he had better hope he never goes to sleep, as some women might like the Japanese wife of an American wife beater, kill the bastard and bury him in the garden, and no one cared, as the wife beater was a jerk to everyone.

Sure there are wacko families like Bill Clinton raping women and Hillary smashing him over the head with lamps as Chelsea grows up thinking that it is fine for lesbians to grab her ass in bars to Muchelle and Barry Obama in sodomite sex..........and we have not yet seen what wacko manifestations will come from this, like the Kennedy's, but that psycho drama belongs with those unGodly types preying upon each other.......not the PGA fining Bill Clinton because he  plays golf or the United Porn Workers Association fining the image of Obama for playing with hisself.

My idea of paradise is walleye and crapping fishing, with a Garcia reel, which I can not afford. I would love to have a Ruger Mini 14 like some Vikings apparently possess, which does delight me I know someone who actually has a 223 to tune coyotes up, but that is out of the picture as much as trapping. My idea of paradise is no longer professional sports, military nor politics in any form. The world is heinous now in justice is denied and the powerful reward attacks upon the base of society, as in the drafting of that worthless sodomite from Missouri and a big slobbery kiss on television celebrating it, as the kiss of death for normal children for the next generation for America.

I hope Ray Rice has a pre nup, as he will be like Kayne West running for the divorce court from that hose bag he got cross balled for. That is still an expensive f*ck even with pre nup and gets worse if little bastards start popping out.
Just so common sense is involved in this........you have an almost 300 pound male, built by the NFL with chemicals, whose every action can kill anyone..........and to this a woman spits on this guy.
That to me is all intelligence has left the building as the elevator ceased going to the top floor.

You do not like the person you are stupid enough to be with, you leave. If you don't leave, I don't want to hear about your psycho interactions as you bawl about them, involving others in your pathetic pseudo sexual depravities, as that is your insane chosen nature. I also do not want Roger Goodell types punishing people for things that are for criminal courts. If Ray Rice is such a non NFL prize, then ban his ass and stop using him to making billions of dollars for the Obama elite.

I dislike all of this and am fed up with it putting upon me in behaving in my life in God, but injuring me. Catching a walleye on a bottom bouncer, making a nice shot on a Canada goose, or creating a dirt hole set to catch a fox, is what interests me in sports.
The last thing I want is the NFL and liberal media deciding what is acceptable or not, as they are all Obama condoners in that regime's crimes...........frick head Dan Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steelers sold out an NFL franchise to backing Obama and was rewarded with the graft of an ambassadorship..........all criminal and a violation of the NFL and there is not a problem with that.

I have enough to deal with and am finished with this. Maybe before I post this I will find a photo of the spitter to see how it does not sway my judgments on all of this.

Oh and that is not Mrs. Ray Rice.........she is too ugly to feature in this ugly post.


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