As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children, you have to understand that there is not an "Israel" a "Jew" an "American" a "Philistine" in the John Kerry and image of Obama world.
Rush Hudson Limbaugh is correct in there will be no diplomatic solution to the current Jewish Philistine dust up, because there is a reality in this:
John Kerry is cartel Ashkenaz leftist. Yes John Kerry is "jew", but the same kind of "jew" which was secular in World War II, and selling ghetto Jews to Nazi forced labor camps to thin out those "competitors".
The Israeli state is a matter of Aaron Klein right, Benjamin Netanyahu political right, and the entire rest of the power elite who imported various Muslims to offset the influx of Jewish religious and political right after World War II.
I will not get into the quote by Mark Twain in the latter 1800's, which stated there were few Muslims in Palestine as a historical record, but will indulge in this that the same Ashkenaz financiers, with Vatican Jesuit nuance, and European aristocracy is who put Birther Hussein Obama Chin into the White House, and this entire American regime hates not all Jews, but like Hillary Clinton, adores Ehud Barak secular leftist "jews" working for the cartel, while it hates the Jewish right, because the Jewish right is competitors in control of Jerusalem and the Israeli state.
This is why John Kerry negotiates with terror Hamas for ceasefires and the American Mockingbird press rallies around Kerry as the Jewish Government tells the Obama regime to butt the hell out.
For the record in this, the Jewish state was facing in September a surprise Intifada, equal in intensity to the surprise of the wars in the 1970's. It was this insurrection which was being neutralized and is being protected by the cartel and the Obama regime via John Kerry.
See Benjamin Netanyahu is political rightist, and therefore is a political competitor. As the Ashkenaz of Europe can not sell the current ghetto of the Israeli state to German industry, the next best scenario is to arm the terrorists, and have them make the Jewish state such a danger zone, that the majority flees to America and Australasia, as Europe is by design getting too "hot" for Jews due to Ashkenaz propaganda aimed at Jews.
I realize this is not how you are taught to think, but it is the reality in the Rothschild elite do not want these vermin lower caste Ashkenaz pissing in their pots, no more than the Judahite Sephardic.
The cartel minds as in keeps in pens, Jews in Europe and the West to spew propaganda like Rob Reiner and Bill Maher. To stir the pot, they fund Mark Levin and Michael Savage, so that is the type of militant Jewish response being conditioned upon the psyche.
Jews are leftist in majority supposedly being backed, and the fringe isolated Levin types, are the minority and the extreme danger. The cartel herds the same type in blacks with the Obama image along with Latinos.
So the cartel in the Obama regime, puts in terrorists in all the Muslim lands, ridding them of nationalist Muslims. John Kerry is joined at the hip along with the Obama image with Philistine terrorists, as the entire situation here is not to allow the Philistines to win, but to have the Philistines bloody the Jews enough, so they will flee to the hinterlands.
The Jewish state has nuclear bombs, and that is what Obama's legacy was all built upon by the cartel to disarm the Jews of nukes in a nuclear free area with Persian Islamocommunists supposedly disarming. Take the nuclear arms away, and the Jews are engulfed of the right, and leveraged out, where a few Ashkenaz elite then rule the international capital of Jerusalem, with the Vatican, as the European aristocracy manage it all.
The Jews of the IDF are handcuffed to surgical strikes and then forced ceasefires which only benefit the leftists arming the terrorists. That is the reality of what John Kerry is. He loathes religious right wing Jews as they are not him, in the same way John Kerry hates Christian George W. Bush for not being like him.
I have nothing against the Philistines of Gaza nor the displaced in West Bank. They are a very attractive people, being forced to exist in misery, by their communist socialist masters who have done the same thing to Philistines as what Obama Geithner have inflicted on Americans in impoverishing and terrorizing the Yanks.
The Jews as Rush Limbaugh is promoting, need to fight this out in victory or death. That means the Jews are going to have to kill masses of male Philistines in the several hundred thousand category. The surviving females are going to have to be refugees to some nations forced into this as Jordan and Iraq, to remove them from missile range.
This seems harsh, but I have factored this out here, in the Jews due to population non growth, and the American leftist Jews not migrating to the Jewish state, that the Israeli state will cease within 50 years.
This is why the Soviets backed the Muslims and not the Jews.
What has to be accomplished is simple in military terms, in a most unpleasant afflicting war on Islamists in Jerusalem to clear that sector, with the Dome placed into rubble, as Gaza becomes a trail of tears in those Philistines marching to Arab lands.
What Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting is the same disaster the Romans did with Jews to pacify them. The Romans in 70 AD had to reduce Jerusalem to rubble and ship out the Jews not raped, robbed and murdered by Herodian Edomites or the modern Turks, who were let into the city, into mass slavery.
That ended the Jewish problem for Rome under Titus Vespasianus Augustus.
I had promoted a decade ago a resettlement of the Philistines into Sinai. This would have been brought about by over taxing Philistine property and buying those lands. The people would then live in Sinai in an aqua culture city state to turn them into farmers.
The elite refused the solution, so my current progression is simple and not hidden. I desire Benjamin Netanyahu, if he has to, to run a false flag operation of something heinous against Jews to end the cease fire propaganda, and for the Jewish state to unleash the type of refugee warfare advocated in the above, to place the surviving Philistines into a manageable location, which the United Nations would manage.
To bribe the Jesuits, present them control of rebuilding the Temple on the Temple Mount for the Ashkenaz and European Aristocracy, with European military garrisons on the West Bank, on the Jordan side of the border.
This is brutal, but so is the alternative of Jewish state extermination, as is having to unleash neutron type bombs to deal with Philistines, Lebanese, Syrians as the Persians are engaged in nuclear exchange with the Jews at a future date.
It solves the situation as it benefits in the 3rd Temple is rebuilt, the anti Christ arises to get it's defiling fingers on the Temple and Jerusalem, the Asians become furious, and Armageddon is waged north of Jerusalem and Jesus returns to solve all at the edge of a sword.
I would advocate that the Vatican be sent in to convert all these Philistines into Catholics in the same way Catholics converted the Indians in America.
People are going to perish in numbers and I pray that the Second Coming is the result of this sooner than later for the good of all.
nuff said
Israel hits symbols of Hamas rule; scores killed
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel unleashed its heaviest bombardment in a 3-week-old war against Hamas on Tuesday, striking symbols of the militant group's control in Gaza and firing tank...