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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Oregon Trail, as much as the voyages of the Huegonots, the Crimean Germans, the Chinese rail laborers, to the Vikings, all point to realities, that graves are the common denominator in all.

The last great mass exodus of peoples has been this insane Obama regime supplanting of American for Mexican forced labor. That trail out of Mexico has produced a stench of dead Mexicans, as the reality is people on the move, are exposed to nature, germs and death, and they end up dead.
The Germans fled before the raping Soviet hordes, and the annals of the real history point to a massive German die off after World War II was ended.
The French and Lowland peoples had their same fun. It is always this way.

As this Obama Faux Pax, or false peace, builds into war, people are going to have to comprehend before that war, that all is not going to be sugar and spice and everything nice. It is always a plus minus world, by this I explain, there are always two scenarios as Adolf Hitler repeated like a parrot.

Either you will stay where you are or you will be a refugee.

This then becomes a pyramid of if you stay, you will be forced to fight or to die in your captive hold.

If you flee, you will be forced to fight or to die on the move.

You will notice something in this in a common denominator, that death is the equal option, to fighting.

I have made mention of the American Historian Francis Parkman concerning the Old Regime in Canada, which was French Empire. How the French arrived, and died. American germs, elements and Indians killed numbers of colonists now with streets and houses built upon their long forgotten graves. The American highway system is a reality that one can not travel one mile without being out of sight of unmarked graves.
Elizabeth Custer mentioned this on a train ride after the Indian Wars, in the entire Oregon Trail was nothing but one mass line of graves on the plains. These people were not reburied. They still decay there unseen or driven over in one of the most heinous tragedies in American reality.

Let us return to the plus minus. You are making decisions now, either you are preparing or not preparing. The reality is, it is easier to have a cast iron or better a stamped metal cooking pan with long handle for open fires, than trying to build one. It is easier to have a hatchet or pruning shear to make pointy sticks for your biscuits and meat to burn on an open fire, than to try and gnaw them off with your teeth, whereby you get splinters in your gums, they get infected, you do not want to eat, the infection spreads, you get weak and you die when some citizen beats you over your head for your blanket.

"Yes we have a survival retreat built in a rural area", ..............yes you try to make it to that retreat as the one thing about rich people is the reality they wait around in cities like Jews in a ghetto, thinking their money will save them or not wanting to flee from their nice homes, so when the time comes, there is a traffic jam or a wall built up around you to lock you in.
"Yes we have relatives we can go and stay with"......yes you try walking 20 to 1000 miles, and see what happens with bug bites, heat, cold, snakes, spiders, your spraining ankles, your getting dysentary from drinking local water or some local figures out rape and robbery is an easy living.......just like the Obama Latins are finding out how much fun the Dreams of Obama are.

If you have something you are going to have to fight for it, from life, family, food or possessions, and that includes from the police state as the regime always confiscates from those who have.

I was mentioning to TL in the metro how in 50 years even cities like Raleigh, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Billings, Cleveland and Hattiesburg will vanish. American cities are wooden and wood burns, as the fire departments are not there to stop the fires which will spread.
I was noticing in the new metro estates, all built too close and how they will make a nice cyclone inferno when the time comes.
It is not just the burning, as I sit here watching all of these little trees sprouting in the street cracks here. Yes for now they are from activity being driven over and checked, but stop the cars, and suddenly there is going to be an asphalt and concrete forest in a few years.
The piles of rubble of Babylon are the piles of rubble of modern cities. It does not take that long to vanish anything.

There is a lesson in this in Albert Speer, the Reich architect and Adolf Hitler. Mr. Speer studied the great ruins of the Greeks and Romans, and built into his principles the idea of "form" which would last 1000 years and beyond, in the decay of civilization, as a testimony to the greatness of Germany. Structures were to be left in place which would resist decay and leave form. In short, if you are going to build a survival shelter or home, it had better be of stone and concrete and not wood....and it better have drainage so you are not swimming in groundwater.

I always pay attention to what pioneers had, as those are the materials which a person should have four of. They had axes and hatchets, with draw knives to make knew handles....files to sharpen things and stones to put edges on things like knives in more than one.
There were firearms, and yes extra blankets and clothes, as cloth and shoes wear our horridly in the real world.
There was the means to make fire in flints and the box of medicines......needles were as vital as ammunition and firearms.........to a pot holder and that thing no one ever considers in SOAP and SALT.

Try being filthy for a few weeks and ponder what would have priority in your world in soap, salt and something to wipe with, or, a 90 pound Alice Pack filled with rations breaking your body down carrying it.

Dual locations are a luxury for the rich, as in two survival locations, but do not think that plagues, atomic bombs,  riots and meteors are not going to blow your burrow out of the ground.

Oh and for those who "think" that they are safe in their basements or storm shelters in the backyard, there is a reason I place here realities like Hamburg which was created by American and English bombers. Those German families huddled in their cellars, and were frozen in position, as the firestorm which was created requires oxygen, and in the cyclone it sucks air to it, meaning people suffocate in their shelters and  then were burned dead.
So one may have a nice tornado and hurricane shelter, but just know that like the American thermobaric bombs that ignite fuel in the atmosphere and suck all the air out of enclaves, that a forest inferno or city inferno will suck the air out of your shelter and suffocate you. You are going to have to have a way to shut ventilation off, and hopefully a second sealed room for air, to give you a few hours until the situation clears outside.

None of you are so confident now are you.......in fact the ones who thought they had all their ducks in a row, are finding out there are so many things they had no idea of in something they overlooked is  going to kill them.
It is all the plus minus.

The time to build a fireplace and a cistern is when it is cheaply done by others and machines, instead of you trying to do it in 20 below weather or digging holes in the rain.

There is time yet in all of this, but each of you should not be looking at how people survive, but how they die, because that is what kills people in mass.

The one object you want to have in focus is to not do anything. That is going to puzzle readers, but activity draws attention. You will be surprised how far the scent of cooking food travels to the nostrils of hungry people. You will want to cook enough of foods which will keep days, to even not alert others to the idea you have food........as your little light and house, means you have something the mob will be cherishing in a dry place to sleep, and what better place to sleep than in your bed.

All of this is mentioned to make things easier, as those who will die will die, but for the living which is the hard part, to view the world as something looking to kill you and that everyone is looking to take from you which you have.
For those who conclude they will fight.......yes and you may be wounded, and odd thing about fighting in, if you do not kill all those fighting with you, they come back with more numbers to kill you, and if you do kill those seeking to rape, rob and murder you...........well there is more work in that as 200 pound dead bodies are heavy, they need burying which contaminates ground water, and if you get lazy and toss them in a ravine, they stink so all can smell it, and then the bears, wolves, coyotes and cougars learn that humans are food, and they start showing up eating your babies and you.

Yes it would be a much better world if all just went to Church, elected Conservatives and hung all your criminals, but that is not the reality as immorality and decay is building and Obama plague upon the globe which will manifest in time to killing billions.

I do not state these realities to trouble people, but to make them aware of what is coming one day. Only by that can one steel oneself and at least have the sense to make things easier, and not be the pretty darling with the BMW, plastic pots and debit card as their hedge against the world. Sure she will probably survive by having her pussy raped for food she thought a smile would con out of the grubbers, but then there is that little bastard sucking life out of her body for 9 months, and the problem she will have in just dumping the kid in the ditch as some pack of dogs eats her snatch off as they are hungry for the smell of blood.........it just probably would be better to think ugly now and not pay with the pretty later.

With that, I leave off............you might be surprised in all those plastic vitamin and pain reliever bottles will be handy for seeds and saving things you do not want the mice to eat or the rain to get wet.

We shall see.


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