As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Inquiry points to a chain of evidence in the downing of the French Ambassador's jet. The French were on the trail of exposing the Obama regime in running terror, dope and whatever in Africa out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
The regime downed this jet inquiry points to a remote control device from a cell phone in the cargo hold.
The Ukrainian puppet of the cartel has been ousted by the cartel, due to evidence Vladimir Putin had acquired concerning that plague jet. Ukraine is to be handed over to the Kremlin.
Do not think this is a victory as the cartel's method is to draw Russian into Ukraine and then provide and avenue of attacking the west to bring about the Kremlin's decapitation.
It is been too rough on me. I do not feel like playing. Need to be away from this world and the scream of it all and just recover, but how do I get home when I do not even have the means to arrive. I just want to a child and not remember.
Ride the pony later if the pony is around.
agtG 214y, 327Y