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Absolute Rule of Vladimir Putin


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children this is about teaching you something again. For I ask you to think about the supreme leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in all he controls.

Now that we have agreed upon that premise, let us now examine how absolutely incorrect that assessment is, and why I desire that you will not be caught in this fallacy, as Rush Limbaugh for Big Frac and Big Koch targets Vladimir Putin for stealing Russian oil, and the image of Obama is intent on assassinating Vladimir Putin to put a new community of terrorists in charge there.

Vladimir Putin must be understood like all political leaders. There is no such thing as an absolute political leader. Even the US military has begun refusing Obama regime slaughters and even the Peking girls if they misstep often enough, the PLA will bring down the communists there.

That is what I desire you to comprehend as the situation in east Europe is building, and regrettably thee only group who has one iota of comprehending and explaining what is involved there, are silent or withholding information from Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Yes the ancient old guys America has run out of, and all that is left is nothing in the right, and worse than nothing is John Kerry on the left.

What I alert you to is Vladimir astutely has been playing to Russian populism. His polls are in the 83% positive for simply protecting Russian children, Russian virtue from sodomy, and protecting Russian nationals in the Ukraine.
Into this mix, after the American Terror Wars, Vladimir Putin and his conduit Medvedev rebuilt the Russian military into a blitzkrieg force as the Americans were operating under. Political success, enough wealth, Russian expansion, KGB FSB success in Ukraine with military annexation of Crimea without blood, manifests in politicians, militarists and intelligence groups a persona which is buoyed up by high political support by the populace a genre of invincibility.
Place in this mix, then a common adversary, of an immoral west and direct attacks on Vladimir Putin in sanctions and embargoes, and the elite are placed into a position of desiring to strike back, before they are toppled.

As I have made direct association in this, this is not Ronald Reagan leveraging the Soviet Union in policy, but it is Franklin Roosevelt in economic terrorism bringing annihilation of the Japanese ruling elite, to which they naturally were pushed to respond in bombing Pearl Harbor as FDR intended.
The Japanese had vast success in Korea and China. There was a persona of invincibility created by inept western policy, and that same inept policy has been antagonizing Vladimir Putin and Russians under George Bush43 and literal making an adversary of Vladimir Putin under the Obama regime.

I warned everyone, that feeding the Russian bear, eastern Europe in Obama's exchange to annihilate nationalist Muslims in the Middle East, taught the Kremlin specifics in the regime looking the other way when the Polish Nationals were mass assassinated to the slave trade of life in the Mideast, Mexican border and Slavic lands, where life was deemed cheap and expendable.

Ronald Reagan treated the Russians with absolute respect, but TRUST BUT VERIFY. George H.W. Bush managed to engage a plunder by the cartel when the Soviet Union fell. Bill Clinton mismanaged that fall to which the KGB sold nuclear warheads to Iraq and Iran, and Mr. Putin astutely flipped the Muhajadeen and made it into al Qaeda under Dr. Zawahari, which turned out in Sheik bin Laden being manipulated into attacking Saudi Arabia, through the Twin Towers in New York, which was the George W. Bush tenure in elevating Vladimir Putin to the status of power, but Bush43 renigged on his word to Mr. Putin and set off a flurry of opposition from Mr. Putin.

To the criminal intrigue of the Obama regime, Mr. Putin learned the absolute disrespect Obama had for rule of law, citizen rights, Americans and morality, as Obama confused the Russians in a "reset" where Hillary Clinton was degrading Mr. Putin in political campaigns, and then offered to subvert American law by becomming "more flexible" in offering the Russians full disarmament of the United States nuclear arsenal in a "legacy" thing.

There is always much said that Adolf Hitler did not understand the Americans, and now that Vladimir Putin does not understand Americans, and yet where in this has the United States proven in the FDR or Obama regimes proven they understood any foreigner except how to goad them into war?

You must view this all from Vladimir Putin's eyes, his FSB and his military, as that is what is the Russian political structure. The Putin governance views the American led west as corrupt in trying to assassinate Mr. Putin, treating Americans as criminals and not following the rule of law.
Mr. Putin protects Russians, does obey Russian law and at least since his revelation in the summer of 2013 AD in the year of our Lord as to what Obama really is, he has not been unleashing assassins around the globe.

The Russians view themselves as superior in political morals, religious morals, intelligence morals and military morals. They have spoken this concerning the "evil west", and it is key in this to comprehending this, as it is the tendency of superior peoples, who are armed, to attack the lesser moral peoples who are attempting to corrupt and genocide them.

View this as Mr. Putin does now at this 21st century from Moscow.

China is the created gorilla in the room to occupy America in Asia. Japan is not the least of a problem nor concern, and if it is, it is China's problem.

In the south, the Mideast is nothing but a community organized dope ring run by the Obama image from 1600 Penn Avenue. Mr. Putin has Iran and Syria, with as ready access to Libya, Iraq and Pakistan with those peoples now loathing America for what the Obama regime engaged in.

Latin America is communist from Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela. Cuba is anchored for the Kremlin, and Mexico is now a feudal dope beach head against Americans as Obama's regime is engaged in American genocide.
The original Putin Doctrine was to constrict America, and bide the time to come in and finish America off, as the Russian manifest destiny was for a united Europe from Dublin to Moscow, ruled from the Kremlin.

Now observe this as Mr. Putin looks west. NATO is of absolutely no consequence. Finland, Sweden and Norway would require 3 days to smash through in a Russian Spear.
There is nothing in east Europe to stop a Russian advance. The Prague line would be battle point, in which Russia would smash a European military led by America, and within days, Italy would be cut off, the Ruhr Valley in Germany would be encircled, a Swiss enclave and then England would all that would remain after a week.

If the Russians would offer a non aggression pact with the Iberians and Swiss, promise Germany control of Poland, this would run to Dunkirk in 3 days, and Europe would fall.

Take the American munition dumps in Italy and Albania, put a 4th Russian spear with Iran into taking the American bases from Qatar to Saudi Arabia, and another non aggression pact for nuclear Israel, giving them the Sinai and Jordan for a greater Israel, and Eurasia is an American free zone.

Once again mutual neutrality pacts with the North Africans, and some more Chinese troops to muddy the waters there for America to deal with, and a nice dose of Latino terrorists who the Obama regime is already using against Americans, and the field Vladimir Putin surveys appears as a vista for a Russian 21st century.

This is the point all of this is bringing you to, to understand that the entire Obama, Clinton and Kerry policy with absolute mute affirmation by the Rovian closeted right, and one can now see that the stage is assisting a military progression by Russia.

There will be preparation for this, in the Balkan sphere, and it is here that assassinations would be engaged in by the cartel for the West. That of course will indeed bring about a military invasion by Russia.

Vladimir Putin does not rule Russia. He is a very strong leader, who has strengthened his hand immensely with popular support, annexing lands without costs by successful intelligence and military operations. The forces supporting Vladimir Putin will enable him to project the Russian expansion, and at the misopportune moment that the West again goes murderous, the Russians will not hold back, but smash their contenders, instead of being smashed.

This must be assessed from Moscow's view a Washington City's view is of no consequence now, in only having taught the Kremlin how corrupt the west is in being ruthlessly inferior.

There is an additional clock ticking in this which has not been assessed, and that is the reality that China is holding American debt, in other words China may have American "bonds in billions", but it is debt. China has been allowed to engage in cross border banking, increasing their debt structures. In other words, China has a greater debt load than the immense structure Obama America has been plunged into.

China survives by bribing it's billions with a better life style. There are hundreds of millions of young angry males without wives, as the girls were all aborted. If the bribery structure in China collapses, then the leadership is going to be hung or it has to march those men out to die in battle somewhere not in China.

Combined forces are pressuring an eruption in east and west Asia. The Chinese factor is as large as the Japanese and Korean staged collapse. If another "Dotcom" bust is being initiated in the near future to rob China, as in an American reset of the Dollar could be staged to set off, one sees a building reality which will initiate World War IV.

Vladimir Putin has been empowered by the inept feudal policy of the Obama regime via the cartel. There is an economic factor now at work in China.  Vladimir Putin is not an absolute ruler in Russia nor does he have absolute rule. It has been this blog's intention to keep Vladimir Putin as Christian protector of Europe, to make the anti Christ empire a 10 nation faction, not including Germany, with the battle to take place in Armageddon as predicted, but not in the most populated and fertile areas from the Baltic to India as the destructive Obama policy has been placing the battle zone.

Political allies for Mr. Putin without invasions, strengthening Christian Europe and lessening the anti Christ power, with no American involvement, and Western Europe in France, England and the Scandinavians staying in their borders, and thus saving billions of lives.

The either inept Obama policy or the adept cartel policy has now antagonized the Kremlin and empowered it to a road of aggression and expansion.

For what is being inflicted against Russia and Mr. Putin, Vladimir Putin has implemented remarkable self control. He believes he can win this by non aggression yet, but the battle line is now forming in the Balkans. It is here where the world wars start. The time ahead is the critical juncture in which this will progress out to 6 billion people dead compared to several hundred million troops.

This is the rule of Vladimir Putin, he is not absolute ruler as no ruler is. It requires the intelligence and military to allow movement in response to their interests being protected.

One of the Catholic oracles points to failure by Mr. Putin, and then his political, military and intelligence groups assassinate him, as  the Italians did against El Duce in World War II. This is a fluid situation as all matrix fluidity is, but the point has been reached where the Russian military, intelligence and ruling elite are approaching a climax point to requiring Mr. Putin to act, as Mr. Putin can not act on his own, but is being enabled by inept and enabling western diplomacy empowering the power structure in Moscow for progression of projecting power and aggression.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, only here as all diplomatic intelligent discourse has ceased, save here.

nuff said


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