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Nagasaki Mushroom Cloud


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuclear mushroom clouds of the atomic origin are a living thing, compared to a dry Nevada desert cloud or a hydrogen cloud in the Pacific, as one has no humidity and the other is too large in just being too perfect.

No one has ever commented on this, even though the DNA structure of an atomic cloud as proven by Nagasaki Japan, reveals so absolutely much about the dynamics of this entity. Hiroshima was a classic mushroom cloud, while Nagasaki was this most different of creatures, which revealed so very much of the structure of this being which was moulded upon earth.

There once was a time in intelligence circles that nuclear warfare was not considered all that harmful, like cigarette smoking. It is a known fact that smoking kills harmful bacteria. It is why one does it to meat to preserve it, so smoking does have a side effect in keeping smokers from catching colds as smoke kills those germs which cause sickness.

One is subject to the terrified left though so much that the pluses in situations are always ignored.

John Kennedy after almost blowing up the world in the Cuban Missile Crisis told his wife that they would not seek a bunker, because life would not be worth living after a nuclear exchange. That is the ultimate cowardice which has never been explored, as Kennedy starts a nuclear war by being naive and unproven, and then decides to kill himself in nuclear suicide as 'life as he deemed it would not be worth living'.
I always puzzled over that as to what John Kennedy knew that I did not know, as intelligence stated that America was much more blessed to deal with a nuclear war than the Soviet Union as the American weather patterns would deposit the fallout in the Rockies, or in north south patterns move it out of America, while Russian air flows moved nuclear matter in winds from west to east covering the entire of Asia.

Perhaps John Kennedy would not have his swimming pool or Hyanis Port yachts with bathed whores to molest to make life worth living, but for those who never had it, life would continue on in 1800 AD in the year of our Lord, and would do just fine.

Of course there would be a spike in deaths from the survivors in being idiots in looting bombed areas where radioactive poisoning of gold and silver would then poison the robbers as metals absorb radiation and hold it, and of course without environmental controls people would be strained in heat and cold, along with water not being treated, that people would have to adjust, and some would not adjust as the first Americans did, and would die, but a heartier breed would arise over the years and America would rebound as it did in it's growth period, as Americans are a self governing race.

Nuclear bombs also produce a fall out of something beneficial which is fertilizer. Just like lightning and snow produce nitrogen, so does a nuclear bomb, which has been shown to spurt plant growth in making it grow better.

In most cases, if a person had 2 weeks of food and water, had a basement where they could pile up a few feet of books, papers, material etc... for a shelter, the nuclear contamination would have cleared and your community would be back to your being outside,  due to radioactive decay cleaning itself up.
If it was a hotspot of plutonium, a nuclear plant that went hot, or if by random chance a rain or snow storm dumped a concentration into one area in fallout, then those would be a problem like Yellowstone geyser basin would not be a place to live, but it would not mean the end of civilization.

The main point being in Darwinism, the unlucky would die, the idiot would die, the sick might die or might get well, and a more intelligent and stronger people would emerge.

I do not mean this to be mistaken, but nuclear warfare would be one of the most liberating of situations for the world. Remove the large population centers, and one rids itself of the sloven class that has only time to be immoral. Remove the electric grid and there is not a way to keep track of you quickly, meaning the state police are gone, and that means no IRS, NSA or FBI threatening you.
What took seconds to arrest you, would now take months or even years from a federal standpoint, and local authorities would be too busy in their own fiefdoms to be bothering with arresting someone that the shadowlands was hunting, because that person would have to be fed and cared for in doing nothing for the community, which would not be efficient.

I had no intentions on examining this sociological structure of nuclear warfare in the benefits, even if it is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. My intention was the Nagasaki cloud in all it's beauty, as that cloud is not a mushroom cloud, but of the dynamics of a cumulio nimbus of thunderstrom cloud, showing the dynamics of nature at work.

Hiroshima was a constructed bowl of hills about the city, so a nice mushroom cloud formed, like you witness in all the tests. Nagasaki was without the benefit, and one witnesses a mishapen cloud. Even the charge ring below the top mass and bottom mass, is at a slight angle. The construct of the land does have a definite impact on a nuclear discharge and that is the way it will be in a real nuclear war. It will not be pretty mushroom clouds, but instead these crippled clouds of jagged proportions.
I lay claim to this study in copyright and ownership as no one has ever explained any of this as the Lame Cherry does as the last atomic expert in sudden detonation.

The reasons these things matter is the same reason the Bible is laying open on a table after a tornado destroys an entire town. It is the reason that a nuclear blast as a living creature is a lung breathing gases out. That exhale is based upon heat expanding the air. Air is affected by the amount of humidity in it, but there is something else in cyclonic terms which must be comprehended and that is weather is generated by temperatures in the 60 below zero to 110 degree range, and it rotates or it pushes in front lines, at rates of 5 miles per hour to 200 miles per hour with slight rolling of the air, which you can see as cyrus or horse tails in the upper atmosphere.

A nuclear bomb detonating as you have seen in photos, is a massive heat exchange of thousands of degrees and their cooling. In upper atmosphere it creates the thunderhead, but nuclear winds are a rolling wind which rises due to heat.
That is why you get fall out is from debris being sucked upwards. It is why also that nuclear bombs are detonated a few hundred feet above ground, as a bomber desires that energy of heat to be pushed out into the air to damage the target, and not have the earth absorb that energy as in an underground nuclear test.
Yes a nuclear bomb is like a cannon ball or a mortar. Put the ball or mortar, into the air so it strikes the object with force, but if if you have mud or sand that earth will absorb all the energy.
It is why the American liberators in Iwo Jima had such a problem, as the black volcanic sands absorbed all their artillery energy and the Japanese were in bunkers safe from it all.

Your eyes are being opened now in you never had anyone intelligently explain to you what the atomic being is, as you have been lied to in thinking it was a perfect destroying weapon, and here it is breathing life and in exhale it has limitations not so frightening.

I have mentioned the Lame Cherry Doctrine of symetrical nuclear detonations as an exclusive in matter anti matter, to over come the cyclon effect of Bibles left open on desks after tornadoes destroy cities, but in that there is still the factor of if one detonates a 100 megaton hydrogen bomb. I will digress here in there are two types in atomic and hydrogen bombs.
An atomic bomb is built of material as uranium, cobalt or plutonium. It is what was tested on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Later Bikini atoll tests were with hydrogen bombs, which are detonated by an atomic bomb as the primer. Hydrogen being the bomb material, like the sun, produces a minature sun on earth.

That now understood, the only booger in even a hydrogen bomb, providing you are not in the five mile ground zero, but knowing even in the 5 mile center there is a rapid lessening effect the further one goes outward from it, the only danger to humans would be heat, as there is little shock or earthquake from a nuclear blast as the earth will absorb the shockwave.

Cheyenne Mountain which is where NORAD is located in America, has a facility which is built on two massive springs to absorb a direct hit from a megaton device. I point this out, in Vladimir Putin in Russia built on Russian oil money a survivor city in a Russian mountain.
Is it possible to drive a nuclear spike into a mountain and explode it as a penetrator? Yes to a point, but the point also is that a military is not going to be pinpointing your little house on the boulevard with something like this. That is the extreme example, and the purpose of this explanation is to show that nuclear bombs are all heat, with a small rapid expansion shockwave like a thunderbolt. The earth in air, humdity and soil, absorbs and counteracts the effects of nuclear blast.

I return now to the cyclonic effect, which nuclear bombs do not have as their heated air does not rotate but instead churns. Most American cities are either flat lands or have hills surrounding rivers in a series of cuts in the land. These cuts in the land are natural "caves" where the energy of wind and heat will pass over or be deflected like the Bible open on a table.
Wood ignites at 451 degrees. That is a very high temperature and would not be a factor except in the immediate area. I state this, that like the sun with a hydrogen bomb, you would feel the heat and might sunburn, but it is not going to kill you. The greatest danger is blindness as that bright nuclear blast will melt a retina. For most people that is going to be the greatest danger in by instinct looking at that bright light which will blind them.
It is why SAC or Strategic Air Command bomber pilots always wore a patch over one eye in flying their B 52's, so when a nuclear bomb detonated, they would not be blind completely, and their protocol was to just take the patch off their eye and continue their bombing mission.

These are all the old terms that most of you will not recognize as you were not there when the protocols were constructed. You are like the modern experts in finding these huge buildings built of graphite that they had no idea these were the original nuclear refinement tools for uranium which Saddam Hussein built, as the modern expert only knows of centrifuges for nuclear material.

That is what I like about Nagasaki. It was real world and not labratory experiment. It shows the profound nature of the effects of nature on a nuclear blast fighting that blast. It reveals the nuclear identity of the land. As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, none of you comprehend that west of the Mississippi that the western slope or natural rise with the average 20 mile breaks of rivers are natural impediments of friction to contain nuclear expansive forces. The east slope has gravitational flow being lower, but it is also cooler and further away from the rising cloud. All of these factors begin adding up to neutralize the effects of a nuclear detonation.

I progress this in a megaton hydrogen bomb, has a 150 mile circular effect zone in perfect labratory experiments, like an ocean surface. There is usually not a period in America where there is not some massive storm surge in two front lines affecting America in weather. Even a category 5 hurricane has been moved in the American Gulf by a storm surge on the American plains. Nuclear bombs are not hurricanes in force. What I am stating is, that unless the time was taken for second wave strikes from an enemy in a 36 hour period to hit the storm surge back flow protected areas or the ground zero areas, it will be but for the Grace of God, a huge corridore is going to be unaffected simply by weather.

Understand this, the west coast will have most of it's nuclear debris deposited in the Sierra Nevadas with the Rockies absorbing most of the rest. The Plains being not population centers will dissipate their bomb debris in scattering it east in weather in a northeast or southeast type cyclonic spin.

East of the Mississippi is a constant forest, which can ignite, but it is not radioactive, but the smoke would in fire produce an atmospheric affect of lifting nuclear fallout further to the Appalachians and out to the Atlantic Ocean. This entire area is littered with rolling hills and mountains, which means gulleys and breaks which are shielding agents from nuclear affect.
The eastern seaboard would have it's fallout within hours over the Atlantic and sojourning into Europe in 48 hours.

I call this the Nagasaki Effect as the above photo testifies in that atomic bomb's energy was canted approximately 15 degrees. That is why the glow ring is at an angle and the cloud plume is on the left side bursting out as the energy was directed by the land features and atmospheric dynamics to the left in this photo.
It is akin to when the American volcano Mt. St. Helens erupted. It was not a text book eruption, but instead the mountain on one face gave way in a massive slide, and the energy was not directed up, but out the side of the mountain in a directional blast which obliterated and covered with ash that side, but left the other areas not devastated.

Nuclear warfare requires a Lame Cherry symmetrical cooperation of grid patterning blast areas specifically designed for each location attacked, or it will be like World War II iron bombing in being a waste of resource.

This is the reason I make these things public for defense and for understanding that nuclear warfare is not this annihiliation warfare. As many people like in all warfare will die from risidule effects from exposure and dirty water, than from the actually bombing.

It is though all part of the expert Lame Cherry study and revelation in matter anti matter. This is now passed over as it is not the glamour subject, but in time when nuclear threats arise, then as is always the case, some stooge of Mockingbird will be put on camera stealing this information and getting it all wrong, as CBS in attempting to deal with my forensic examination of the Obama Convention at Denver hired two skirts who were no minds in not understanding the subject, and were there to diffuse the damage I had accomplished.

The Lame Cherry is the expert in nuclear warfare, nuclear dynamics and advanced nuclear strategy and warfare protocols. The old flaps are either dead now or retired who did this work on acid paper and the shadowlands intelligensia have no idea of the toys in the arsenals in their dynamics nor in deployment as they do not know the Mud Factor neutralizing their radioactive cannon balls.

I keep telling you people with money that I can save your lives if one of you would make the big donation to give me the time to do this job right, so that it would become the doctrine for a political understanding directing military and political energies for a national response.
I can save you, but not in poverty. I know all the secrets in nuclear, biological, chemical and advanced weapony, including nano. I know how these organisms flow in the biological dynamics of body earth or lung atmosphere in contact to contact spread, while you sit thinking your Wall Street stock wall is going to protect you.

I am the last of the old school and first of the new school in knowing these things. Robert Oppenheimer in his delusion of quoting Indian mythology over nuclear detonation of "behold I have become death" was a fool, as he had little idea of the weapon or use.  I know these things weedhopper and I can save you.

There is going to be a mad scramble based in insanity when these events arise and all the experts will be as mindless as for that missing Malaysian flight, which was settled here from Day One and has been proven right. That scramble is coming and could have been lessened if someone with money had stepped up for that big donation.

Nagasaki is my favorite pet in the zoo of atomic nature. It speaks of information only I know, as the always experts only have lab experiments in their lack of knowledge.........just like you.


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