As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....
When I was a wee lass, my Mom told me about this oddball in America who, I deemed even more strange than Euelle Gibbons for gnawing on trees. I know that is an exaggeration, but it was just strange in this guy was out rooting around in his garden and eating like a tablespoon of dirt every day.
I had eaten dirt as a child, not by choice, but when you pulled a carrot, dirt just was on that carrot which would not wipe off. My dirt was a sand, with sparkling things in it of quartz which crunched and I just sort of frowned upon that whole idea of eating dirt.
The interesting thing is, this was before all the trace mineral drama of expensive additives to the human diet and as I have gone on in life, I have found that dirt eating is not that uncommon.
My wee baby goats start out in life eating dirt. It is a concern when you see little goats eating rocks as you wonder how they will ever get them through their rectum, but the point in it is, it seems there is some mechanism in mammals that has them putting things in their mouths like babies do.
I personally conclude that there is something in that dirty evironment which is bacterial in preparing the baby whatever to digest and deal with the diseases there, and I also believe there is something in dirt which is necessary in parts per billion for a healthy life.
So you probably know what I am advocating as one of you happened to write to me in noting the necessity of eating dirt. I want to carte blanche this though with caveats. In most cases, garden dirt with cow, hog, horse, goat and whatever poop is not going to hurt you, as it never hurt me. I am not though partial to cat or dog chit which seems to end up in surface dirt far too often and has worms in it.
For that reason, I would conclude that the subsurface dirt, if one dug down a few feet into that brown stuff would be something free from even worm or gopher poop.
You do not want to do this on your lawn or in places where herbicides, pesticides or drains would be dumping poisons. The point being you want some below soil level dirt to get whatever is in your environment to fix what is wrong with your system as in your body health.
Dirt might not fix you, but when it is clean a quarter teaspoon twice daily in a glass of water is not going to kill you either. You have heard about rubbing some dirt on things, that is what dirt is, is a sponge for harmful things which you might eat and would then be absorbed.
Instead of all that oat bran roughage, some dirt in your colon will do things in a different way.
This will sound odd, but if it were not for eating dirt, I would be dead now. It sounds like the dumbest damn thing in the world, but eating dirt is what got me to the non dying mode.
I have not wanted to share this as it is a strange remedy. Of course the regime would have a shit fit on this and I can just see the global warming shills being employed to tell you how you are all going to die from eating dirt, as dirt is a dangerous thing and you should avoid contact with the planet earth at all costs, but that has not been my experience.
All you really need to do is find some clean subsoil dirt with a spade. Most subsoils are a coarse gravel, clay or sand. All tend to be brown. I know when I started drinking those trace mineral potions, the guy who was marketing it said where he got the idea from was in Asia, a mountain people were drinking this brown water from a stream in the hills which was nothing but dirt.
A quarter teaspoon of dirt is just easier mixed in a glass of water.
If it is wet, you can wait until it dries and then just sift it, to get out the pebbles and thangs. I know baking it would be safer to kill things, but it makes me wonder if there is something in that dirt which should not be baked like some organism a body needs. That you can decide on, but the main thrust of this is about eating clean subsoil dirt or drinking it.
You can load it in capsuls as I have done too, it is just more expensive.
I would no worry about parts per billion things like the EPA does, as things like mercury, lead and whatever they are now making global warming billions off of, are in your body already in parts per billion as it is the stuff of life. So no, you do not lick batteries nor break thermometers to put some mercury in your coffee, but they used to put all kinds of poisons into medicines........point is, you just drink the dirt, and whatever is in your subsoil line is what you will be ingesting.
When the soil looks to be renewed, it is the spurge and the tree with their deep taproots which go 30 feet down into that non top soil to bring up all the trace elements in that reserve. That is the reason for deep roots to replenish top soils. Weeds do have purposes even if they seem an absolute curse.
Fact is most of the weeds, are higher in vitamins and minerals that garden vegetables. The pig weed and lambsquarters I have featured here are two types, and are better than spinach.
It is always an odd thing in the regime will ban a product on parts per billion, if a lobbyist is not paying someone in government off, who in their bottled water has a clause of "naturally occurring", so they can feed you all the fluoride and lead for a price.
You can do with this whatever you like, but that soil eater I have found was right. You need some dirt in your diet. As long as you stay away from the worms in cat crap, dirt is apparently a necessity in life. It seems those children who are always sucking on spit out candy on the sidewalk never do get sick, and while I do not advocate such things, it is one of those things that filth and exposure to it, makes a healthier human.
That should about end this.