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Parker Doctrine


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to teach you something you will have of necessity in the coming years as you will be cast into the role of leaders.

There are certain Lame Cherry Doctrines in leadership in the first being:

"No one can lead anyone where they are already no going."

- Lame Cherry

The second being:

"One must always expect accomplishments from those around you or they will not accomplish anything."

- Lame Cherry

Leadership is not that difficult, but it is impossible for most people, due to the fact that a little power goes to a person's head, and they either become tyrants or sloven. Do not expect anyone to do things for you, that you would not do yourself. Lead by example and then require those you are leading in the direction they are going to accomplish the same things.

Leadership is a dichotomy in two perfect examples are General George Patton and General Omar Bradley.
General Patton was a showman and knew the men desired a show. The men desired the meanest man in the world, so they would not be afraid of the Germans.
George Patton was not in the least mean to his men or to the Germans, but the theater he produced with ivory handled pistols and swagger was what inspired the men.

General Bradley was a man beloved of his men, in he took care of them, so they responded to his care. He was quiet and resolved, and this appealed to his men who responded to a duty of actions expected of them.

There was a conflict between Patton and Bradley in Italy. Bradley wanted a slow movement to protect the men, while Patton was for getting the operation done with hard fighting. From the caring point of view, Bradley seemed right, but from a saving life point of view, Patton taking severe casualties fast, meant less casualties in the long run. Patton saved lives by his constant motion of his 3rd Army.

General Frank Parket was the commander in France in World War I of the 1st Division. He had a simple school of leadership and at the time Major Ted Roosevelt, President Roosevelt's son, was under his command and learned these principles, which were passed on in Italy, where it was related that an American Soldier in World War II, was on the beach and looked up one day, and saw General Roosevelt walking along.
The General stopped and started talking with the private, and actually explained the battle plan, what they were doing and what was expected of him. The private greatly appreciated the effort, and it all stemmed from General Parker a generation before.

"General Parker was also one of the First Division's own officers. Before getting the division he had in turn commanded the Eighteenth Infantry and the First Brigade. He had a fine theory for soldiering.

Summarized briefly, it was that the way to handle troops was to explain to them, in so far as possible, all that was to take place and the importance of the actions of each individual man. He had all his officers out with the men as much as possible. He had them all emphasize to the private the importance of his individual intelligent action. This is a fine creed for a commanding officer, as it helps to give him the confidence of his men.

Obedience is absolutely necessary in a soldier, but unintelligent obedience is not nearly as valuable as intelligent obedience given with confidence in the man who issues the order. It is intelligent comprehension of the aims of an order that lends most to its proper execution."

Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans

This type of leadership works for Americans, as much as Canadians. The British though appeal to caste yet, and the men their prefer a "right proper bastard" who is aloof and tells the lads to keep a stiff upper lip.
The Russian on the other hand is like a Chinese in you can beat them like a Mastiff and they will still respond to dying in mass as it is their character.
The Japanese respond to the same feudal system as the British. Each nation is different, but each type responds best when you expect something of them.
Some peoples just do not fulfill expectations in the African coastal blacks who can be as barbaric as Turks, but like Italians do not have the emotional character to take and give a good mauling like a wounded bear with her cubs.

Leadership requires to know when to become vocal, and when to shrug it off and say, "OK you dumb ass, if you will not listen, then the pain will teach you." The British for all their bravado under Montegomery in Africa, were in previous months having officers with their pistols out shooting their cowards running away from the Germans.

People have to believe in you, that you know what you are doing, and that you are not going to put them into danger without reason, and that if you have them there, that you will be able to pull them out after a mauling to the best advantage.

It does not matter the situation in combat or political intrigue, it is always the same principle. Divert their attention with a frontal assault as a fient, and then come quickly and severely to their rear by outflanking them, and then the frontal assault just steps over the works.

"Always have the other person sacrificing for his beliefs and not you not for yours."

- Lame Cherry

You can not make people follow you. You can only go your own direction. You will receive smart ass mocking for what you are doing as this blog constantly did, but when reality sets in that you are right as this blog is, then the mockers look like fools and scurry away.

That is what General Montegomery expressed in Egypt. He arrived and told the men, "Now look here, I have reviewed all the plans and they were all wrong. I have fixed them, and now you will win, as I am a winner."

Crying, screaming, running around, do nothing in any situation to impose confidence. There are always those who are stunned in every situation and those functional, and you simply tell them what to do calmly and with authority.
Soon enough the people cowering will respond as you are not afraid, and fearful people gravitate toward those who seem unafraid and calm. That will train a majority of the group to respect your authority and to
follow where they are already willing to go.

"Every person desires to succeed. No one sets out to fail. Accepting failure is not in the human psyche. The human is willing for success with all their being, so get out in front of that will and lead them to that place. That is what leadership is and always will be."

- Lame Cherry


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