My children, I always wonder in what is compassion and what is not. TL and I are watching the North South BBC series of the differences between refined Sussex and industrial Northumberton in the late 1800's. Is it compassion to let people die of brown lung so an entire city is employed, or more compassionate to shut down factories on strikes so everyone dies?
England was under the lash of American industry in those times, and that is what all Europe felt. Obama the Negro and Image like to point to colonialism, but that is not what brought wealth to America, as it was one thing and that was industrialization in exploiting their own American workers, while Europeans could not and would not compete.
Is it compassionate to not kill a possum when it is killing chickens? The chickens would in voting state their lives would be more valuable, as would the person buying and feeding would someone championing the possum if they were starving and the possum was eating their last meal.
People have luxury now in deciding what is compassionate and not compassionate. It is viewed compassionate to destroy the family unit, until the Chicoms who uphold it come marching in with their like Mexican family units to take American home and jobs.
Sometimes the pipes freeze in a house, because the winter comes colder than it normally does. One can leave the tap run as up to a point, it will keep pipes from can dump antifreeze in the toilet and flush it's poison later into the can bankrupt yourself in heating the place. The point is the costs in having things is a factor and it all costs to keep things, because if you do not keep them, then some possum is going to gnaw their way into your porch or it will be some Mexican.
Israel was destroyed in the time of the Judges as each man did what they thought was right. That is what America and the west is about now. No one at Pat Buchanan land will impeach Obama. Such law and order does not fit the Age of Obama rapine, when the order should be the question, as to will the military and FBI place it upon themselves to perform a Constitutional replacement. Is not the military an authority to protect Americans from foreign and domestic attack?
Yes it is a coup, but it is more palatable to be thought of as a Constitutional replacement of the Executive, Congress and Judiciary by the military and state police loyal to America.
You wait around for elections which are stolen and laws which make you a criminal, then the reality is you wait for your own genocide. Pat Buchanan is either a fool or a shill, as with millions of illegals pouring into right wing America, America will cease to exist by 2016.
The last home for America is a coup.
For those not prone to realities as I had a snotty tall blonde girl scornfully looking at me this day in the grocery as she was in tow with 3 siblings and a friendly Gram paying their bills, they need to watch the scene from True Grit in John Wayne shooting the rat. You either got to kill the rat or leave it alone to kill you, as rats will not listen.
I know the military will not perform the necessary actions required to save America, and that is why possums, predators and other vermin are devouring all America is.
It is all Goldie Locks for me in Canada is too cold, Australia has too many mates and I do not care to in learning Russian care to repeat that venture for what is coming. The rich in America have the testimony of their mistreatment of me as their Judgment, but I would have preferred to have not had to live and die on the journeyman ground upon which I inhabit.
There are always things to do though, like if your squirrels are digging for acorns in your onions, maybe a 1 by 2 inch wire mesh, like for live traps might protect the world from the little diggers.
Not able to get back to the brier patch, the possum died in the trap and had two sucklings dying on the tit. Might sound harsh and all, but possums carry a disease which kills is about choices in a possum meets a harsh end or my horses do not get a disease and die.
I can't ride a possum nor can I sell one. It is all choices, and rich people chose to meet Christ's Judgment as America was raped and murdered, instead of donating here to save it.
There is no rescue from America, save God, and that is not going to take place. You better face that reality and stop Pat Buchanan deluding yourselves. You are going to be killing things and doing things you never dreamed of in which you thought was not proper before.
You will do this or it will be possum, Chicom or Mexican gnawing on your raped family's cadavers.