As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......
I was reading of coffee production.......and why are you not?
No need to answer as if you did people will think you insane in talking to your screen constantly.
In any event, the coffee tree is a bush, which produces a coffee cherry which has no flavor except sweet like a rose hip. which when picked is gleaned of vapid fruit flesh, and then fermented a bit to loosen the hull of the coffee pit, which is the run through rollers to obtain the bluish coffee bean which you have seen charred to soot almost to make you that drink you call coffee.
That might be interesting, but what I found most interesting was an English poison as why should not all have on hand some type of chemical poison for vermin.
Coffee bushes which are topped at three feet to keep them from being trees, are attacked by a little colony insect that lives in a hard shell called the "bug". It loves eating jessamine genus of plants like gardenias.
Is interesting in lovely gardenias are kin to coffee bushes, but I digress.
The English had nothing apparently to combat the bug, but the equal problem of rats they did have a problem with.
I found it interesting that rats in Ceylon ate shoots of the coffee plant. I do not know if this was those horrid Norwegian rats which infest the world and are just disgusting, or some other type of rat, but all the same I was focused upon the rat poison which was interesting.
Ceylon has the bandicoot which is as large as a cat and other species of rats. So I contemplate if this recipe would work on the European rats.
1. Hogs lard
2. Ground cocoa nut
3. Phosphorous
There was no recipe to this, so I assume equal parts. I am assuming this is cocoa and not coconuts as it was an old book from 1850 and the spellings were a bit local.
Chocolate kills canines right well as does tylenol, so I am trying to at this time without internet trying to figure out what this is all about really if it is hog lard, cocoa powder and phosphorous.
Phosphorous has a multivalence or ability to unite with antigens in biology, meaning it apparently can destroy an immune system.
As cocoanut is the tree with the milk and cacao is the chocolate tree, I am assuming it is the milk tree as in definition one is a bean in chocolate in a nut in the tree. As I do not see what the hairy shell or the coconut would do other than be filler or flavor to attract, I deem it must be nothing poisonous, and as I will probably forget to look up if a cocoanut hull is toxic to rats, which I doubt it is, I assume that what it does is just add body the lard, so it does not run all over the place. Like rat pellets.
I remember back in the day of herds of rats in the corn. The remedy used to be cheap sardines and rat poison mixed in. Rats really like sardines.
It interests me if one could mix and match this, as lard is available, but would other things work as I am not going to be grinding up cocoa nut shells. I know all sorts of things can be ordered online, which will get Homeland observing you, but I might give this a go just to remain popular as phosphorous would keep and nothing is worse than to have a vermin infestation existing the post Obama dark ages as America becomes utter ruin.
Hell maybe I found my fortune, rat bait with the green environmental friendly thing, just like Mum used to make.
...and upon further research, it was the milk tree as hogs were kept to fertilize the coffee bushes. The porcine were fed on said POONAC!!!
Poonac is a cocoa nut oil cake which pigs apparently like to eat instead of dying........and as poonac is no longer a word, I am assuming some sort of attractive sweet filler for the lard might just have to do for the rat poison.
Poonac makes expensive hog poop though so is not something you want to over indulge in.
"I am going to poonac the hog in making bacon".
That sounds so lewd and I should make a t shirt for that POONAC THE HOG.
Pig sounds better phonetically, but hog has a better biker lilt to it.
What else do I have to do in poverty, but make poonac signs and await the people with money to donate the 350, 000.