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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching British history as recorded by Charles Dickens, and it seems that Dickens hated barristers, judges, mafioso, aristocracy, with an equal passion of how much he detested the mistreatment of the poor.

His was a world of best of times and worst of times, of those who had and those in perpetual want.

There is a scene in Bleak House of a "do gooder" traipsing about with her 5 miserable little boys, preaching at people. She drags two wards of a wealthy benefactor to a brick mill, where the husband is a drunken brute, brags of the black eye he gave his wife, as he says all his babies are buried, as she holds another dead infant in her arms.
You could throw a cat through the walls and yet a fire burns inside, and the entire place is nothing but filth in mud streets and sickness inside.
That is human misery where death will not even save for hell awaits.

Not all people can handle money. The rich and wealthy are most evident of that. Certainly most poor people would become the worst of arrogance if they became wealthy and lost in idleness, but if you assess the 21st century world of Obama, with Wall Street Welfare money dumps, and the ruin of America. Then one has a reality that the rich and wealthy in this world have created this abyss of extermination in the American gulag, so how in this world is that proof that the people with money know how to handle it at all.


I was pondering Rush Limbaugh and his caste of mic heads of the Mockingbird. Have you noticed with the protests against these invaders from Mexico and China which Obama is dumping into American cities, that not one of these well paid talking heads has ventured to broadcast from such a spot?

This would be the things that careers would be advanced for audience share. Could you imagine dead head Limbaugh getting roughed up by the Obama coppers, in what kind of press that would generate to turn the tide in this.........and yet on July 4 not one of these types is venturing to stop any of this from the top to the bottom. It is because they have all been ordered to stay away.....and Limbaugh was in California where it was happening.
If Limbaugh really cared about America, he would be on those protest lines doing live reports.........Limbaugh though is a paid minder like all of these types on the right and left. They are paid to control you to stop you from revolution.

Dickens though included BENEFACTORS  in his works. There was always some rich person who was a reformed Scrooge who would take some goodly child under their care to educate them, feed them, bring them into society and provide an allowance for them.
A living in those 1890 AD in the year of our Lord times was 100 pounds a year. That is what apprentice lawyers and lower aristocracy provided for dowries for their daughters to be married off to that class of clergy, doctors, lawyers and ship mates "who had prospects" or great expectations.
In American terms, that would be 30 dollars a month or a dollar a day wages, or 360 dollars a year. You can do the math in it would be a budget of 30,000 dollars or 25,000 pounds a year in these days.......granted one would be not living in Manhattan or London with the upper classes on that, but your prospects would probably rise.

I wonder how many of you reading this would compare yourself to Geraldo Rivera in I believe most would shiver in disgust in judging they were superior to him on all things human. Yet for this walking erection and propaganda tool against Americans, 20 years ago he chose a group of poor latins and told them he would educate the lot of them if they would study. Geraldo Rivera was a benefactor who made a real difference in people's lives, while you the rich and wealthy have done nothing.

I am not going to let people off in offering, "Well I give to Franklin Graham 365 dollars a year, and I feed poor Jamaal in Tutuland, and I get a picture a year to put on my fridge to show everyone I have a darkie I am lord god in giving them their daily bread........bread mind you, and not a real life, as I got my darkie like Chris  Matthews got his Designer Negro Obama in the display case to prove how superior I am."

It appears soon enough all of you rich will be peering out of your barred gates at the mobs of Mexcicans and Chinamen Obama is importing, so you will not have to donate to Lupe or Ho, as Lupe and Ho will just be taking your things from you as the Obama police make you give that offering or they will shoot you, as the looters will be protected.

I am pleased that most of the poor have stopped donating here. They are a smart lot in not having to be told twice they are off the hook in donations in being legitimately poor. It still bothers me when they are donating though in none are rich, but like Dickens Professor class who have enough to deal with in life not treating them well.
It is though as one poor person wrote, "If everyone donated the 20 bucks, then you would have the money LC as 50,000 people is a million dollars".

I do like the notes people post. Most are well mannered and nice. I would that the silent would just tell me  a bit about themselves as those who do post of their lives is of interest to me, as I marvel at others living life in what is important to them becomes important to me.
I hear of gardens, cherries, building things, music, sickness, family problems and questions about life. I do get busy and end up living 4 lives, but it is a blessing when I get a reprieve and am only forced to be 2 people for a few days. That is a luxury to me.

This week was of interest again as TL was exposed at their work to some chemicals which irritates their lungs. So it is coughing and I had to elevate the bed again to an incline to try and remedy it a bit.
I learned that trick from the heart doctors as my dad had heart failure, and fluid builds up when people lay down. Simply putting a two by six about a foot long at the head of the bed on each side under the bed to raise it, will help in that.
Mom was  sick too for a time, and of course when I unleashed God to avenge us, I had a new experience in bleeding that I do not care to repeat, but I did have an adventure last night as I was getting things for TL in the lights were off, and I noticed this little light by the bed on the floor. I thought how odd that was and where the reflection was coming from....so I reached down to block the light, and next thing I knew the light felt soft and I moved it.
It was some type of glow bug. I picked it up and put it into a jar for safekeeping. I always wanted to build a natural enzyme machine which would be a mechanical firefly for lighting, in exchanging molecules...but that is another scientific paper like my plant machine which would produce fruit out of thick air.

I do think that most people should have to experience begging as I have. I am a very proud person and arrogant, but not prideful nor condescending. I have a high opinion of myself after experiencing how inept the rest of humanity is in being primates. I think I should be the one being charitable, but in this period of being a slave and servant, I get to be a testimony against the rich of this world, who will get to answer Christ about not helping Him out when His representatives were begging for help.
Pleading and begging is very gritting on the self esteem. It does though become a point when one is so humiliated, that you just do it without thinking.
Most people though should not having things, and worry about not having a home, food or money to survive on when sick. I know Jesus says not to worry and cast all upon Him, but one still has concerns as of yet no aristocrat his having Pip here come play at the mansion.

I have always been burdened in things I am moved to desire, just are not there. It is the point of I always have to clear and plough the back 40 before I can obtain the things I want. I want to go camping...well I have to invent all the backpacking stuff and build things like quart tin cups, as I can not afford 40 dollars for a metal cup.
There is vast good in that in I am thankful to God, as I enjoy learning and invention. My safety zone has always been occupation of my mind or I would become so despondent and become insane.  Having tread upon that lot too close, I instead keep busy. I assume all of these existential experiences will prove necessary in the time ahead, as I am currently learning the finer aspects of growing trees and shrubs from seed.
I see a great deal of beauty in this seed growing, as one always has plenty of time and not enough money, so learning of wee baby apples is a study, as I am beginning to know this lot of 18 intimately in the nuances of their leaves, and have learned that restarting growth from fertilizer is a positive thing if my early 20th century book is correct.
In this waiting for wealth, I have learned of some of the finest literature in guides which were written and are housed in the vast libraries of Cornell University. I imagine one has to sell their soul to be at Cornell, but their staff has always  been pleasant and the archives there are most detailed in so many lovely books. The e book access to books which are out of print or I never could afford is most pleasing.

That is the lesson in this, a reality that a person with money simply buys things to solve their problems. I in turn have to figure things out. Granted there are some things I am too intelligent to become involved in  like replacing blinker lights in a vehicle which require thee entire bumper removed to fleece the public of money, but in being poor I have to develop the skills to accomplish things......like I built a filter for an air purifier, out of a pizza box, because the company no longer makes the filters.
There is a great deal of arrogance and pride though in those who are maintenance and degree holders in "knowledge", but I have found that most of them are quite brainless in they operate in a void where no one else has any information of the kind, so they strut around and act condescending to others.
There is an employee where TL is who is of this type. He is a semi large male who bullies people in public. I noticed a cobbled together implement he had "created" which was belts and pulleys, which TL and others have to use in testing, and the contraption always falls apart.
His excuse was something about torque, tension or whatever as an excuse......the reality is though this person built an ineffective device. It will probably be too in depth, but you can look at any belt in a care or appliance attached to a motor. You will see the round thing is a pulley that spins it all. These pulleys are on a shaft, and one either bolts them on or in most cases a metal key is placed into the shaft and the pulley, which is then secured with an allen screw.
What the large male had done in joining the shaft to the pulley was using a pulley which was a bit too large for the shaft, and then just screwed down the allen screw onto the shaft with not any key involved for the "torque" to push against.

This is all Fulcrum 101 as you can view it working all through your lives daily, but if you violate it, of course a too large diameter pulley is going to wobble slightly, which will then vibrate, which will then loosen the set allen screw, which will then all wear and fall apart.
The bully gets to make excuses with technical terms, and gets away with such, because no one else has any mechanical ability.  He plays arrogance in rudimentary knowledge, but in observing his activities his thin veil of deception is run thin as I know the game he plays. It is particularly offensive as last season TL was redoing a room for her parents, and this bully decided to inform TL that TL was doing it all wrong, needed this and that, and it would never turn out as everything would need to be torn out.
To this, I had to once again calm things down, use reason, and simply move things to, "Well let us try this your way TL and if it does not work, then we will cross that bridge when it comes to it". Short story, the bully was full of crap and the room turned out perfectly.
As stated, when I see a maintenance man where a hammer head is falling off of a hammer, I know how much detail is being paid attention at that employment, and it is about pulleys falling off screwing up other peoples work and it is about all other things that the always expert leaves constant signs he is not as bright as he desires everyone to believe he is.

I was fortunate to have limited exposure to two mechanical geniuses, for a few hours in my youth. One was Old Joe who was a well driller who worked slow as molasses in January and the other was Leo, who could fix anything.
I still remember Old Joe yelling at me sternly "do not drag those pipe wrench teeth over a pipe". He was quite particular over his tools and I never made the same mistake twice in the times I was assisting him. Leo was someone as my dad said, "Could weld something and it would hold". Most people can weld, but things do not hold together......I have been blessed in teaching myself that when I weld things they hold together too, whether cast iron or galvenized steel which we are told can not be welded. If you know how to turn the rod into a molten wand stirring the brew, then all sorts of alchemy will take place.

There is a thing about having been around people who knew their ass from a hole in the ground, in how they never tolerated those frauds who did not, that Dickens exposed numbers of them in his works too for the Pecksniff shams they all were. I never venture into an arena as the person who is to be knocked off th pedistal, but I observe and assess people, and in silence I judge what people are about, as people will always tell you by their actions what they really are inside.

I would that the west and east had benefactors like in Dickens novels. I would that I had a benefactor, so I could take down that donate button or at least tell people they no longer needed to donate, as someone else had paid their way, and they could be off buying things for their baby girls.
I would not be idle as the person in Bleak House, who  thought he might like being a pirate, but not a clergy, but settled on being a lawyer to keep track of his intended's money. I can not be specific in what my first action would be, as all would descend upon me, but it would be a Walden Pond type event to restore the Spirit in me with TL, as I dearly need to recuperate from this and be a bit of a deer mouse, happily making my nest in a world of chaos.

A rich person might not desire to be my benefactor, but they should at least find some person they could assist. I realize the world is full of wretches now, but there have to be people who have caught their attention. I mean what would it be worth to find some gentle soul who would like to be a plummer and you help them, with a caveat they must be moral, be Christian and come and look at your pipes when you call. I would think that a garden of people would be just as delightful to attend as pot plants, in understanding that people like plants grow in directions they have to and you can not make them always grow as you would like.

I have stated that if the rich in America would simply care for their own geezers and handicapped, that the world would be solved a great deal. A Lady I admire as a friend in Oklahoma cared for her aged father diligently in his dementia and her mentally handicapped sister, while doing good for others in their needs. She was not an oil tycoon, but took care of her family which was the most important step in culture that many should emulate.

Ten million millionaires, taking care of their elderly and not taking it from the regime and just making the way for a trustworthy person for their productive place in life, would solve 10 million problems......and in assisting to find a good spouse, that is 20 million problems solved, and 2 children that is 40 million problems solved.

It is not like giving things away, as productive people are an asset to the wealthy in people the rich can call on for work. Being a miserly society has created the downfall of the west, as people thing hording money and having the regime spend other people's money on problems is a disaster, when it requires people to people associations.

It all comes down to the sorriest of things, that the rich people's bubble is burst in knowing they really are not as good as Geraldo Rivera. That is a very troubling thing to most people, but it is a thing which can be changed.

You people with money must become benefactors, and not stock investors alone, as Jesus requires use of His money and not to be buried in vaults. The sloven will attempt an excuse of investments provide capital for corporations to employ people...........yeah foreigners who are pointing terror weapons and nuclear bombs at you, as that capital funds human refuse dumps into America.

We all know now what that Latin America child dump was about expanded out of Mexico by the Jarrett UN tools. Latin Americans in the small states got rid of their refuse to revolutionaries, in exchange for opening their ports so the Chinese communists could dump their excess millions of frustrated males looking for women to ram their penises into in America, as the Chicoms aborted all their baby girls.

This is part of the Obama balance of trade with China. China fund the welfare markets, and gets to dump into America millions of invaders who will be their feets on the ground to take over America.

The rich in the west have become benefactors of invasion to slit their own throats when this mob raises up at the Obama ballot box to vote to legally steal the wealthy people's property in taxes and fines.

The rich and wealthy really need to start becoming benefactors in raising up people in America who will look out for their ruling class interests.
Ah paging Lame Cherry........she has already paid her bonafides here.

It is not the shot which will be heard round the world, but the donation of a benefactor which be the voice heard round the world.
Yes I told you of my Clear Vision internet channel, and now they are all building their own in the Mockingbird propagandists. See my Inspiration is clear and of value, as the Mockingbird is staking out that propaganda forum to your great harm.

"For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living."

Mark 12:44

I am still waiting for someone to cast from their abundance to leave the widows and paupers their mites to  offer to Christ.


a moment in time Jonas Grumby

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