As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Idiotry bothers me and unsettles my soul as deep as when it happens as years gone by, as it is a lie which churns and must be righted.
The quasi intellectuals as espoused by clip and paste Mark Levin is one of the worst contaminants of the vice of American half brains. Mr. Levin oft draws the name of Burke, Federalist Papers and whatever like a sword to stun others into submission, when being well read is not the same as well versed, as the internet copy of Dinesh D'Souza reveals in one can take the Bombay boy out of India, put him a Reagan suit, but in the end his native unctions come out like Obama in sweating with white girls or in Obama's case sweating with black boys.
Mark Levin often slanders President Richard Nixon and Sec. of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, two of the finest American Federalists who saved America from destruction, and both were destroyed by the same Jefferonian coups.
There is only one other American who has met the generational ire of Nixon and Hamilton, and that is General George Armstrong Custer, who also stood against the system and was assassinated for it.
Alexander Hamilton was born in the West Indies, but was an American by immigration. He fought in the Revolutionary War, served as George Washington's staff officer, bravely charged the Yorktown redoubts and supported his leader completely in the forming of a Constitutional Republic based in Federalism.
He had one fault and that is he sinned in he cheated on his wife, which he forever had remorse over. It was this event that Thomas Jefferson seized upon to destroy Alexander Hamilton in poison pen for those who desired democracy in mob rule, over federalism order.
Alexander Hamilton inherited a Treasury which was worthless. America was in debt to Empires and American credit was in ruins. It had state currency not worth the paper it was printed. Speculation had destroyed American currency.
George Washington had looked to Gouveneur Robert Morris as it was he, who had somehow kept America from bankruptcy time and again with clever finance with others, but something inside of President Washington moved him to pick with complete assent from Robert Morris, Alexander Hamilton to be placed in the worst and most necessary job if America was to survive, and that was restoring American finance.
Alexander Hamilton was brilliant in he saved American finance in creating an American bank, and bringing all debt to order which restored faith in the America dollar.
In all of this though, it was Thomas Jefferson who in the dark penned corners of letters and the open editorials of ink assassins, sought to destroy the Constitution, because they were not men enough to load a pistol and put it to their brains for their internal miseries.
The political assassination of Alexander Hamilton was breathed to a real assassination of Alexander Hamilton by Jeffersonian Aaron Burr in a duel. Mr. Hamilton never intended in the least to fire on Burr and placed his shot wide. Burr though fired at Mr. Hamilton and murdered him.
With the coup against the arrogant President John Adams, Thomas Jefferson would inflict upon America, literally 60 years of democratic party rule to the worsening of America. During that 60 years, his followers would continue to drag Alexander Hamilton from the grave for more Jefferson flogging.
The same modern sorts hating Republican forms of Government assail Alexander Hamilton, and book readers like Mark Levin become contaminated in the propaganda, and so become shills on the right, of Jeffersonian hatred of things American.
Mark Levin is nothing but cut and paste. He has no original ideas. He lauds James Madison without one mention of George Washington being the literal founder of the United States Constitution. Let no one ever forget that Jefferson's protege' in Madison brought a "constitution" to Philadelphia, which was gutted and shredded in the oversight of George Washington, and when the Convention reassembled it, it was not what Madison had naively brought.
Yet one hears this constant Jeffersonian meanness coming from Mark Levin over Alexander Hamilton being dismissed and Richard Nixon ridiculed, putting forth the coup propaganda of these deviants of the left. That is why it is judged Mark Levin is cut and paste in books and mentality as he does not have the comprehension to know he is being manipulated by the spectre of Thomas Jefferson like banshee screaming from the walls over all the evil which emanated from that nasty little man's soul.
There were two men who America was nursed by in being taken out of the natal blood of 1787 Philadelphia, and they were George Washington and his protege' Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton built America with Washington, and Thomas Jefferson destroyed America so the War of 1812 under Madison almost annexed America as a British colony again.
There was though a traid of evil espoused against Alexander Hamilton in the poison pens of Thomas Jefferson, urging James Madison and that fire brand of James Monroe in the political assassination of this Patriot in Hamilton.
In the strangest of unfolding events, it would be son of Federalist John Adams, in John Quincy Adams who would pen the Monroe Doctrine, which James Monroe would gain credit for.
That Washington mandate of the Americas free from European intrigue as championed by Mr. Hamilton would actually appear from the mouth of one of the worst of Jefferson's clan.
The American right is infested with the half brain children of CIA agent William F. Buckley. It is a pageant of King Limbaugh stepping off the patrician ship to mind the masses, with those who sound too fresh off the boat in Irishman Sean Hannity telling a pleasant tale, to the Russian thugs of Mark Levin and Michael Savage beating up the masses, to Laura Ingraham being the breeder on the boat as every good colony needs a vagina popping out thoughts to keep the men thinking with their zippers.
There is nothing on the left of note, because they are all ink assassins hiding in the Jeffersonian shadows, and having the mic heads do all the necromania for the leftist cause.
Alexander Hamilton is an American Patriot and Hero. He requires no other reference than that George Washington weighed him and found him an American.
The reason the Aristocracy has these Ashekanz in control of the press is to indoctrinate Americans against their best leaders by tearing them down, and employing script readers on the right to keep Americans uninformed so they do not rise up ever again.
Alexander Hamilton was a passionate devotee of the United States Constitution, as much as his President. Those who as Thomas Jefferson attacked Alexander Hamilton, hated the Constitution and hated George Washington while using that document's liberties as license to destroy Mr. Hamilton, besmirch President Washington and try to destroy America.
Nuff said.