As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III has committed a crime in stealing a child award as his being "author of the year" from the Children's Book Council.
Limbaugh made a huge mistake in this, in as he goes nowhere just to attend an award ceremony he would never win as it would make him look like a loser, he attended this and then played the announcement of the candidates.
There were like 6 candidates, and this is where Limbaugh made his huge mistake in the crowd in the room applauded most, but cheered two authors who were immensely popular, and when it came to Limbaugh, there was only polite applause.
There was no cheering for Limbaugh when he "won", and the music immediately blared over it, with Limbaugh saying it was applause, but the applause ended immediately, and no one favored what Limbaugh said for 2 minutes and 10 seconds.
What bothers me in this, is as it has been from the beginning in exposing all of this, in what an absolute fraud it has all been as a tax deduction scheme, a market share scheme, and a brain molestation of children, with "testimonals" written like university degrees wrote them, and child callers appearing when they should be in school.
I know what writing books is about. I have been abused and belittled from everyone in the music, cinema and publishing industry. You do not just get paid a million Obama bucks for Dreams nor do you get a book just published as Limbaugh does, unless there is an insider scheme going on, backing this with money.
Being an author is a hard occupation, as the few who are published, are told by idiots how to write better or put up with a public who could care less what drivel they have written.
This is what raises my Righteous fury in this, as there were other authors involved in this, who did not have an EIB to herd votes into voting for them. If there was any herding, it would have come from liberal lock and step types, who would have voted for their favorites.
So let us review this in, Limbaugh barely releases a book last year, which no one reads. He then by design dumps another book on the market to prop up book one, and in the midst of this.......he suddenly gets nominated out of how many dozens of people who wrote children's books and just happens to win, in an all liberal house.
That projects out to a set up of rigging a Limbaugh win, in a coordinated intelligence operation. You know very well that Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is not going to show up to be humiliated, after he announces for children to vote for him, unless he was assured he was going to win beforehand.
It does not make any difference if it is Obama stuffing ballots or Limbaugh stuffing ballots, manipulating elections is a criminal act and Limbaugh has benefited financially from this fraud.
Robin Adelson(sp) is the children reader book group who put this together and Limbaugh gave a shout out to her or him..........yes it sounds Ashkenaz, sounds a great deal like that other billionaire Ashkenaz backing Jeb you get the drift of Limbaugh had this award won before one person was hired to ghost one word for Rush Revere.
So every step of this walks, runs, waddles and quacks like a duck of a set up. I place this before you to ask, would you stoop to using children for personal gain and then be apart of rigging an award from other legitimate authors who wrote their own books, all for a personal scheme.
I would not, and I judge it rightly abhorrent, repulsive and disgusting.
Yet where is Eric Holder or the image of Obama investigating this, as they could not hammer George Zimmerman fast enough or Rod Blagojevich for crimes against the regime. The left as I have told you protects, promotes and props up Rush Limbaugh in this manipulative scheme where Limbaugh is the same type of minder like Al Sharpton is for blacks.
Even if you have the millions, you try and do what Limbaugh did, and watch yourself fall flat on your ass. This was a Mockingbird sanctioned operation and the left is covering all of this up, to the robbery of one of these awards from an author who actually wrote their book.
As was broken here in there were those who ghost wrote and illustrated this book, as Limbaugh admited later after it came up here, and they have been paid off to silence, as Rush Hudson Limbaugh III in his scripted speech did not even mention these artists. Limbaugh took all the credit.
That is the reality of this, and the worst of it is, no one on the right in that cuddle club, has enabled this scheme too, and it is only being covered here.
It all matters, in this manipulator, who champions unbridled capitalism, olegarch Koch rule, attacks farmers, hints like a Nazi that poor people who are always eating food need to be made to stop, four times married, Elton Jesus bashing John paid 1 million dollars at his wedding, is placed as your Conservative, Tea Party, Patriot, Christian, Gun Owner America, and now the connect the dots evidence looks like your poster boy just stole an award in a rigged balloting, as he knew he won before he arrived, or he would not have gone to be humiliated.
Rush Limbaugh is your face. If this is what you, Joseph Farah, Robert Morton, Fred Barnes, Sean Hannity desire as your persona, then you have it, but I will not accept this, no more than those frauds of Ann Coulter, Pegs Noonan or Bill O'Reilly represent or speak for me.
The left protects Rush Limbaugh as it is ordered hands off or Chris Matthews, the New York Times or Anderson Cooper would make an issue of this, and wipe Rush Limbaugh out as Charlie Rose had no problem bitch slapping that DailyKos down.
The left needed to investigate George H. W. Bush on the mere seriousness of the charges in an October Surprise, but the left has no interest in the least in examining the activities of Rush Limbaugh.
People who wrote books should win awards for them. People who illustrated books should be mentioned.
The best is AP's account which is irking Limbaugh in the quote, "readers purportedly voted for Limbaugh".
*CIA minder Bill Buckley once chartered according to Limbaugh a supersonic jet for an around the world flight of National Review donors.
I keep telling you this Mockingbird hands out money like talcum powder to a crack whore.
I know if I had wealthy donors who gave the kind of money to charter a Concorde, I would not be wasting money on nonsense like that.
I also would not be cheating authors out of a book award by flying to New York.........yeah from Florida to New York and no lovely wife apparently along. Limbaugh only flew up there as the fix was in.
nuff said
Rush Limbaugh wins children's book award - LancasterOnline hours ago - NEW YORK (AP) — Rush Limbaugh has won a children's book prize ... their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who ...Lancaster Newspapers, Inc.Rush Limbaugh wins children's book award | News OK hours ago - NEW YORK (AP) — Rush Limbaugh has won a children's book prize designed to be ... On Wednesday night, Limbaugh received the Children's Choice Book Award for author of the year, ... many copies their books sell, while the winners are supposedlypicked by kids, who vote online. ... Trending ae Article.The OklahomanRush Limbaugh wins children's book award - hours ago - NEW YORK (AP) — Rush Limbaugh has won a children's book prize ... their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who ...Charter CommunicationsRush Limbaugh wins children's book award - Toshiba hours ago - NEW YORK (AP) — Rush Limbaugh has won a children's book prize ... their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who ...ToshibaRush Limbaugh wins children's book award - hours ago - NEW YORK (AP) — Rush Limbaugh has won a children's book prize ... their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who ...Verizon Communications