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Fallable Vatican


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Whenever a creature dares to threaten me, they are threatening 7 billion other humans with extinction.

- Lame Cherry

When the Bible defines the Vatican as the Whore of Babylon in the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John the Apostle, that is infallable proof of the reality that the line of Popes has joined itself to the world for power, instead of coming out of the world.
This absolute power started in the penal power of the Roman Empire, and created a religion by Simon the Socceror which melded pagan rites into the Gospel of Jesus the Christ to expand it's power by incorporating what local populations understood as the need to worship something.

I make a Judgment that there is a difference between Rome and the Catholic faithful. As long as the declare Jesus as their only Way, Truth and Life to Salvation, and repent, that is then a matter between them and Jesus, as to what to do with the idolotry, necromancy and false teachings of that religion.
People are informed enough of subjects and if they choose to stay in a religion which Jesus Prophesied would serve the anti Christ, and the anti Christ would turn on the Catholic religion to destroy it, then that is their choice in knowing a False Prophet is in the Vatican, and that comes from their own oracles in the last pater will be Petrus Romanus or Peter of Rome, and according to their oracles, the last pope is the current Pater.

The reason for bringing this up is when I am attacked for revealing the Truth, it is only going to bring a profession of more Truth to scorch and consume the ignorance and bigotry of those unleashing that manifesto.
Whenever one has a group in Catholicism or any religion which starts judging others as 'not proper enought', it begins when empowered a state of punishment, which is prison and death, legalized by the ruling body. The Bible is the definition of what is a Saint, and not Rome nor any other sect.

One example of the Vatican fallability is the story of Joan of Arc. The Vatican is a great deal like the Jew when it comes to Joan, where the Jew murdered Christ as the best deal, the Vatican murdered Joan as it was convenient, but in each case, the murderous sect in absolute power raises holy hell in trying to shift the blame to others.
For Jews, it is Rome with Jesus, and for Rome it is of course the English with Joan, when her priests were conducting the witch hunt, just like the Jewish priests were pulling an all nighter to try Jesus, the Son of God.

This quote from the Rationalist made in Chicago in the past century, almost had the speaker burned at the  stake, when it is the absolute fact about the Vatican.

"It is quite true that the story also illustrates how far from infallible the Catholic Church has been  in its dealings with the Maid of Orleans—first, burning her at the stake as a witch, and, five hundred years later, beatifying her as a saint. The statement in my lecture which caused the greatest displeasure was to the effect that the same church which had burnt Joan of Arc as a witch in fourteen hundred thirty-one had sainted her in nineteen hundred and nine."

M. M. Mangasarian. The Story of Joan of Arc / The Witch—Saint

One must understand that the Vatican defines itself as infallible, and now perhaps you know why the apparent misspelling of infallable, as the Vatican has murdered Huegonots in France, was murdering the English under Bloody Mary and made war on Elizabeth I to murder her, murdered the German Lutherans and tried to murder Martin Luther and yes they murdered Joan of Arc.
For the Vatican to admit they had engaged in murder, would mean they are fallible, and mean that they never were infallible, which they never were.

One can not rule in Righteousness when one is an unrepentent sinner.

- Lame Cherry

The Vatican is filled with dogma of how many Angels may dance upon a pin head. Their foremost torture of Joan of Arc was the Church Militant and the Church Triumphant, in a philisophical definition of which is absurd in dividing the Church, in a war with satan and a Church in Victory in Christ, as it is the same Church, but the dogma pours forth in deliberate confusion of the faithful, to keep them in need of that priest before them to in blasphemy take on their sins, when there is only One in Christ Jesus, Who only has Authority to take on sins and forever adopt the repentent into the Spiritual Family of God.

It is though the Vatican usurpring authority as it states it rules the Church Militant in pope, priests and flock, while the Church Triumphant is ruled by God, Saints and Glory. Joan of Arc's great heresy was submiting herself for Judgment to the Church Triumphant of Christ in her visions and not the Church Militant of Rome.

At Joan's shrine in Paris, Mr. Mangasarian, just after Joan was deemed a "saint" by the Vatican found that St. Michael occupied the throne in that shrine. St. Michael being the Arch Angel, and forbidden to be worshipped.
Joan was off on the side walls and another area on her knees, with Mary the Mother's altar ablaze like an inferno with candles as well as Joseph's puttin forward a good bondfire of the vanities. There though in Catholic France was little Joan without one candle, as the French Catholics were not about to warm themselves to the heresy of Joan of Arc, as the Vatican just the day before had told them she was a heretic and they had burned her at the stake with another flame.

So a sin was committed in 1431 after torturing Joan of Arc and left unrepentent by every Pope until 1909 AD in the year of our Lord.
I wonder which is the greater sin in Angels dancing on pin heads, if it is burning Joan of Arc or the saying of Mass not in Latin? Furthermore the Vatican has never issued a Papal bull if there is some Purgatory War going in in the unrepentent Popes who said Joan was a heretic and the repentent Popes blaming others who deemed Joan a Saint?

See it was the Catholic kings of Henry of England and Charles of France who were the Vatican's swords who did this inquisition. I wonder if pimping these johns was a sin, and if the Vatican now says her Catholic kings were all heretics or if it was just some bull about infallible Rome dealing with fallible kings she had crowned by mistake.........no a mistake would be fallible.............I suppose the kings were infallible when crowned  and then like Lucifer fell from grace, but where God defined Lucifer as then satan, the Vatican still has not excommunicated these murderers of Joan of Arc, including the unrepentent  Paters.

The Truth is at the Church of the Sacred Heart, the first and only candle lit for Joan of Arc was from Mr. M. M. Mangasarian. It was a white one pure as snow, purchased from the church, and he was not a Catholic, which opens up all sorts of heresy and blasphemy, but the Truth is, the first candle lit for St. Joan of Arc, was from an American who was not a Catholic as no Catholic would honor her.

The Church of the Sacred Heart stands upon the prominence of Paris in all her grandeur, but there is not just the little girl who was a heretic there, but another little boy of 19 years of age, named Chevalier de La Barre.
La Barre is also built of stone and resistant to fire, and that is appropriate as he too on the summit of Paris now stands, having been put to the stake too, for the heresy of, not tipping his hat to the priest as the priest passed by........

This is all beginning to become confusing as the Vatican can burn Christians like Huegonots. The Vatican can burn Catholics who hear voices and see visions like St. Paul, and the Vatican can burn Catholics for not tipping their hat.
Somewhere in this must be a bull that sins are forgiven to the Vatican when they make people Saints, but all those murdered French Lutherans nothing is said about.

I wonder if those unrepentent Popes over Joan of Arc, get dragged back into Purgatory, and someone has to buy their way back out as the infallible Vatican making Joan a Saint, means her pater, clergy and kings are now murderers.
The Vatican does not speak on these things of bull, as I wonder if St. Peter is then a sinner for letting the sinners in, and what of poor Joan for 500 years, was she burning in hell and does Jesus then become a sinner which negates the Salvation, as it was his Vicars who did all of this.
It must be why the infallible Vatican blames this on other sinners, as the paters take on the sins in Mass.

Joan of Arc did have sins, but they are not found in the Bible. The reason Joan of Arc was burned at the stake was because she was a woman which upset the males in power.
She was burned at the stake because she had to be witch as the English could not be beaten by a woman.
She was burned at the stake because she had restored France to the French king and therefore the people might want her to be Queen.
She was burned at the stake because she had liberated France by God's direction and God had not bothered with the Vatican.

Those are a great deal of earthly sins in not needing French, English or Papal kings for power, and only relying on God.

The greatest sinner in this was God, for God did not work through the vicar of Rome, nor Rome's kings or clergy. It is a good thing the kings and clergy could not capture that rascal Jesus of they would have burnt Him up too with Joan. So the Jews getting the job done first, actually might be in line for Sainthood, as they saved the Vatican from torching the Son of God.
Then again maybe it is St. Pontius Pilate being the real Saint, as he washed his hands as a Roman of it, and yet signed off on it, both heresy and Saint. Perhaps Pilate was the first Pater of Rome in saving the Vatican from burning Jesus at the stake.

It is strange how being infallible creates all these failings and without bulls to explain all of this, we of the outer galaxies are left in the dark like  all Catholics, less the stained glass windows showing us the reasonings of Rome.

Charles VII, the French king whom Joan put on the throne was a most interesting man in the cleansing of Joan of Arc, for Charles gladly accepted Joan making him king, but when made king, he saw that little Joan was more adored than he, so allowed treachery to foment and Joan was sold to the English and French patsies to be burned at the stake as a witch.
Problem in that in 25 years later as Charles drove the English away, was that he then had the Joan who was a witch had put him on the throne. So while the Vatican lay silent on Joan, Charles convened hearings which said Joan was a Saint and that he was a good Catholic, and of course it was others who burned up Joan........even if Charles could have paid the ransom for her, or sent his army to Rouen to rescue her, but the devil was in the details, and all that mattered was Chuck had Saint, betrayed her to the stake, and then made her a Saint again, which the Vatican would too after almost 500 years.

Yes when England was the sword of Rome, then little Joan was a heretic, but when the French became the sword of the Vatican, then the same religion which burned Joan of Arc, suddenly found her a Saint as it was politically expedient.

.....And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.......

I apologize I was just in Spirit remembering that Bible verse about the whore of babylon in Revelation 17:6.

Seems like a rather large sin in murdering a Saint. Odd how Judas hung himself over it and St. Paul never resorted to making Stephen a Saint, but the Paters neither hang themselves over Joan or millions of others they condemn nor repent as St. Paul did.

The government of England could not burn Joan of Arc as a heretic, for it did not have that authority. The Vatican only had that authority and it burned Joan of Arc, just as the Sanhedrin declared the heresy of Jesus the Son of God for stating He is the Son of God in the Messiah.
Odd how in murder, everyone desires someone else to do it before, and blame everyone else for it after.

King Henry was scolded by the Catholic University of Paris for not being gung ho about putting down heresy for the Vatican and not pressing forward with the burning of Joan of Arc. The clergy pressed on, even if Henry had cooling feet, and in the end, the Pope rewarded Joans torturers and tormentors with ecclesiastical promotion. Their thirty pieces of silver to betray a Saint of the Christ.

The holy pater of the Vatican rewarded his universal clergy in the following:

Roussel was given associate bishop status of Rouen.

Pasquier a mere priest was rocketed to the title of bishop.

Thomas Courcelles who demanded Joan be tortured was placed at Notre Dame

Gilles and Le Fevre were promoted in the Church of  Rome

Bishop of Beauvais, who ran the kangaroo court was given the seat of Lisieux.

The reality is Joan of Arc was rewarded with the stake, because in being the first Protestant, she tore away all the blasphemy of the Vatican in the Pope stands between God and man. Joan went to Christ alone in Faith for the actions she was moved to, and that was the threat to this world in she obeyed God first, and not pater nor monarch.
A few short years later, a German monk would declare the same reality in the only Mediator between God and people is Jesus, and by this Martin Luther would cause the curtain in Rome to be ripped from top to bottom as the Holy of Holies was opened to all Faithful.

The Vatican sentence against Joan of Arc read:

"Therefore we pronounce you a rotten limb, and as such to be lopped off from the church."

What a heinous judgment to record against a Prophetess of God, and yes now even the Vatican says she was of God and the infallible Pope of Rome ordered just that.

Yet the modern last age is still filled with the orders or Rome and those who deem themselves better Catholics than those since Vatican II. As we all are informed that even though Jesus never said one Mass in Latin, that only real christians are saved by the Latin Mass.........and not by the blood of Christ.

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;"

I Timothy 2:6

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

John 14:6

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

Isaiah 9:6

"For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.
David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly."

Mark 12: 36, 37 (Psalm 110:1)

I have no delusions in this, for the same Bible or Roman order, does contain the above verses defining Christ as Lord and no one stands between the Father and humanity, but Christ and no clergy. Yet that reality is forfiet for the teachings of religion to target those not submitting to human authority in Spiritual matters and murdering those who seek God first.

"But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

Matthew 15:9

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!"

Luke 13:34

Joan of Arc will have like Christ, will have joining them a great number of like Martyrs by those of satan who deem themselves infallible.

"After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;"

Revelation 7:9

For those who have taken the power to condemn others in Faith, beyond exortation in the Biblical Word, they will be Judged with that same standard which they can not meet, for their commandments are not Biblical, and no future finding of, "Oh sorry about that murder as we will now call that heretic a Saint and that ends the problem........as you know it was someone else to blame any way."

"The beatification of Joan was brought about ostensibly by the report that certain sufferers from cancer, and other incurable maladies, had been completely cured by praying to Joan of Arc for help. The Maid had become a miracle worker , and hence worthy to receive a medal, as it were, from the pope. Joan is now a new income as well as a saint."

M. M. Mangasarian. The Story of Joan of Arc / The Witch—Saint


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