As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
White House releases an 800 page document warning of the upheavals of climate change in wild weather from Maple Syrup producers in Vermont to corn grower in Iowa.
How can the White House predict the weather when your meteorologist can not predict the weather for the weekend?
The answer in this is the mix. HAARP has been engaged in weather modification, in order to deal with fending off a drought. In this, as this blog has exclusively exposed, the weatherlons have been flipping the atmosphere in keeping it colder than normal to preserve moisture in shortening the growing season, instead of dry season requiring irrigation.
What you are witnessing in this White House paper is of course the cartel looking to cripple energy production to crop human populations for their plunder in Al Gore carbon taxes and their rule in a sickly people from being under fed and roasted and frozen.
This Obama regime paper is pointing to HAARP continuously flipping the atmosphere in cold snaps, as the cold comes from high altitude, and you will notice in this that the weather battle zone is the corn belt from Iowa across to Vermont.
You have to know what the code means, because you have to know what causes maple syrup.
In order to create maple syrup, you need a spring which is NORMAL in below freezing nights and above freezing days, as this stimulates sap flow.
What the regime is noting is that the weather is going to be engineered to be below freezing and then spiking to above freezing. That is exactly the panorama which has been developing in America since the record drought of two seasons ago, before the regime engaged HAARP fully.
This all goes back to the massive snow falls which the regime instigated for the Rockies to flush the Missouri River systems out, which the regime cheered as it was destroying Conservative American property and it was rumored Soros was buying up those lands.
The line on this is now two years in the making. If one tracks from the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, to the northeast in Vermont, in having very cold weather late in the season, which matches the colder than normal temperatures for America.
The Iowa line east, into the farm belt, is the battle zone, where hot and cold weather is going to produce land cyclons or typhoons. This zone which was exposed last year, exclusively here, went in a band from Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee over to Virginia, with early breakouts in the south.
This type of weather modification is going to be hell on corn which requires constant heat, and not being blown away by the wind or blasted by hail the size of basketballs.
All of this is cover for what the regime is doing. This regime caused a disaster in the Rocky Mountain snows, and what has been taking place is the reprocussions of turning on HAARP in manipulating the upper atmosphere which is flipping it and driving the jet stream south.
It is not about as Rush Limbaugh is saying in coming elections. It is about telling the world that this regime knows the corn belt over to the sap belt is going to be frigid and then hot, with swings of temperatures which are going to cause super storms.
Just setting the story correct again so you children do not fall into the abyss without knowing the reason you have been pushed in.
Yes Obama is predicting the destruction of the American corn belt.
Perhaps Mark Levin will blame ethanol for this again......perhaps someone with a bundle of money will donate what their life is worth to them here in being warned.