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Spartacist Obama


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I place this study before you in how America was set up and looted by Barack Hussein Obama for European interests, as this scheme was intiated by the British, French and Italians in 1919, after World War I.

I place the following quotes below, as the entire process was one of Europeans having first control over American farm production and pricing to feed Europeans, in other words, America was to become a plantation for the Europeans.
This was rejected in 1919, but I revisit this in Ashkenaz Cargill controls now 1/3rd of United States grain, Ashkenaz George Soros controls 1/3rd of United States grain, and Chicago conglomerate Archers Daniel Midland controls the final 1/3rd of United States grain, setting price controls to use food as a weapon, starving Americans of healthy food, and implementing thee exact European control which was initiated in 1919.

This comes in league with three schemes by the Europeans in the cartel in first America was to pay the lions share to Europe for German, Austrian and Turkish reparations.
Yes the Axis was to pay 5 billion dollars, but the Allies were demanding then that America be a part of paying 6 1/2 billion dollars to finance European industry.

The plan called for a joint guarantee by the United States, Britain, France and Italy of six and one-half billion dollars of German, Austrian and Hungarian bonds, the proceeds to be used to rehabilitate European industry after peace. The President referred the matter to his Committee of Economic Advisers. We rejected the whole idea for various reasons, one being that the Reparations Committee had already determined on an immediate payment of five billion dollars of reparations from the enemy to the Allies, or just about equal to this proposed loan. In other words, we, who would receive no reparations, would be participating in providing working capital for these countries to replace the drain of working capital caused by the reparations.

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

AH advisers busy today discussing new financial scheme of British to consolidate debt and have all Allies guarantee interest and principal That means the United States would guarantee all the bankrupt nations. The more the plan is studied the less enthusiastic our people become. It is the same old game they have been working on all through the conference, to get the United States to underwrite their debts.

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

"In late June, McCormick told me that the President had informed him that Lloyd George had still another financial idea, that the Prime Minister now wanted to pool the total expenses of the war. Mr. Wilson was much exercised and wanted all of us to oppose it."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

You can see by the above three quotes, how this scheme was the genesis of the Marshall Plan of World War II, which was the same guise of "rebuild Europe" with American funds.
Revisit 1945 though in all the suffering in who was it in 1918 who had the gold to advance communism, but the Kremlin Marxists. So what happened to the gold in 1945? Why it did not find it's way to any other place, but the European industries who were not bombed by FDR in the war, and were doing great business like IG Farben and Bayer.

Progress this out, as America paid trillions in defense of Europe, with Europe doing little, in living is Nazi luxury, as yes my children, Europe from 1945 on was a workers paradise of communism, in 30 hour work weeks, unions and month long vacations as Americans toiled away, in Europe was nothing more than a welfare state on Moscow protocols.

Revisit now the Berlin candidate in Barack Hussein Obama Chin Jinn, in the Desinger Negro, in his first acts were to dump 1 trillion dollars into the 3rd world, which all ended up in European banks during a global depression.
What did Obama do next? Why it was a trillion dollar first installment to the European bankers again to stabilize them as they ruined Anglo American finance, for the cartel's own dominance.

Obama simply went in and robbed the US Treasury, which the Americans were at least against in 1919 AD in the year of our Lord.

What is American debt? It is American spending for European security and cartel oil in the Mideast. American debt is raising an Asian slave labor force to serve the European elite.

America is nothing but a plantation farm and a money printing press under the Obama regime, serving the European aristocracy and finance, with treacherous New York banking and Wall Street, moving Chicago mercantiles to regulate plantation pricing on oil and food.

Even communism was struck at by political patriots as Winston Churchill, but the cartel financiers were literally starving central Europe to expand the Bolshevik Revolution.

"The entire American group in Paris, from the President down, considered a rigid blockade utter folly because it created unemployment, prevented economic recovery and fertilized Communism."

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson

Seriously, what was eastern Europe before the 1945 handing over of all of Slavic lands to communist Joe Stalin? It was free from the communists which were being nurtured for their takeover in 1918 already.

What happened under Ronald Reagan, but they were liberated? What happened under the cartel and Barack Obama, but they were handed back over to Moscow, but a strange thing took place under Mr. Putin, in he did not go Soviet, but the Slavics were free from Clinton Albright bombing of Chrisitan Serbians for Kosovo Muslims.
When Putin put a stop to Syrian slaughter, it was then the cartel and Obama started taking back free Ukrainian lands and installing fascists and communists. Mr. Putin started taking his territory back, and that is what the Crimea was about.

Yes Wilson's Americans left the communists in charge but Obama's Amerikans actually became more flexible in giving the world back to the feudal communist order.

Yes this is a Lame Cherry exclusive and the only vista you are ever going to read any of this on, in linking directly the schemes of New World Order of Woodrow Wilson and how the entire world war structure was by design to genocide Christian Germany, make slaves of Slavs under communism, and the coup de grace of making America into a planation to be looted. No one but this blog ever takes you step by step in teaching you the history of this, so it all links up for your understanding.

One more piece of this in your progression of thought, at least those who care to think who claim Tea Party or Ron  Paul following and have little to explain why they believe what they do.

"My staff also reported that the Republic (Germany) was growing weaker from "Spartacist" uprisings; that machine guns were firing in the streets of several cities; and that there was real danger of a revolution on one side from the militarists and on the other from the Spartacists (Communists), both working on the emotions of the hungry people.

Herbert Hoover. The Ordeal Of Woodrow Wilson


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