It appears God in Germany went not for an eye for an eye, but a tongue for gold and a wrung neck for a sold soul.............
Of course in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....
"Albertus, Bishop of Mentz, had a physician attending on his person who was a Protestant, and therefore the less in the Bishop’s favour; the same, being covetous and puffed up with ambition, recanted his religion and fell to Popery, uttering these words:
“I will, for awhile, set Christ behind the door, until I be grown rich, and then I will take him to me again.”
Such and the like blasphemous words do deserve the highest punishments, as befell that wicked dissembling wretch, for the same night he was found in his bed in a most fearful manner, with his tongue torn out of his mouth, as black as a coal, and his neck wrung in twain.
Myself, said Luther, at that time coming from Frankfort to Mentz, was an eye-witness of that just judgment of God."
Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk
I do believe that this Avenging Angel could find ample employment in tongue tearing and neck wringing in America, much to morticians fortunes, casket manufacturers wealth and grave diggers riches.
If this Avenging Angel is at a loss where to begin, I could suggest the litany of prayers filled with people I have named and of course the perusal of the ISP list of this blog would suffice for the first thousands. I lay me down to die, an Avenging Angel ripping out my tongue so I can not cry. If I should die for evil sake, the Avenging Angel will wring my neck and demons drag me to hell for them to take. Amen
That seems all proper now, what not eh?