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The Mind on Obama Sperm


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thomas Obama Friedman of the New York Times propaganda claimed by accident he ended up in Kiev and Hanoi, with is conclusion on it all, was that Russia was in decline and that Peking was on the rise.

HANOI, Vietnam — BY an accident of scheduling, I’ve visited Kiev and Hanoi in the last couple weeks, and it’s been accidentally extremely revealing. Ukraine is a middle power living next to a giant bear, and Vietnam is a middle power living next to a giant tiger. Ukraine is struggling with how to deal with a declining Russia that is looking for dignity in all the wrong places — like in Crimea — and Vietnam is struggling with how to deal with a rising China that is looking for oil in all the wrong places — like in Vietnam’s territorial waters. Russia’s attitude toward Ukraine has been: “Marry me, or I’ll kill you.” And China’s toward Vietnam has been a variation of that line from “There Will Be Blood”: “I have a long straw, so I think I’ll drink my milkshake and yours.”
Meanwhile, America is trying to figure out how to buttress both Vietnam and Ukraine in their struggles with their giant neighbors without getting entangled in either dispute. And in my jet-lagged torpor, all I’ve been trying to do is make sure I don’t order Chicken Kiev in Hanoi and Chicken Spring Rolls in Kiev.

China is a cancer, and cancer consumes itself. China is a paper tiger which can not live literally as it has no food nor resources. It is only propped up by world stability in American debt. Take that away and China ends.

Russia is at a point of hewn to the bone. It is engaged in the opportunity to expand it's population base of a thinner and stronger nation. A nation which would grow to dominance or implode to extinction.

Friedman is the voice of how the cartel assesses the world. It is incorrect as logic would have one choose a leaner Russia than a bloated China, as much as an armed warrior class in America of a white race would win out over a cancer Mexican race.

This is the collapse of civilizations period. The Asian sphere will eat itself, as India, Indonesia, will devour the resource of China. The Chinese, Indian nor Indonesian can not project nor hold. The seaboard peoples of Indonchina and Japan, providing a population collapse and a new breeding program, could in 100 years be what the world was of 1915.

The point in all of this is, is when some perv sucks Obama dick and your brain is fed on Obama cartel mind sperm, this is what you get in Thomas Friedman mind ejaculations, being flat ass wrong.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, and I have had it with busting me ass for being the Prophet of the collapse as those with money have chosen their end and there is not a great deal of me saving creatures who do not give a damn about me to keep this sank ship above the waves.

Is far better that it just all implodes and the culling starts of the Obama brains on sperm.


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