As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am going to finally address something as when Snopes starts posting on things, it is time to set the record straight, as this is from the same site which is nothing but a liberal enabler of Constitutional theft in claiming Obama's papers are real and not forged.
The subject today for you rich people who have not yet made the 350,000 dollar donation is FATCA. I will not go into the nomenclature, so for those unaware of FATCA, just think of it as an IRS international tax aimed at foreign investment companies and Americans who have their money invested through them as tax shelters.
This illegal law was supposed to go into place on January 1st but was delayed until July 1st as foreign firms like all Americans in not knowing anymore than Donald Rumsfeld how to comply with this complicated tax, because these companies have to figure out if people are Americans, then pay taxes to the IRS in America on investments, and if they do not comply there is a 30% fine on these companies which would bankrupt them.
So you comprehend this, King George III passed laws against Americans without their being represented, and against other foreigners, which the English Parliament had no authority to. It was like George H. W. Bush prosecuting Panamanian Manuel Noriega, President of Panama in America, for things Noriega did in Panama as their sovereign. The United States has no jurisdiction in foreign nations over foreigners, and the United States has no jurisdiction over money outside of America that Americans have, which is being invested by foreign traders.
I will be short in this to explain, all this is, is the same scheme aimed at drying up political funds which would be used against the regime. Eric Holder went after Swiss accounts first which American held, as Obama cronies bought up for pennies on the million dollars the American derivative trading houses, and this is aimed at wiping out foreign trading houses in competition with the cartel, and not allowing Americans their right to have money offshore and invested beyond the IRS reach.
There is a trader who has been stating that on July 1st, the US economy could collapse. Everyone is not reading his caveat in COULD COLLAPSE, due to FATCA being implemented, as it could start a run on the markets in companies cashing out as much as investors.
The reality is, that investors are already moving those funds, and that is why there have been plunges in the market as money is being moved before July 1st. That though is not the real problem which is not being explained, so it is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If you noticed as this blog was the only source on this in revealing that there was a massive tax hike in income taxes for Obama year 2014. Drudge stated record revenues were coming in, which translates to record amounts of money was being confiscated by the IRS for the Obama regime from the US economy.
I mentioned my taxes went up as someone in poverty tens of thousands of percent and I am poor. That means I do not have money to spend to buy improvements like tin for a shed, which means my Home Depot does not get that money, which does not flow to some distributor which is employing people.
What Rush Limbaugh and none of the Chris Matthews horde have explained in this, is the reality in this, in due to Obamacare, 2 trillion dollars just came out of the United States economy and will be concentrated into regime monopoly spending for the conglomerates in food, medicine and stocks benefiting the few.
Now revisit FATCA in the next year almost 1 billion more is going to be pulled out investments. You must understand this in the Obama Geithner scheme, that the Treasury has been funding stocks and bonds for their price spikes. When investors are divested of 1 billion dollars MORE, that means that 1 billion dollars will not be rolled over into more stock purchases.
That may not sound like a great deal, but it is, because it means points shaved off of stocks, and it means a few more workers being fired from the job market.
I have been noting how Cabelas has gone to an almost part time employment now due to Obamcare, and there has been a shift in all industry to firing a few workers in every company. That starts a domino effect, and that is what the trader warning of a collapse is speaking of.
It is not just trading house trying to avoid 30% penalties or an investor trying to keep more of their profits, but it is investors taking their entire portfolios out of investment circulation where it can be tracked and penalized, but it is investing those assets into dead end economics.
I explain it this way to make this easy. You in your 401K have 50,000 dollars saved up as an example through Taiwan Traders, and you note with all these new taxes you are going to have your profit margin neutralized, so when TT invests in Coca Cola stocks, that money benefits Coke as a low interest loan and profit structure for that company.
When you sell those stocks, and buy gold or put those revenues into areas which the IRS has not tagged yet, that money is not working for employing people, but in gold becomes a dead end unit as gold just sits there gaining value in inflation as money becomes cheap.
That is why the FATCA traders is warning what this could be, as it is what it could be as this touches other areas and more constrictions apply to the economies.
I broke the ground in explaining that there are basically three economies in the world. There is the economy you live in. There is the cartel monopoly economy of commodity set prices and Obama money dumps to Wall Street, and then there is the underground economy.
Your economy is stagnant. The Obama economy is debt paper fraud, and the black market economy is the only one generating any revenue in dope and whore trading. You will remember that the European banks after the staged 9 11 collapse for Obama implanting to 1600 Penn Avenue, stated that they would have collapsed if it was not for the black market economy as that is where all their profit margins were coming from.
That is what FATCA is targeting in the fringe trading. You are not going to be able to sell AK 47's or Slavic whores to terrorists nor are you going to get to launder billions in opium and coke money, so you are in the fringe penny curve market, which is being taxed from existence.
Read that Council on Foreign Relations link again in how Obama policy, after laundering 1 trillion dollars to 3rd world nations in a 2009 money dump, which money went directly into Rothschild banks as that money is always laundered, that Obama for the cartel has been doing reverse colonialism in forcing money into areas like Indonesia, which has saw huge money dumps and the spiking of their currencies, as these are Stan Ann Dunham Microeconomic bubbles which are being gleaned by design. They are designed like all bubbles to collapse like Brazil was in the 1990's for cartel control and management by Marxists.
It is a massive transfer of wealth in your money builds up some 3rd world despot and the cartel takes over and takes your money. It is the same programme which imported millions of white slaves into America to homestead the soil, and then drove them off the land in the 1930's and 1970's, so rural America is now run by Monsanto frankenfood and Walmart poison products for feudal control of America Reagan Blue States.
This is the big picture of Obama Feudalism which no one has explained, as all the talking mics are paid to not connect any of these dots. FATCA is but another slicing of the vein so you bleed out a bit more.
Obama Chin Jinn inflation has been pulling trillions out of the world and US economy in high fuel and food prices by design. Obamacare coupled with new firings and new tax confiscation is pulling out trillions more, as much as what FATCA is designed to do, to herd money into new arenas of dead end economics, so that a collapse occurs by design.
I explain it this way. It is like you are climbing Mt. Everest and the air keeps getting thinner. Each step does not have you pass out immediately, but it all combines, and suddenly when the air or economics gets thin enough, you collapse.
I have warned you that the cartel and the regime designed the Nevada Rancher event as Drudge for MIC is pushing this. As you need reminders, when the Michigan Militia appeared, it was smeared from one end to the other as a terror danger.
That is not taking place in this operation now is it. Instead Harry Reid is calling them terrorists, but they are being allowed to foment, propaganda is being published to draw people into a movement, and this is for a reason of creating a flashpoint as Hutatree was by Obama regime design.
Remember the exclusive here in the Tea Party was warned that Obama infilitrators were in place to make them terrorists, and when Sean Hannity picked up my story, the evidence appeared outing these infiltrators and it was stopped.
Progress out the logic now as I have been warning first and exclusive. You have Mormon shill Glen Beck coming out against a Mormon Rancer in Mr. Bundy. You have the regime allowing a fomenting of armed Citizens against the police state.
You have states now calling for control over federal lands. A fragmentation of America is being staged, as certain as Eric Holder was running Fast and Furious in arming the regime's Mexican drug mafia.
Recall now the reality of the BATF blurting out in Hutatree, that they had hundreds of groups they had infiltrated as in there are hundreds of moles conditioning groups of Americans. The same types of moles who were providing Timothy McVeign and Terry Nichols bomb making materials for OKC. I am telling you in the clearest possible terms, what is taking place and it is being regime generated for the cartel.
When Bill and Hillary Clinton with minder Eric Holder were runing Ruby Ridge, Waco and OKC, those were operations like Hutatree designed for purpose of population control in suppressing resistance. This same group is spiking an armed group and the only reason to create an armed political group is to stage a police state crackdown to divert from an economic collapse due to Obamacare in Dollar resets.
It was not by accident that Mormon Bundy was the spark in this, as it was the Mormon Mafia which Mitt Romney led and has been in their Masonic rites been competing globally. Glen Beck is a stooge and has come out against this patriot group, to provide a dividing to conquer to keep the infrastructure fractured.
This is all an intelligence operation and it is by desig, just as Idaho, Texas and Oklahoma were by design in the Clinton era.
The protocols the crackdown will come in the west and the targets have already been chosen, as have the victims, with complete storyline.
Revisit 9 11, and you find the Patriot Act, already written before the event, for the Bush Administration by liberal Gary Hart a democrat.
By God's Grace this blog has been able to difuse a number of situations in keeping all of you safe by making aspects known of the protocols. What is out there though is something which has to implode as those are the protocols as much as the Gentleman's Agreement for German Genocide which took 10 years to start in World War I by Woodrow Wilson.
When all of this Obama debt enslavement causes the regime to steal your money in currency resets and inflation spikes, there is going to have to be an opposite and equal CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the national fury in being aborted into this. A regime controls such combustion by creating their own events and smashing the people to instill fear into the public at large.
FATCA was what was behind the December Wall Street drops, and the money has been moving out to new dead end investments for the July period. FATCA is the tip of this entire leviathan and the danger sign in all of this, is Mormon Bundy and the Drudge conditioning stories of armed patriots in the manifestation of a movement controlled by the regime, whose only purpose in being generated is for a staged crackdown as Hutatree in small scale manifested.
Now you know more of the complete picture in this. I have not inquired as to the actual events or locations for these operations against Americans in specifics, but the protocols are there. An early event will be for the 2014 Congressional elections to keep Conservatives from dominating as Boehner does not want them around nor the problem of control of the Senate where Iowan Charles Grassley is not going to allow through border invasion to be legalized voters.
If this comes later, it will be for the reset with the protocols for some democrat governor to call in federal police of martial law to restore order or to embarass a gop higher office seeker in "their" people are in revolt and they need to crack down on their own.
I leave it at that to bring you out of the abyss again as you keep jumping in and never comprehend what is really taking place as your ignorance keeps manifesting.
You just do not comprehend the historic lessons posted here in revolution and civil war for your education and pass it all by as you are too dense to see what is being taught.
Time for laundry.