As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have decided that with Birther Hussein Obama having so polluted the political gene pool with his being an illegitimate political bastard, that time should be indulged on that most noteworthy Norwegian political leader, Anders Breivik.
Psychologically as Mr. Breivek has been forced to remain silent, that in the plus minus, only two possibilities can project out, either the Viking Knight has been castrated in mind to the system or he will become testicular fortified by prison and ejaculate his manhood upon the world podium upon his timely release.
Der Fuerher, Adolf Hitler benefitted by his political prisoner status, as prison makes a leader out of a man, much like the man behind the Iron Mask, became the leader of France.
In that, I focus upon the need of Anders Breviek in what he can do for the world at this juncture, as I did mention that Europe is going to be in great need of men of his abilities, as sure enough, there is the real man Vladimir Putin, now professing Christian leadership in the Russian Orthodox Church for the salvation of the Slavic Peoples.
Let us examine something in Mr. Putin has been known to oversee assassinations of Polish Patriots and Polonium Pissing upon his former nationals at London Tea Stops, and people have embraced him.
Let us examine the image of Birther Hussein Obama, so embraced by the leftist in America, in has he not been behind the genocide of Syrians at 40,000 dead? Did he not leave babies to crawl around in bin Laden actor urine and blood as he chest thumped? Did he not allow the Navy SEALS to be ambushed in quid pro quo? Did he not leave American Soldiers to slaughter pits in Afnamistan?
I could go on, but the list of Obama corpse piles would fill this blog, and the reality in this is the reality of when the world can embrace a reformed Vladmir Putin and the left can bow to a malformed image of Obama, is not a time arriving for Anders Brievik to be afforded the same political courtesy?
The answer if of course it is.
In that, I see the first necessary step is the salvation of the Norwegian people who created the mass murderer, Birther Hussein Obama. I was viewing a movie starring Scarlet Johannsen, who I had only seen on the American program, The David Letterman Show, which I found her disgusting like a soppy cunny reeking of crack whore unctions.
In the movie, Scarlet was dressed like a male sperm cell, in all were in white and all the bad people were in black led by Sean Bean. It was about clones like Obama's image, but the main thrust is, Scarlet does have large breasts and large lips, and I think that Anders Breivik could rehabilitate this female creature to give her a Grace Kelly type persona, as he career is on the downslide and she could be of some service in congical visits, and weeping before places where horny lesbian and fag politicians could all associate with her for the timely release of Anders Breivik.
Would not have a Muchelle Obama, a Scarlet Brievik as Empress of Norway, be a pleasant experience as Thormund Breivik ruled Norway and those little islands in the Indian Ocean which I wanted as my own Queendom once upon a yes he can be Thormund.
I made Thormund up, based upon Thor of the Norse gods and should not Anders Breivik have a title fittin for him as leader of Norway in captivity?
The answer of course is right. His title is Thormund and that is settle, and I will allow Scarlet Johannsen being reformed to be called Lady Thormund. It makes no difference if she wants this or how polluted her cunny is, as this has all been decided now like Saul's daughter handed off to a new beau, in Lady Thormund is now the actress formerly known as.
Thormund in his writings, revealed how a strong European race was essential and it should be that he should breed Lady Thormund in giving her something to do besides weep in public. In that, the Thormund, has expressed a need to have the Holy Roman Empire about the borders, and while that is anti Christ jurisdiction, I see some dick action in this, in the Thormund would be like entitled as:
Thormund the Great, leader of Norse, kindred of Swede and Norman, Prince of Iceland, Father of Greenland, Sovereign of Vinland, Lord of Goth, Keeper of the Faith. I could see how that would fit in, in he could be like the Pope of the North, as you got Pater Pope now in black and white robes all in one Vatican, so should there not be a Pope of the North. I put him into a Royal Blue robe with ermine trimmings and alot of gold embroidery things, with a nice Norse helmet.
See the Paters always want some sword as they are like Obama in liking others to do the bloodletting, so Thormund could be the sword of the Vatican.
I see this helpful in things as Vladimir Putin is Prince of the Russian Orthodox Church. The anti Christ has the whore of Babylon, so to keep things at peace in the Northland, there is Anders Breivik, with helmet on and ruler of the north, into Canada, as let us face this reality in the Viking owned a great deal of Britain, France, the islands and North America, and never gave up title to any of it, and if Obama is giving Texas land back to Mexicans and Mr. Putin is taking back Russian lands.....then the Thormund can take back what is rightfully Greater Norseland.
This is a good place to start really in all this. Saving Scarlet Johannsen from herself, redeeming Norwegians from Obama fraud, and the release of Anders Breivik from his political prisoner status, as let us face the reality in Birther Obama was a greater criminal than the Thormund ever was and in reality, the Obama regime has killed far more children out of the womb tomb than the Thormund ever did in post birth aborticides.
Think of this in the reality of Mr. Obama Jinn rations death to America like a jihad of Islam in Obamacrypt. The Thormund just rationed a little bit of death, like radical surgery on radicals, like cutting out a cancer in it's youth before it grew to consume the body politic.
Think of all the good Anders Breivik did for those liberals in Norway by slicing away those young tumors. The parents did not have to be bothered with raising them and they could be off on vacations and have that money to donate to political movements. These little tumors did not grow up to experience all the misery of being liberals and having more liberal bastards as a burden on society. The Thormund actually saved these unfortunate post fetus tissues all the horror of Chelsea Hubbles little bundle of cells.
This is liberal policy and Anders Breivik deserves a crown and not a cell over this as he implemented on a far smaller scale than what world liberal Obama has done and is cheered for.
If liberals state that Conservativism is a mental disorder, then certainly being a leftist is a sociopathic manifestation like choosing to be a sodomite or pedophile, and in that type of criminal acceptance, then of course Anders Breivik must be accepted and not be a prisoner for simply ejaculating lead on people who were going to die anyway.
The only losers in this Norway aborticide operation were the pharmaceuticals both legal and illegal in abortion pills and Asian opium consumed by these now dead Norwegians. I say just take that million back from millionaire Obama and give it to big pharm and the Taliban dope lords which Obama put into power and all accounts will be settled.
Settled of course except for the Thormund. He really needs some historic castle in Norway to be constructed for his rule, and a nice provential palace in all his domain locations. I like the golden Norse helmet. There should be one in some museum which can be gold plated over and some Norse axe which can be adorned with fine jewels.
As for Lady Thormund, I think a nice belt axe with ivory handle and jewel tiara type thing which would not get in the way of combat, as the purpose of this is to raise the Scandinavians onto their hind legs and resurrect their peoples to their former grand nature.
The Norwegians were quite educated in things in they had a system to deal with strangers they met. See they would just smash their skulls in, and in that, they learned if they were a dangerous wraith or perhaps just a dangerous human. Wraiths did not ooze brain and people did.
The Thormund and Lady Thormund therefore in tradition should have a few liberals stationed at places they tread for resort and these liberals can then be post aborted, in a sort of blood letting to cleanse the soils of their realm to bring back the good old days of Khadaffi dragged about Libya and put on display.
I really believe this will become quite fashionable in a waiting list of liberals who desire to be bopped on the brain, as why should the anti Christ have all those martyrs, when the apostate could be martyred too, as they are too cowardly to commit suicide.
For this I think the Thormund and Lady Thormund should have reindeer tunics on as blood splatter would be bothersome on ermine furs, and as the Laplanders do alright with alot of blood on their deer hide clothes, it might afford some blood splatter fashion like Wedgwood china is for the English.
The main point in this is saving Scarlet Johannsen with her ample breasts and lips from herself, and to give her a purpose in life in serving the Thormund of Norseland, whose political prisoner status must end, as he has proven himself a leader more than Birther Hussein and most of the world. He has earned his title of the Thormund, and if he withstands the torture he has been placed under, like all the political prisoners at Gitmo and other secret NATO bases, this freedom fighter should be released to his kingdom and more than Obama did in a million dollars to the China terrorists sent to island resorts from Gitmo.
You can now see the dichotomy in all of this, in how mistreated Anders Breivik has been when compared to how others have been rewarded for the same actions. There must be parody in all of this in legal precident as you can not give Birther Hussein peace awards and a million dollars for murdering tens of thousands of people and unjustly give the Thormund prison for waging war against those who are aborting the Scandinavian peoples.
Free the Thormund, the right and true son of Viking Legend. He has earned equal justice and treatment under Norwegian and international law. When it is the right of women's choice to remove tissue from the body then it is the right of the Thormund like all leaders to remove the diseased tissue from the body politic. When Norway rewards those who use Nobel dynamite to slaughter people globally, then the Thormund must be rewarded in kind for using pyrotechnics to surgically remove by select fire those organisms which are going to die anyway.
Free the Thormund and give Scarlet Johannsen the greatest role of her life.
Free the Thormund!!!!!!!
Free at last, Free from the past, Thank Brunnhilde almightily, the Thormund is free at last!
Just who really was Timothy McVeig.......I mean Anders Breivk