As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I once had playtime with an Ashkenaz family in the American South. They were rude, condescending and absolute Talmud trash. This may seem harsh as they hid behind anti Semitism, but in reality the father was Mosaad and he had his teaching degree for university, as they worked in a hide and seek operation of cover.
When in Texas, they laughed and mocked the Christians there who showed up with a welcome basket to the neighborhood, and the one informed me that he "would take me out of this world".
They were typical "jew" in the meathead motza balls of kosher and deluding themselves how important the Israeli state was to them, as they hid in America, living the good life, and being as Jewish as John Kerry or Maddy Albright, in just being a festering sore in the west.
There are Jewish faithful, but there are far more of these frauds hiding in Jewry, who in their Babylonian mystery religion of the Talmud in their goy defintions of "other people" who gave Ashkenaz Hitler in his Catholic admiration, all the ammunition he needed to wipe out poor Jews and any other lesser peoples, in exactly the same way the Imperialist of Japan or China advocate, or, the Islamists of this era.
They all believe it is kosher to misuse and abuse any human who is not of your sect, exactly as the Birther Hussein Obama clique does to blacks or whoever else is on their target list.
The "jew" is not some apple or light of God's eye, as nowhere does the Torah teach to misuse those who are not like you, and, when God divorced both Israel and Judah for rejecting Him, He certainly has no orchard eyes for a "jew" who denies the Messiah in Jesus the Christ and who pretends the part of High Days as some show of righteousness.
There is only one Righteousness acceptable by God and that is Faith in all God teaches, exactly as Abraham was made Right Standing with God by Faith.
The "jew" has no Conduit or Adoption in Christ to become Spiritual by the Holy Ghost. The "jew" is as anti God as the priest Uzzah in daring to touch the Ark of the Lord, even to steady it, for to touch God requires being Spiritual in nature and not of flesh.
"And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God."
II Samuel 6:7
In that reality, fully intending to burst the Jewish bubble, as much as the mocking Islamists who taunted against the Trinity of thee God they do not know, nor ever will until Judgment, as much as any Buddhist or Hindu or witchcraft, for full repentance of all, the Jew has one purpose and that is all, and it is the same purpose from the Ezra and Nehemiah exile return from Babylon, and that is to build Ezekiel's 3rd Temple.
The Jews were brought back, not out of favor or any other reason from Babylon, except to as Sephardic Jews, as there were not Ashkenaz Jewry then, to have a Jewish state to which Jesus could be born into in they year 0, in the year of our Lord's Nativity from the Virgin Mary.
That is all the Jews has purpose for in the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, had to be born in a Jewish State to fulfill God's Redemption plan, because he promised David the Messiah would come from David's family lines.
After the Jews murdered Christ, in a most cowardly way, where Jesus had to provide them with the evidence after a night of torturing Him, the nation of Judah was again wiped from the map as was the Temple in 70 AD by the Romans.
I can place all sorts of Prophecy and all kinds of fill in the future events involving world events, but there is one waymark in this which has to be accomplished before Christ's Second Coming and that is Ezekiel's 3rd Temple must be built.
Jesus in Matthew 24 specifically notes, "the abomination which makes desolate", as a sign. Jesus told the Disciples the signs of His coming and the end of the age, one of them was the "abomination which makes desolate".
For those who do not comprehend what that means, it is in reference to an event which was before Jesus advent when the Syrian Greeks led by Antiochos Epiphanes, the first anti Christ, sacrificed pigs on the altar of the Lord to satan. That made the Temple defiled and desolate as it was unclean.
It had to be re dedicated and that is what Hannakah is. Jesus, Himself, observed this High Day, as it is one of the lower High Days, with the upper High Days, being Passover, First Fruits and Tabernacles.
Christ has fulfilled the first two and at His Second Coming will fulfill the last High Day, of the major observances, and He will be the High Priest Who re dedicates the Temple in December of that year, after it has been made desolate by the coming anti Christ which will offer to satan again on that altar.
So there is not any way of getting around any of this Ezekiel 3rd Temple. The anti Christ makes it desolate, so therefore it must be built.
I would advocate that Jewry get this Temple built in the same way the Rothschilds in the work Jerry Golden exposed, built the Israeli Supreme Court as a pagan temple. These 'jews' are such a weasel lot of all mouth and no work, as much as the Jews of the return were all busy sexing and counting change, instead of restoring the Temple. The modern "jew" has one purpose and that is to build a Temple which their Rothschild sect of Ashkenaz will dedicate to their illuminated one in satan on an Easter by the son of perdition, also known as the ant Christ.
That is what this is all about in what John Kerry and Brither Jinn are up to. A bunch of moneychangers dividing the land, and none of them man enough to clear Temple Mount and build that Temple.
It is pure cowardice in Jews who have nuclear bombs and biological bombs, in not having the balls or ovaries to just take the land King David purchased from the "arab" and still holds title too, and just build the Temple.
It will of course happen in their being forced to, but these "jews" in the Israeli state are the same apostates which Nehemia and Ezra were burdened by. They are Jews in name only and more infidel than the infidels.
How the hell hard is it, to give some Philistine a big damn missile in Gaza, have them fire it off and miss Jewland and hit the Dome of the Rock. The "jews" that I mentioned above do this clandestine stuff every day in herding Jews into bunches to keep up the power base until the Rothschilds get their apostate state. So where is the advocacy from one Jew in this for the Temple? Sure you got some fringe, but when you have Ezekiel being shown this Temple and it has to be built, why is it the Jew is only interested in being led around by Jon Stewart and Mark Levin, along with their pound of flesh, a sacrifice of Andrew Breitbart on the asphalt altar and all those Obama Geithner trillions looted from the US Treasury?
Where is one inclination of these convert Ashkenaz of Asia into Jewry to come to ejaculation, instead of saving it up for something which never comes?
Jews have the worst caste in the planet next to Indians. You have your Jewish state Jews who dictate in being more "holy" than other Jews. Then you got your Ashkenaz royals on top doing the conjuring. Then you got the European Jew which is rich, as they killed off the poor ones for the Jewish state, then you got the American Jew as they got the money yet, and then you got those Sephardic contenders, and then there are those also rans of darkies and whatever at the bottom that they experiment on. The Russian Jew is like the darkie Jews, in the Russian Jew is just good for Marxism or using a baton to beat the hell out of the other Jews to keep them in line.
Lamb and unleavened bread.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread...........yeah there are rites involved in this which do not motza balls or whatever was in Egypt or in Israelite rites handed down by God. Jesus was not eating Yiddish nor was the Sanhedrin. Just mention that as these converts brought in all kinds of things which are not Torah or Tanakh..........including little Jew caps and head bobble doll head praying.
All I demand is that Jews fulfill their purpose. Their purpose is not to own banks, the media, screw European royals, genetic test Americans, start wars for profit or to attach themselves to Christianity in trying to be a part of founding America in Judeo Christian "religion".
Sorry that does not fly as that is literally stating, the denying Christ and advocating Christ religion.
I just demand that Jews get off their asses and build the 3rd Temple. Machs nichts ouse, how they get it done, but it is cowardice and mammonry in their not getting it done, as I could have got it done without Jews having a radioactive glow.
I really do not care if their elite stage another holocaust. I do not care if they create another 9 11 and sacrifice New York City. I do not care, because their waiting around is going to crop billions, so what difference does it make in numbers now or numbers 7 years from now.
Just build the Temple. The Pater Pope lusts for it. The anti Christ wants it. The Ashkenaz want it. Jews apparently want it if someone else does the work and it has to get done, so it requires doing.
Obama sends out Occupy Wall Street, he sends out Occupy Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, why not send out Occupy Temple Mount as this is about killing off religious Jews, so get it done.
Even a bad jew could get that done, as Soros blew up Georgia, Albright blew up Kosovo and Kerry blew up Sudan, Afghanistan, Ukraine .........and I do not see why it is this cartel just can not get the match lit to rubblefy Temple Mount so something which is supposed to be built there will be built.
It is just bothersome, because with all these foreign agents in control of America, that if Americans were in control, the Temple would be built just like Christopher Columbus was saving up gold to do.
One Jew movie by Steven Spielberg about OTM, Occupy Temple Mount, with lots of naked Jews like in Schindler's List and beating up that Army of Darkness chic for being hot, as that is what rich Ashkenaz get off on apparently, and next thing you know, there will be Rob Reiner, Billy Crystal, John Kerry having Benjamin Netanyahu waving the flag so they do not get shot and Mark Levin and Michael Savage can.........well lament over the cost of it all in human life, but how necessary all those corpses were like in all the murderous events they cheer until, they figure out how bad it looks in public.
I once read a Jew who wrote that the only "good Christian was a dead Christian", but I do not think there are good or bad Jews. There are only merchants like that Shakespeare Venician who was astute in the value of pounds of flesh. Jewry likes talking alot about homeland and having other Jews die for the fiction of it all, but it is all theater for them as they view it from their lives of luxury, just like the Jews of the exile returning.
The "jew" likes power, likes money, likes manipulating others, and as there is not any of that on Temple Mount, the Temple does not get built.
If American Christians had been given the job of the Temple, it would have been built around 1794, that would be the 1776 Revolution and war, with the founding of America at Philadelphia, and 7 years to get the anti Christ stoked up.........Napoleon would have filled that bill with Obama Jefferson worshipping the little tyrant.
So much wasted time, and yeah I know I would not have been here if that had taken place, but I consider that small waste of space as what I would not know, I would not know. I just am ready for this Temple and to get things accomplished efficiently
I mean if Herod a Turk Edomite could get a Temple built by Rome, how hard could it be for Ashkenaz bankers who control the Vatican cash flow, and control the cartel system in the Muslim's money?
It could all be done in 6 weeks and then I could be off as some Prophetess in the wilderness, speaking some elder things to keep the ignorant folk from being completely witless.
Waiting for shiftless folk to do things is the worst kind of watching a pot not boil.