As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
I have dealt a great deal with the wisdom of Lord Randolph Churchill, the father of Sir Winston Churchill. In his politic was the reduction of lofty verbiage and long winded volumes to a condensation which all could understand.
If you desire to know why the Republicans in America are losers, Lord Randolph explains the matter completely in British Conservatives of 1880.
The only reason David Cameron is the 21st century white Obama of England is there is not a liberal who can replace Cameron's liberalism and not a Conservative beat his zippered Barack into a ploughshare to till the public nor whet the public's sword for revolution.
‘The position of the Conservative party is hopeful and critical. Everything depends upon the Liberals keeping their leader, and upon the Conservatives finding one. An Opposition never wants a policy; but an Opposition, if it is to become a strong Government, must have a leader.
The country, though it may be disposed to dispense with Mr. Gladstone and his colleagues , is not likely to exchange them for an arrangement which would practically place the Premiership in commission. The Conservative party must decide at once upon a name.
This is more important with the modern electorate than a cry; but at the present moment, when the battle may be joined any day, we have fixed upon neither.’
The 21st century Repbublican Party has no name. It has national socialist bushisms, rovian intrigue and a fagsexual Wall Street collection of taco intercourse put onto the American platter pretending it is legitimate Conservatism.
nuff said